Aleksey Vasilievich Koltsov (1809 - 1842) - an outstanding Russian poet of the Pushkin era. Among his works, the most famous are: “Oh, don’t show a passionate smile!”, “Betrayal of the Betrothed”, “A. P. Srebryansky", "The Second Song of Likhach Kudryavich" and many others.
Biography of Alexei Vasilyevich Koltsov
The life and creative path of the famous poet is interesting and informative.

Alexei Vasilyevich was born on October 15, 1809. The father of the future poet was a buyer and merchant. He was known as a literate and strict householder. Mother, on the contrary, was kind in character, but completely uneducated: she could neither read nor write. There were many children in the Koltsov family, but there were no peers of Alexei: the brothers and sisters were either much older or much younger.
A short biography of Alexei Vasilyevich Koltsov contains practically no information about his family: there is almost no information about this left. It is only known that the father rather severely raised the children: he did not allow pranks and wasdemanding even in small things. He did not strongly insist on the study of children, however, everyone had basic reading and writing skills. Information about how many children the Koltsovs had, how they lived, has not been preserved.
From the biography of Alexei Vasilyevich Koltsov, we learn that the boy began literacy training (at home) from the age of nine. Studying was easy for him, he comprehended many sciences. In 1820, Alyosha entered the school and achieved great success in all subjects. But most of all he loved to read. The future poet began with the first thing that came to hand - from fairy tales, a little later he switched to novels. And in 1825 he became interested in reading poems by I. I. Dmitriev.
Alexey failed to complete the course: after the first year, his father decided to take his son away from the school. He motivated this by the fact that without the help of the boy he could not cope with the affairs, and even one year of study was enough. For quite a long time, Alexey was engaged in driving and selling livestock.

Creative path
Poetry, which by that time the boy had become interested in, was forbidden by his father: he demanded that he devote all his time and attention to trade. But regardless of this, Alexei at the age of 16 still wrote his first poem - "Three Visions". However, after a while he destroyed it, because he believed that he was imitating the style of his favorite poet. I wanted to find my own unique style.
About the same time, people appeared in the biography of Alexei Vasilyevich Koltsov who helped the talented poet express hisindividuality.
The first person who started the creative path of the young poet was Dmitry Kashkin, a bookseller in a shop next door. He allowed Alexei to use books for free, of course, only on the condition of careful attitude to them.
Koltsov showed him his first works: Kashkin was very well-read and developed and also liked to write poetry. The seller saw himself in the young poet, so he treated him well and helped in any way he could. Thanks to this, for five years the young poet used books free of charge, studied and developed independently, without leaving his father to help.
Soon the poet had a change in his personal life: he falls in love with a girl who was a serf. But their relationship is so serious that they are going to get married. However, Mister Chance separates the couple. This drama leaves a bitter mark on the creative biography of Alexei Vasilievich Koltsov, a summary of the poems of 1827 suggests that they were all dedicated to unhappy love.
In the same year, seminarian Andrey Srebryansky appeared in his life, who after a while became a close friend and mentor on his creative path. Acquaintance with this man helped Alexei survive the breakup with his beloved. Thanks to the parting words and advice of Srebryansky, four poems were published in 1830, and the world learned that there was such a poet - Alexei Koltsov.

The main stage of the creative biography of Alexei Vasilievich Koltsov is the acquaintance with NikolaiVladimirovich Stankevich. This happened in 1831. The publicist and thinker became interested in the works of the young poet and published his poems in the newspaper. Four years later, Stankevich published the first and only collection of Poems by Alexei Koltsov during the author's lifetime. After that, the author became popular even in literary circles.
Despite his creative breakthrough, Alexei did not stop doing his father's work: he continued to travel to different cities on family matters. And fate also continued to bring him together with outstanding people. Plus, the poet began to collect local folklore, wrote a lot about the life of ordinary people, peasants and their hard work.
Death of a poet
In 1842, without surviving a terrible disease, the poet dies at the age of thirty-three. In the last years of his life, Alexei often quarrels with his father because of his negative attitude towards his work. Although in his short life he achieved quite great results: he became not only a successful cattle seller, but also a famous Russian poet, whose poems were known to absolutely everyone.
Alexey Vasilievich was buried in the Voronezh region in the Literary Necropolis.

A monument to the poet has been erected on Sovetskaya Square in the city of Voronezh, which has survived to this day.
But death did not complete the creative biography of Alexei Vasilyevich Koltsov. In 1846, Pavel Stepanovich Mochalov, a Russian actor and acquaintance of Koltsov, published his poems in the newspaper Repertoire and Pantheon, thus perpetuating the memory of a friend.
And in 1856, the popular newspaper Sovremennik published an article on the life and work of Koltsov, written by Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky.