What is the time difference with Egypt in Russia?

What is the time difference with Egypt in Russia?
What is the time difference with Egypt in Russia?

Egypt is deservedly popular with Russian tourists. For a long time "paths" have been "laid" to such resort cities as Hurghada, Sharm el-Sheikh.

time difference with egypt
time difference with egypt

In order for a vacation abroad to be pleasant and not disappoint, some nuances must be taken into account. We are talking not only about the notorious "soul of the East", Eastern traditions and mentality. Much has been said and written about this. Let's take a closer look at the time aspect. No, for this you do not have to delve into the history of the state of Egypt. Everything is much easier. Tourists planning a trip should find out what is the time difference between Russia and Egypt, how long will it take to fly, what time of departure and arrival will be indicated on the ticket (Moscow or Egyptian). Possession of such information will help to arrive on time at the airport, not to be late on the first day for breakfast (lunch, dinner) at the hotel.

time difference russia egypt
time difference russia egypt

Egypt extends entirely in the 2nd time zone. And this, in turn, means that the time in all cities(Cairo, Hurghada, Giza, Luxor, Sharm el-Sheikh, etc.) countries are the same. The difference with the world is two hours - UTC + 2. Now in Egypt, the authorities have canceled the transition to daylight saving time (in 2011), so both winter and summer time in this country is the same.

As you know, we also canceled such a transition and the inconvenience associated with it of setting the clock either an hour forward or an hour ago. But Russia is much larger than Egypt in area and occupies several time zones at once. Hence the conclusion - the time difference with Egypt in different cities of our country is constant, but different depending on the position of the city in a particular time zone.

Time difference: Russia - Egypt

City The difference with Egypt
Moscow 2 hours
Yekaterinburg 4 hours
Novosibirsk 5 hours
Krasnoyarsk 6 hours
Irkutsk 7 hours
Vladivostok 9 o'clock

As you can see, Russia's time difference with Egypt is 2-9 hours, while Egyptian time lags behind Russian time. This factor must be taken into account.

Moscow Egypt time difference
Moscow Egypt time difference

Of course, adaptation for tourists from the Far East will be more difficult than, for example, for Muscovites. Indeed, when comparing Moscow-Egypt, the time difference turns out to be only 2 hours, and not 9, as is the case with the guests of Egypt from Vladivostok.

Useful notes about time in Egypt

  1. Please note that the time in tickets is always indicated only local. For example, a departure from Moscow is indicated at 18-00 (Moscow time), then something like 20-30 will be in the arrival column. This does not mean that the flight will only take two and a half hours. We take into account the time difference with Egypt (minus two hours) and the fact that the arrival time is local, that is, already Egyptian, and we get the travel time - about four and a half hours.
  2. You can always find out the exact time in Egypt, even if you don't have a watch or a mobile phone with you. Any passer-by will tell you. Time is highly valued in this country. Watches are worn by almost everyone, even children.

Given such temporary nuances, it is easier to plan and spend your vacation in the country of the pyramids. Try not to be inconvenienced by this time difference. With Egypt, as well as with the rest itself, then you will have only the most pleasant emotions associated.