Moscow Regional University: history, description, reviews

Moscow Regional University: history, description, reviews
Moscow Regional University: history, description, reviews

Moscow State Regional University is one of the leading metropolitan universities of the so-called classical type, which is based on applied and fundamental sciences. The structure of MGOU includes 5 institutes and 15 faculties. The educational institution is the successor of the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute.


The history of the Moscow Regional University dates back to the middle of the 19th century. In 1925, the former estate of the we althy industrialist N. A. Demidov housed the Elizabethan School, later transformed into an institute. After the revolution, the institution was abolished, and the work of a pedagogical college was organized in its buildings.

By the end of the 1920s, it became clear that without highly qualified teachers it was impossible to develop education, train specialists and scientists. In order to improve the qualification level of teachers working in educational institutions of the Moscow region, the pedagogical college in 1931 wasreorganized into a pedagogical combine (institute).

Elizabethan Institute
Elizabethan Institute


Actually, from that time the formation of the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute, which later became the Moscow Regional University, begins. On December 14, 1931, the director of the pedagogical plant issued an order in accordance with which single departments were created:

  • pedagogy (Head Shimbirev);
  • pedology (Poberezhskaya);
  • polytechnic (Popov);
  • historical (Shulgin);
  • political economy (Chuvikov);
  • philosophy, mathematics (Znamensky);
  • physics (Lobko);
  • chemistry (Gan);
  • biology and physiology (Azimov);
  • literature and language (Revyakin);
  • military sciences and physical education (Goretsky).

In 1935, to the working faculties (literary, historical, geographical, chemical, physical and mathematical, economic, natural sciences) one more was added - biological. The last changes in the organizational system took place in 1936, when MOPI included the Faculty of History, Literature, Geography, Natural Sciences, Physics and Mathematics.

Moscow Regional University reviews
Moscow Regional University reviews

The hardships of war

The years of the Second World War for the Moscow Regional University, as well as for the whole country, became especially difficult. On June 23, 1941, the Moscow City Council decided to transfer the building of the institute to the military. At first, the institution was moved to the village of Karacharovo, but in October classes were interrupted due toevacuation to the Kirov region. At the same time, part of the correspondence department remained in the capital.

Thus, MOPI began a double life: in evacuation and in Moscow. The circle of part-time students was quite wide. Employees of the Kremlin Administration, officers of the NKVD and other military units were trained at the history department.

The problem that accompanied MOPI for several decades after the war was the question of the building of the Institute. On October 4, 1943, a resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the RSFSR was adopted, on the basis of which the institute received the building of school No. 344 on Novo-Kirochny Lane. On October 21, MOPI took over the house 5/7 on 1st Perevedenovsky Lane on its balance sheet. The new 1943/44 academic year began in the building in Novo-Kirochny Lane on November 1.

Post-war period

The victorious 1945 was the year of the rapid development of the Moscow Regional University. If during the Second World War the number of students did not exceed 300-400 people, then in 1945 there were already 814 full-time students and about 1,700 part-time students.

A lot of work has been done on the organization of the Kryukovskaya biological station and the restoration of the geographical Myachkovskaya station, which was necessary for field practices. In the same year, the Scientific Society of the Institute was organized, which included representatives of the teaching staff and student activists. MOPI participated in all physical culture competitions in Moscow.

By order of the Minister of Education of the RSFSR, on August 1, 1946, a new faculty was opened - physical culture and sports, and from September the faculty of foreign languages began to function. In 1947opens the Department of Logic and Psychology at the Faculty of Literature. According to archival data, the contingent of university students in the 1935/36 academic year was 1775 people, in the 1940/41 academic year - 4392 people, and in 1950/51 it increased to 6394 people.

Moscow State Regional University
Moscow State Regional University

Further development

In 1957 MOPI was named after the largest organizer of Soviet education, Nadezhda Konstantinovna Krupskaya. The university received this name not by chance, because it was N. K. Krupskaya who was one of the initiators of the transformation of the Pedagogical College. Profintern at the Moscow Regional Pedagogical Institute.

MOPI continued to evolve. In 1957, the Department of Fundamentals of Agriculture was opened at the Faculty of Natural Sciences, and in 1959, a new industrial-pedagogical department was organized at the Faculty of Physics, which received the status of a faculty in the 1960/1961 academic year.

In 1971 MOPI received the status of the leading institute, which gave it the right to publish scientific and educational literature. For the period from 1974 to 1990. Several more significant events take place: doctoral studies are opened at the institute, a new educational building in Mytishchi is put into operation. On June 28, 1981, the efforts of the team in the preparation of highly qualified teachers were awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.

In honor of the 60th anniversary of MOPI, the institution was reorganized on November 22, 1991 into the Moscow Pedagogical University. In the 1990s, new faculties began training: economics, fine arts, law, defectology, psychology.

There was a question about giving the university the statusclassical university. In April 2002 MPU was renamed into Moscow State Regional University. This decision contributed to the optimization of the work of the university. New departments and centers were opened, additional speci alties for graduate and doctoral students appeared, the Institute of Open Education was created, the Spiritual and Educational Center began its work, and work with students became more active.

faculties of the Moscow Regional University
faculties of the Moscow Regional University

Moscow Regional University: faculties

Today, the university is working at the following faculties:

  • Linguistic.
  • Economic.
  • Defectology, special psychology.
  • Entrepreneurship.
  • Romano-Germanic languages.
  • Legal.
  • Bio-chemical.
  • Historical and legal, political science.
  • Geographic-ecological.
  • Folk crafts, ART.
  • Physico-mathematical.
  • Russian philology.
  • Life safety.
  • Psychological.
  • Physical education.
Moscow State University building
Moscow State University building

Moscow State Regional University: reviews

According to many ratings, Moscow State University is in the TOP-30 classical universities of the country. This is ensured by a good level of teaching staff, and a strong material and technical base, and the support of the city authorities. Traditionally, history is considered the best faculty. Students note a very high scholarship, which many cannot boast ofRussian universities: 4000 rubles. for good students and almost 8,000 rubles. – for excellent students.

There are also disadvantages. According to reviews, there are not enough places in the central hostel at the Moscow Regional University. Students are forced to settle in remote dormitories near Moscow - in Noginsk, Mytishchi, Korolev - and spend a lot of time on the road.
