Time difference with France for Moscow and other cities

Time difference with France for Moscow and other cities
Time difference with France for Moscow and other cities

When traveling and business trips to Europe, you need to know the time both at the place of stay and at home. It is important for tourists and businessmen who are in Paris to know what the time difference is with France, not only for Moscow, but also for the region from which they came. It is important not to confuse the time zone, belonging to which is determined by the geographical coordinate - longitude, and the length of daylight hours, which depends on latitude.

Flags of Russia and France
Flags of Russia and France

Paris time zone

All continental France is located in the same time zone and lives on Paris time. In a coordinate system based on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), Paris time is one hour faster than London time and the same time behind Helsinki and Cyprus.

Including French Polynesia and other overseas territories, the country covers twelve time zones. At the same time, French lands are not located in every time zone, and the difference between the most distant from each otherother regions is 22 hours. By default, the time difference with France is the difference from the time zone of the continental part.

Time zones of Russia

Clock showing different times
Clock showing different times

There are eleven time zones in Russia. The time difference between the westernmost (Kaliningrad) and the easternmost (Kamchatka) is ten hours. The number of belts covering the territory of the country has changed several times. From 2010 to 2014 there were two fewer than today, and some time zones were missing. Time in each settlement and subject of the Russian Federation is set at the level of the law "On the calculation of time" signed by the President of the Russian Federation. The latest changes in time legislation were approved in 2014.

According to the current time division of the country, when it is noon in Moscow, eleven in the morning in the Kaliningrad region, two in the afternoon in the Urals, nine in the evening in Chukotka and Kamchatka.

Time difference between France and Russia in summer

Moscow in summer
Moscow in summer

Many states move their clocks forward an hour during the summer period in order to make better use of the long daylight hours. This phenomenon became widespread as a result of the energy crisis in the seventies of the last century.

In 2018, at the end of March, 65 states switched their arrows, among them all the EU countries, including France. In Russia, the switchover was in effect from 1981 to 2011, after which a constant summertime. Starting in 2014, the country has a "regular" or winter time, as a result of which the time difference with a number of countries may differ between October and March and vice versa. The difference with France in time for a pair of cities Moscow-Paris is one hour in summer. The westernmost region of Russia, the Kaliningrad region, lives at the same time as the French capital in summer.

Winter time difference between France and Russia

Paris in winter (Antoine Blanchard)
Paris in winter (Antoine Blanchard)

Winter time in France returns to the usual time zone. From the end of October to the end of March, it differs from Greenwich Mean Time and UTC by one hour. The transition to winter time is usually scheduled on the night of the last Sunday in October. In 2018, France will switch to winter time at 3 am on October 28.

Time difference with France for selected cities

Russian time is equal to or ahead of Paris by an hour or more. You can determine the exact difference using the table, depending on the season.

Deviation from

Paris time


(late March to late October)

In winter

(end of October-end of March)

Kaliningrad no difference + 1 hour
St. Petersburg + 1 + 2
Moscow hour hours
Saratov + 2 hours + 3 hours
Perm + 3 + 4
Tyumen hours hours
Novosibirsk + 5 hours + 6 hours
Irkutsk + 6 hours +7 hours
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky + 10 hours + 11 o'clock

Differences in time zones must be taken into account when planning travel. As a general rule, the time of departure of flights coincides with the time zone of the airport. Railways in Russia, on the contrary, form the timetable according to Moscow time.
