Perhaps, there is no such resident of the Crimea, who would not have heard about the existence of the Crimean Medical University. This is the pride of the educational system and medical science in the republic. Getting a quality modern education within the walls of the university is not only prestigious, it opens the way to a well-paid and decent future.
From history
Immediately after the revolution, in 1918, the Taurida University was established in the Crimea, and a faculty was opened under it, where doctors were trained.
The faculty was headed by anatomist Roman Gelvig, who, unfortunately, did not live to see the first graduation of students - he died of typhus. The first students received their diplomas in 1922.
In 1925, the status of the university was changed to a pedagogical institute, and the medical faculty was closed, although it had been prepared for 7 yearsmore than fifty doctors.
The Crimean doctors consider 1931 to be the year of foundation of their "alma mater", it was then, on April 1, in the Crimea, Simferopol, the medical institute, named after Stalin, was reopened. True, at that time he consisted of one faculty - medical and preventive.
By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, more than 1.5 thousand people studied at the Crimean Medical Institute, more than a hundred teachers worked. During the war, being evacuated, the Crimean Medical University continued to train doctors. Among the 850 students who graduated in those years was Gavriil Ilizarov, a famous orthopedist and surgeon in the future.
In the 50s, S. Georgievsky became the rector of the institute, whose name was later given to the educational institution. The institute is developing: it accepts foreign students from Latin America, Asia, Africa, the number of faculties is increasing. The Medical Institute receives university status in 1998.
Since 2014 Crimean Medical University. Georgievsky becomes a structural subdivision of the Crimean Federal University.

Now 3,000 citizens of Russia study in it, another 1,660 people are citizens of other states. Nearly 500 residents are being trained. 44 graduate students are engaged in science. 86 people are getting a master's degree.
Structural units
What is the leading Crimean educational institution that trains doctors? The main achievement of the university is that it provides an opportunity to continuously receive andimprove medical education. The system includes the following steps:
- Working with applicants (courses where students are trained to help with admission; department for foreigners).
- The university has 5 faculties, they train specialists and pharmacists. The 1st and 2nd medical, international, pharmaceutical and dental clinics are open.
- A faculty where medical staff have the opportunity to improve their knowledge, taking into account the development of science, improve their qualifications, get another professional education, and undergo retraining. Interns, residents, masters are trained at this faculty.
Crimean Medical University has 53 departments, 38 of which are clinical. It has its own research laboratory and scientific literature department.
Speci alties
After enrolling, the student has the opportunity to get a speci alty in demand on the labor market:
- pediatrics;
- dentistry;
- medical business;
- pharmacy.
Training takes place on a full-time basis.

How long does the training last? It depends on the faculty and the chosen speci alty. The longest - 6 years - study the medical business. Dentistry and pharmaceuticals - 5 years.
2 speci alties of public administration are open for masters. They can receive education both full-time and part-time. This will take 18 months for full-time education and 30 months for part-time.
In residencyCrimean Medical University training is conducted in 32 licensed speci alties. PhD students are trained in fundamental and clinical medicine.
Subsequently, the practitioner can refresh their knowledge and improve their skills by choosing one of the 48 speci alties offered by the Faculty of Postgraduate Education.
The level of graduates depends on the teaching staff. More than 800 people teach at the Crimean State Medical University. Among the teachers, almost a hundred are doctors of science, professors, more than 300 are associate professors, candidates of science.
Developing the scientific base, 40 academicians and corresponding members of various academies of sciences work at the university. For many years of work of the educational institution, 14 people have become laureates of state awards.

University: material and technical base
An integrated approach to the training of doctors of various speci alties allows us to train highly qualified specialists. The most modern material and technical base of the university helps in this.
The Georgievsky Crimean Medical University occupies a huge area - 16 hectares, this territory houses educational buildings and a sports complex, a cultural center and five dormitories. Education takes place in 16 buildings, where there was a place for 4 electronic reading rooms, 25 computer classes. The classrooms are equipped with specialized equipment - phantoms and dummies, so that students can see with their own eyes what they read in books and heard onlectures. The availability of modern diagnostic equipment at the departments is of great help in training. Students are shown educational films, conduct classes in the training center.
The university's own library is a source of special pride, because its funds contain more than 500 thousand books, including rare ones.

The dormitories of the university are located in the park area of Simferopol. There is a block system in the buildings, in rooms for 2-3 people. The campus has an Internet cafe, a billiard room, a cafe, banks and ATMs, a swimming pool.
Students and teachers can relax in the summer in the boarding house of the university, which is located in the village of Malorechenskoye near Alushta.
Over the years, the university has trained thousands of specialists for a hundred countries. Foreign citizens study on a paid basis, receiving such popular speci alties as dentistry and general medicine.
Foreigners choose Crimean Medical University, because the university has an IES certificate confirming the highest rating level of the diploma.
Many university departments actively participate in international conferences, meetings, projects, conduct research commissioned by leading international companies.
For those who want to enroll and study
High school students who dream of studying at a prestigious medical school are invited to an open house every year. It usually takes place in April in the hall of the House of Culture.