Far Eastern Medical University is one of the oldest higher educational institutions in the city of Khabarovsk, which was opened in 1929. Currently, several faculties operate on its basis (medical, pediatric, dental, biomedicine and pharmacy, medical and humanitarian), as well as the Institute of Continuous Professional Education and Accreditation. The university is headed by Acting Rector Konstantin Vyacheslavovich Zhmerenetsky.
History of the university

Far Eastern Medical University was a must. Due to the lack of professional medical personnel, the development of he alth care in this part of the country in the early years of Soviet power was problematic. This has hampered the developmentinfrastructure of the entire Far East. At that time, there were relatively few medical faculties in the country, they were not able to provide qualified personnel to remote corners of the country, which included Khabarovsk.
Far Eastern Medical University was established in 1929. By decision of the presidium, it was decided to start building a higher educational institution in this city. Initially, the institute was housed in a two-story building of the former school named after Lenin, which housed a women's gymnasium before the revolution. Now one of the buildings of the Far Eastern Federal Medical University is working here.
Initially, the hostel was located on the top floor. In 1935, two more floors were added. The first 106 students started classes five years earlier. They had to initially face a lot of difficulties. The enrollment of students was difficult, as there were few among the local youth who had nine years of education. In the early years, local authorities emphasized that the number of students was significantly lower than the need for doctors experienced by the region.
Therefore, since 1931, a working faculty was organized, one of the departments of which was even opened in the city of Artem. It provided pre-university training for future students who initially did not have a completed secondary education and were not ready to immediately enter the Far Eastern Medical University. The need for a workers' faculty persisted until 1938, after which the situation improved somewhat.
Difficulties in the first years of the existence of the university were connectedand with a catastrophic shortage of teaching aids and the necessary equipment, the lack of a reading room. The base for the educational institution was the railway, regional and psychiatric hospitals, as well as a military hospital.
By 1935, most of the existing problems were solved. By that time, 23 departments were already working on the basis of the university, more than five hundred students were studying. In the same year, the very first graduation took place, 70 people received diplomas. The remaining 36 students who got into the first stream only completed their studies until the third year, becoming owners of secondary medical speci alties.
Currently, FSBEI HPE "Far Eastern State Medical University" recruits approximately two hundred applicants for one faculty every year. The university has a qualified staff of employees who are ready to transfer experience and knowledge to the younger generation. At the moment, there are three dormitories in the infrastructure of a higher educational institution, in which visiting students settle.
Along with the Far Eastern Medical University, the Pacific State Medical University operates in Vladivostok. This is another major specialized educational institution in this part of the country, fulfilling the task of providing the Far East with qualified medical personnel.
University leadership

At the moment, the university is headed by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Medical Sciences Konstantin Vyacheslavovich Zhmerenetsky. Rector of the Far Eastern StateMedical University, 46 years old, he is a graduate of the medical faculty of this university.
In 2001 he began teaching, eventually became an associate professor at the Department of Faculty Therapy. From 2006 to 2012 he was the dean of the medical faculty of the Far East State Medical University (Far Eastern State Medical University).
In 2009, Zhmerenetsky defended his doctoral dissertation on cardiovascular diseases. Until 2016, he worked as Vice-Rector for International Relations and Research.
In the leadership of the Far Eastern Federal Medical University, he is assisted by Vice-Rector for Research Elena Nikolaevna Sazonova, Vice-Rector for Educational Affairs Tatyana Vladimirovna Chepel, Vice-Rector for Social Partnership and Medical Work Marina Fedorovna Rzyankina, Vice-Rector for Public Relations and International Affairs Andrey Borisovich Petrenko, Vice-Rector for Procurement Tatyana Ivanovna Kroon and Vice-Rector for General Affairs Dmitry Ivanovich Kravchenko.
Medicine Faculty

The medical faculty of the Far Eastern State Medical University in Khabarovsk is the oldest in the university. It was opened back in 1930, it was here that the very first 106 applicants entered, which laid the foundation for the glorious university traditions.
At that time, only 16 teachers were engaged in their training, among which there were only three professors. All the necessary departments were formed by 1935, when the very first graduation of applicants took place. Faculty of Medicine.
Its formation and development went in parallel with the university itself, which at that time was the only medical institution of higher education in the Far East.
If the very first students experienced serious difficulties, they did not even have enough teaching aids, today all these problems are behind us. The library of the Far Eastern Medical University has more than 550 thousand books in its collections, of which about six thousand are published in foreign languages. The constantly updated fund of periodicals consists of about three hundred specialized publications. About 800 people visit the library every day.
The Dean of the Medical Faculty is Doctor of Medical Sciences Sergey Nikolaevich Kiselev.
Faculty of Pediatrics

The pediatric faculty at the university was established in 1958. Its creation required a significant reorganization of student training. Currently, it has eight departments, three of which are specialized.
If the first graduation of pediatricians took place in 1963, then 122 qualified specialists received diplomas, since then every year several hundred people comprehend the intricacies of treating childhood diseases. Currently, 741 students are studying at the Faculty of Pediatrics.
Teaching is carried out in close cooperation with the faculty of the Research Institute for Maternal and Child He alth. The faculty is headed by Candidate of Medical Sciences Olga Viktorovna Kaplieva.

This division of the university began its work in 1979, the faculty is considered one of the youngest. For five years, they have been teaching in the speci alty "Dentistry". Then there is a two-year clinical residency in orthopedic, therapeutic, surgical or pediatric dentistry, another existing option is orthodontics.
The leadership of the university constantly notes that active scientific work is being carried out at the faculty. During its existence, 35 graduates have already defended their Ph. D. dissertations.
Future dentists are trained at local clinics. The faculty is headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences Alexander Vladimirovich Yurkevich.
Faculty of Biomedicine and Pharmacy

Training of specialists at this faculty, which was originally called pharmaceutical, has been conducted since 1964. He became the first among all medical universities in the Far East, which began to produce pharmacists with higher education.
The history of the faculty has overcome three stages of its development. In 1981, a pharmaceutical institute was opened on its basis. It was decided to attach it back to the Far Eastern Federal Medical University in 1995. This made it possible to significantly strengthen the personnel potential and material and technical base.
Since 2016, a new page has opened in the development of the faculty, it began to train students in the speci alty "Medical Biochemistry". OwnIt received its current name quite recently - in 2017. The lists of applicants of the Far Eastern Medical University in the first year confirmed that the new speci alty is very popular and in demand.
The educational process in the speci alty "Pharmacy" consists of five cycles. The faculty is headed by Doctor of Biological Sciences Elena Vladimirovna Slobodenyuk.
Faculty of Medicine and Humanities

This is the youngest faculty in the university, which started working only in 1998. Now its dean is Evgeny V. Vitko, Candidate of Medical Sciences.
Initially it had the name "Faculty of Higher Nursing Education".
Graduates are trained in the specialization "Pathological Diagnostics and Psychotherapy", among the areas of training - "Academic Nurse" and "Social Work in the He alth System".
The Medical and Pharmaceutical College of the Far Eastern State Medical University operates at the university, headed by the director, Candidate of Pharmaceutical Sciences Svetlana Yurievna Meshalkina.
The college was opened in 2004. Currently, it is the official successor to the pharmaceutical faculty that existed at the university.
For two years and ten months, students are trained here in the speci alty "Pharmacy". This is the main profile of this educational institution. Graduates are prepared for work in he althcare institutions,who are engaged in the manufacture of medicines, and pharmacies.
Dental areas remain popular. For example, dental hygienist, dental technician.
Medical Center
The real pride of the university is the medical center of the Far Eastern Federal University. This is a modern scientific and medical institution that operates in full accordance with the highest international standards.
This medical center is a pilot project of the Federal Ministry of Education. It is noteworthy that the leadership of the center is directly subordinate to this federal structure, and not to the Ministry of He alth. Officially, the medical center is part of the university as one of its divisions.
The Medical Center of the Far Eastern Federal University is equipped with unique and modern equipment, with the help of which its specialists have the opportunity to provide consultative, diagnostic, rehabilitation and medical care to patients. The medical center includes a rehabilitation center with a comfortable hotel, a school of biomedicine.
For full-fledged work, the medical center of the Far Eastern Federal University has all the necessary licenses. Among its main tasks is the provision of high-tech medical care to patients. They are also engaged in the development of biomedical technologies, the introduction of existing and the development of new therapeutic, diagnostic and rehabilitation methods. Medical personnel have the opportunity to improve their skills on a regular basis.
Since 2014 based onThis medical center annually performs several thousand high-tech operations at the expense of the federal budget.
In the structure of the center there are children's and adult clinics that provide advisory services of an expert class. Polyclinic specialists select patients who need high-tech care, conduct the necessary preliminary examinations and consultations.
Diagnostic and treatment centers on the basis of this he alth care institution operate in a variety of areas. Among them are surgery, traumatology, rehabilitation and restorative medicine, children's he alth, anesthesiology, otorhinolaryngology, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery.
All wards located in the hospital are multifunctional, which allows, if necessary, to transform them into intensive care wards to provide qualified emergency care.

Students who study at this university leave mixed reviews about this university. Some remain satisfied with what they entered, study successfully, and in the future they will be ready to help people, save their lives and he alth.
Others point out that the university is hopelessly behind. The teachers who work here have not heard about modern methods of treatment and novelties that modern medicine uses, but they teach in the old fashioned way, having an outdated point of view on many things.
Mostly satisfied are the students of the Faculty of Biomedicine and Pharmacy, who are engaged in distance learning (onindividual plan). The university provides such an opportunity. The period of study in this case is divided into two parts - a study and examination session and no less important independent work of students. If for the first period an appropriate schedule is drawn up, which is approved by the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, then independent work by students is carried out in the form of preparing for exams and tests, performing tests. Currently, education at this faculty is popular not only in the Khabarovsk Territory itself, but also far beyond its borders. In particular, students from the Irkutsk, Chita, Moscow regions, the Republic of Buryatia, as well as from the entire territory of the Far Eastern Federal District study at the university. This confirms the high level of education that is provided to students here. Graduates find jobs without problems, find their place in life.
In their reviews, many graduates of past years speak of this university with warmth and gratitude, noting that it was here that they spent their best years of youth. They emerged from these walls as highly qualified specialists, ready to solve problems of any complexity.