It's sad, but flogging still exists today. No matter how wild it may sound, but people still beat others, while calling themselves a "civilized society". In some countries, children continue to be beaten in schools for their pranks and offenses. Even in our Slavic states, some educational institutions still use a kind of "punishment with rods" - teachers slap the hands of disobedient or delinquent students with a ruler. At the same time, none of them think about whether such upbringing is correct. None of the teachers even suspects that their behavior violates the rights of the child and the law.
At all times, punishment with rods was one of the types of punishment for criminal offenses, which in our time are called "less serious" and "moderately serious". These are petty hooliganism, resistance to arrest, petty theft, loan default and many others, for which it was too cruel to put in jail, but you just had to disgrace a person. This was done mostly in public.
In parochial and Sunday schools, corporal punishment is also used, namely the same punishment with rods described above. This applies to howchildren coming to an educational institution, and adults, such as singers or accountants. Only in this case it does not qualify at all as a punishment for a criminal offense, but rather as a lynching of a helpless person. As sad as it may be, it is, and it is a fact. In this way, with the blessing in the parish, they can be punished, for example, for systematic delays. This is considered quite normal, although it looks wild for a normal person.

In Eastern countries, women are punished with rods, for example, for disobedience, for disobedience to their husband, etc. Back in the century before last, in 1807, a "working house" was created in Amsterdam, where they brought girls who led an unworthy way of life, drank alcohol without measure, engaged in debauchery, did not want to be decent young ladies, dishonoring the female half of humanity. They were kept in these institutions from a year to correction, worked there, lived according to the prison regime, wore special dresses. From time to time they were flogged for prevention, thinking that in this way they were corrected.
In Hungary, flogging is still official. In ancient times, in this country, landowners simply considered it their duty to prescribe 25 lashes to their peasants, who took this as a great disposition of the owner towards their person. And the girls saw a true hero in that worker who withstood the spanking. The peasants tried to be as quiet as possible, not to make a single sound, accepting the punishment with rods.

Stories about such a hero did not stop if he accepted it (it is not clear why) quietly and silently.
Be that as it may, but this kind of punishment is a real savagery of modern society. People who call themselves "civilized" simply do not have the right to spoil someone else's body, disfigure it with scars. Physical bullying should have no place in our world. You can punish people with work, loneliness, exile, money - it will be much more humane and civilized. Soon everyone will abandon this type of punishment in favor of kindness and humanity.