Until recently, the means of displaying information were presented in limited quantities. Traditional overhead projectors, movie projectors, computer monitors, TVs have been supplemented with new devices.

Classification of display media
Today, plasma panels, multimedia projectors, interactive whiteboards, wall screens and so on are quite widespread. Existing types of information display means are used in equipping exhibitions, situational centers, conference rooms, stadiums, schools, cinema halls. Currently, all devices are divided into three categories. So, modern means of displaying information for individual use are used. They are intended for one person (for example, a personal computer monitor, a phone screen, a dashboard in a car). There are also devices for group and collective use. The first can be used by up to three, the second - by more than 3 people.
Method of selecting information display media
ForDevice evaluations use specific criteria. These include, in particular:
- Availability.
- Quality.
- Convenience.
- Flexibility.
- Efficiency.
- Cost.
- Reliability.
Accessibility should be understood as the ability of a display tool to serve a wide range of subjects. Ease of operation characterizes the degree of satisfaction of the client's needs in providing the necessary communication tools with sufficient power. The flexibility of the system reflects its ability to adapt to changing parameters during operation in order to achieve the maximum effect. The methodology for selecting information display means also involves evaluating devices by the number of shades and colors, ergonomic characteristics, compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements, and so on.

Multimedia projectors
These modern means of displaying information are designed to play back data received from a computer, camcorder, VCR, DVD player. Information comes to the big screen from the connected device. In most cases, multimedia projectors act as a means of displaying information for personal use. The general principle of operation of such devices resembles a slide and film projector. However, in this case, a liquid crystal transparent panel is installed instead of a film. With the help of an electronic digital circuit, a picture is formed on it. Lightpasses through the panel and the lens, and an image appears on the screen, enlarged several times. Depending on the design, type and power of the lamp, the quality of the panels, multimedia projectors can generate a different luminous flux. Accordingly, the picture on the screen will have different brightness.
Additional equipment
Many multimedia projectors have built-in audio displays. Often devices are used for presentations. In these cases, the volume control function of the remote control will be useful. But it should be noted that for high-quality playback of the sound track in a large audience, the existing capabilities of the projector will not be enough, so it is more expedient to use audio systems.
LCD monitors
LCD widescreen monitors with a diagonal of 105, 65, 46, 42, 32 are used as technical means of displaying information in public places. So, they are installed at airports, train stations, shopping centers and supermarkets, in conference rooms. At the same time, they also act as modern means of displaying information for individual use. For example, they are an integral part of video surveillance systems.

Plasma displays
Their screens can be much thinner than a TV, but they do not emit harmful electromagnetic flux. In addition to size, the advantage of displays is a higher contrast ratio and viewing angle. Unlike kinescopes, they do notimage flicker. This, accordingly, prevents eye fatigue of the viewers when viewing. Due to their merits, these means of displaying information are widely used at airports and at exhibitions, in television studios. Most panels have an aspect ratio of 16:9. This leads to their widespread use in home theaters. The panel screen is completely flat. This causes the absence of any distortion in the transmission of the image. The panels do not have unevenness from the center to the edges. This greatly increases the viewing angle.
The surface of the display is formed from pixels. Each of them has three cells. They act as sources of blue, red and green colors. The cell is presented as a glass sealed container in the shape of a rectangle. It is filled with gas in the plasma state. Its walls are covered with colored phosphorus from the inside. Its composition is similar to that used in cathode ray tubes installed in monitors and televisions. An electric current of a glow discharge passes through each cell. The larger it is, the brighter the glow of the cells. The amount of current is regulated by the digital system of the panel. With the help of a cell, you can get about 16 million shades for each specific color. Due to this, the picture on the screen becomes realistic.

Interactive whiteboards
These means of displaying information combine two tools: the screen and, in fact,regular board. To work with such a device does not require any special skills or special knowledge. Before use, the interactive whiteboard is connected to the projector and computer. An image from any source is projected onto it. The user can work with the image directly on the board. Manipulations with a computer mouse are replaced by screen touches. You can take notes on the board, show slides, draw diagrams, draw like on a regular surface, you can make any adjustments in real time, save them as files for later editing, printing, distribution.
Features of working on boards
Recording is carried out with a special pen (electronic) or even a finger. Taking a marker in hand, you can work with the picture on the screen. With a special pen, you can highlight, outline, emphasize important areas, build diagrams and make adjustments to them, and correct text. Touches are captured by touch devices. They translate them into electronic signals that reflect hand movements. The board comes with a tray with three markers and an eraser. Before you begin, you can set the colors to be used. During the demonstration of the material, the board will react, for example, to the fact that a green marker is taken.
Projection screens
When choosing these means of displaying data, a number of conditions must be taken into account. First of all, it should be said that the size of the screen will depend on the number of viewers, the area of the audience, the power of the projection equipment, and the lighting conditions. The next rows shouldlocated at a distance equal to twice the width of the monitor, and the farthest - six diagonals. In this case, the entire surface of the screen, including its lower part, must be viewed from any place, including the corners and the farthest ones. If the room has a horizontal floor, then the distance to the lower edge of the monitor will most likely be about 1.5 m. In this case, for small rooms (classroom or meeting room), the optimal vertical screen size is determined by the height that remains to the ceiling.

Situational centers
In recent years, there has been a rapid development of various information technologies. This, in turn, led to the emergence of large arrays of audio-video, communication data. They need to be accepted, structured, analyzed for subsequent management decisions. Along with the acceleration of the introduction of information technologies, the time to solve certain urgent tasks, as well as problems that arise in crisis conditions, is also reduced. For optimal decision-making at minimal time costs, such means of collecting and displaying information as situational centers are created. They allow, among other things, to simulate various scenarios for the development of events, to predict the consequences of specific actions in advance, without waiting for the emergence of crisis conditions. Such situational centers are currently operating in the Ministry of Atomic Energy, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and in a number of autonomous regions. Their active creation is also carried out by largeoil and gas and industrial enterprises.
Tasks of the centers
In situational rooms carried out:
- Monitoring the state of control objects, predicting the situation in accordance with incoming information.
- Expert evaluation of solutions, their optimization.
- Crisis management.
To implement the tasks set, large volumes and intensity of incoming information are needed. This, in turn, necessitates the use of modern tools that provide a high possibility of receiving, processing, reproducing and analyzing information.

Features of equipment centers
One of the key elements is the screen for collective use. It allows you to create a common information language for the employees of the center. The screen can be presented in the form of a projection installation or a video wall. The latter are multi-screen display systems for various data. These can be, for example, electronic maps, charts and graphs, text documents in electronic form, and so on. Video walls are modular in design. Thanks to this, they can be adapted to specific tasks and premises.
These systems provide sound and image transmission over telecommunication networks. They use different terminal configurations. They can be presented, for example, as stand-alone devices or created on the basis of personalcomputers. Such communication terminals are used in situations where communication is between remote users participating in a meeting. Any system contains:
- Video camera.
- Codec.
- Microphone.
- Devices for displaying video and playing sound.
Microphones are a mandatory attribute. They are needed not only so that participants can hear each other, but also for communication with other centers or offices. Conventional microphones are not suitable for these purposes. It is more expedient to use the so-called conference systems - microphone consoles. Their design depends on the participant, who will be the user. For example, the configuration of the console for the manager will be different from the model for the ordinary employee.

Conference rooms
In the process of equipping or re-equipping the premises, the task is to create a multifunctional complex. It should combine the possibilities of space for presentations, conferences, meetings, entertainment events. Recently, re-equipment with additional functions has become an urgent task. In particular, it is possible to watch movies in the room with support for the audio formats that exist today. Thus, the conference room becomes a versatile space and requires appropriate equipment. Equipment includes:
- Devices that allow the transmission of visual information.
- Equipment for audio broadcasting.
- Video transmission devices.
- Lighting fixtures.
- Switching equipment.
- Additional (auxiliary) devices.
Helping people with disabilities
Special symbolic means of displaying information have been created for this category of citizens. Safe conditions for movement in the infrastructure of cities, towns, microdistricts and other settlements should be created for disabled people. This is of particular importance when these persons move along roads, streets, premises in buildings, in passenger transport. Visual information means ensure the safety of people when they use equipment and household appliances.
The color scheme, size, brightness and contrast of the picture, symbols, as well as the rules for the use of sign tools for the disabled must comply with state standards. The location of signs on the roads should not distract drivers of vehicles. Warning signs are used in cases where there are no other indications for the route of the disabled. Depending on the application method, the plates may be:
- Additional.
- Independent.
The latter include warning signs and pictograms. They vary depending on the nature of the information to be submitted.