Any activity that is carried out by a person can and should be evaluated, this is especially true when gaining knowledge. Modern means of evaluating learning outcomes make it possible to produce it in the shortest possible time, while they are aimed mainly at identifying areas of development in existing teaching methods. The teacher can carry out such an assessment on his own, which is very convenient.
A large number of curricula and methodologies implies the presence of a huge amount of funds that are aimed at their evaluation. They are usually taught in pedagogical universities, but if you wish, you can master the entire program on your own, the main thing is to use a systematic approach when studying.
Terminology issues
In pedagogy there is no such thing as control of resultsactivities, here it is customary to use the term “diagnostics”. Modern tools for assessing learning outcomes help to accurately determine the results of the didactic process, and then adjust it in such a way as to achieve the desired results. The information obtained with their help helps to understand whether the teacher is doing his job well and whether he can be assigned more responsible tasks.

Monitoring and evaluation appeared almost simultaneously with the first teaching technologies, but educators are still debating how they should be considered. In particular, some of them believe that assessment should determine the student's progress, and some - that it should be considered as an indicator of the success of the applied teaching methodology. The truth, as usual, lies somewhere in the middle, and while there is no precise definition of control, teachers evaluate their own work and the activities of their colleagues using available tools.
Modern trends
Control and learning have become inextricably linked with each other over the past twenty years. The first of these now combines not only the assessment of learning outcomes, but also the management of its quality. It is this point of view that is held by V. I. Zvonnikov, whose modern means of evaluating learning outcomes underlie many teaching methods. In his opinion, measurements began to play an important role in the educational process, and this required the emergence of completely new principles.assessment.
Traditional means in this case are tests familiar to many generations of schoolchildren. But today's education system focuses on tracking changes in the quality of schooling and constant monitoring, although earlier the priority was to give an assessment that recorded the preparedness of a student at a certain point in time.
Among modern means of evaluating learning outcomes, Zvonnikov singles out the portfolio. It is a collection of works by a student, which were written by him in collaboration with teachers in a variety of disciplines. Educators believe that with the help of a portfolio, it is much easier for a student to develop real self-esteem, as well as critical thinking skills.

There are four portfolio options in total, the first of them is working, it should demonstrate the dynamics in the student's knowledge. The protocol portfolio should reflect all types of educational activities in which the student has ever taken part, as well as confirm his ability to conduct independent activities. The process portfolio is an extended version of the working portfolio, it demonstrates the achievements of the student at various stages of the educational process. The final helps to sum up the knowledge, skills and abilities that the student received in the process of mastering the curriculum.
Performance Tests
Among modern means of assessing learning outcomes, Zvonnikov also plays an important rolegives tests that are aimed at assessing the practical skills of students. They consist of experimental tasks that are aimed at creating a specific material product. The latter is usually assessed using a predetermined scoring system or a set of criteria.
Despite the fact that these tests do not correspond to pedagogical theories about the measurement of results, they can be used to get an up-to-date picture of students' knowledge. Such assignments are usually used as a means of monitoring and are not graded in the journals. If the student could not complete the task the first time, he has the right to redo it and eventually come to success.
Automated systems
Computer technologies are also given great attention in Zvonnikov's work, modern means of evaluating learning outcomes simply cannot do without them. This explains the large number of training and control programs that can support different types of tasks and perform various scenarios (working with sound, video, animation, etc.).

Special attention is paid to the interface, it should be such that the student can feel comfortable and complete the task without any restrictions. The information that can be obtained using electronic resources must be supplemented with special data on the characteristics of the student's thinking, memory and speech. You also need to take into account the communication skills of the student, his ability to work on a computer in order to get a completea picture of his current level of education.
Thus, 3 modern means of assessing learning outcomes can help to get the most objective picture of the current level of knowledge of the student. This is exactly what V. I. Zvonnikov, the author of a large amount of literature on modern pedagogy, thinks. However, there are those teachers who do not agree with him, they prefer to use more familiar methods, for example, testing.
Test as a standard form of assessment
Tests familiar to schoolchildren are difficult to attribute to modern means of assessing learning outcomes. Students are usually coached on the correct answers by solving tasks of the same type in structure. In fact, a student can prepare for passing tests such as the Unified State Examination and the GIA on their own. The only thing he needs for this is a special codifier, it indicates the topics on the basis of which the examination tasks are compiled. This document is issued in November-December annually, and is very popular with teachers of schools and technical schools.
If you yourself are studying these tools, being a student of a pedagogical university, you also need to know most of the topics on the subject. As a rule, the test "Modern means of assessing learning outcomes" includes questions aimed at determining the combination of methodology and didactics, components of control and evaluation, types of pedagogical control, etc. Particular attention is paid to the participants in the educational process, some of which must carry out various functionscontrol. Since pedagogy covers a large number of related disciplines, the test on learning assessment tools will always include questions from the field of social studies, history, biology, etc.
Students often have no time to spend on studying, they want to have time to try as many new things as possible, many of them work to support themselves. If they have to write a paper on modern means of evaluating learning outcomes, they are unlikely to be able to find answers to questions on the Internet, since this discipline is considered a narrow-profile discipline, and each university creates tasks for it independently.
Chernyavskaya Method
If you did not find the necessary information in Zvonnikov's literature or simply do not agree with his scientific views, you can refer to the study of A. P. Chernyavskaya, she interprets modern means of assessing learning outcomes somewhat differently. As one of the main means, she considers the rating-control system - an indicator consisting of the points received by the student in assessing educational activities. The latter should be carried out taking into account the extent to which this or that activity helps to achieve educational goals.
Such a system, according to the researcher, is objective, and helps to form the need for students to work and achieve their goals. The authors of this tool believe that by the end of the training, the student who was assessed using the rating will be able to independently plan and adjust their educational work. As part of the use of this technology, the student andthe teacher should form a subject-subject interaction.
Other ways
Among modern means of evaluating learning outcomes at school, one should single out a detailed assessment from the teacher, which can exist both in written and oral form. If each work of the student is accompanied by a detailed commentary, it will be easier for him to understand his own actions, as well as the importance of the learning process. The assessment will play a special role if it is the first time he carries out some kind of activity.
Another tool is called "Podium". Its essence lies in the fact that the student independently tries to complete some task, trains for a certain time, and then tells his classmates about it. The result of the execution is posted in a certain corner of the classroom, and this place must be chosen by the students themselves. Thus, the student receives an assessment not only from the teacher, but also from peers, which can be very important for him.

As a modern means of assessing learning outcomes, the so-called "success map" has recently begun to be used. The teacher uses practice when the mistakes in this or that work made by the students are written out on the blackboard. The students are then asked to find them in their neighbor's work and give advice on which rule to remember. The neighbor must parse the rule that he forgot or did not even know, and then explain his own mistake. workconclude with self-reflection and recommendations.
Another tool used in schools is the non-scientific conference. Students choose a topic and material, then conduct research and present their results to the teacher and classmates. The student receives an assessment and feedback from all participants in the process, but the teacher and a specially selected jury are responsible for its material expression. In this case, the assessment is individual in nature and takes into account the degree of possession of the material in the subject.
When teaching this important subject, teachers often prefer to use tests as a way to control. Usually, some kind of novelty is introduced into the educational process by trainees who devote a lot of time to studying modern means of evaluating learning outcomes, mathematics students try to show everything they are capable of. The trainees themselves are assessed by the teacher who works with the class where they practice, as well as teachers from the university, who must periodically come to their students for lessons.

Students love to use the Olympics as a way of grading, they're a great substitute for a maths quarter test. The student is invited to complete a number of tasks that reveal the degree of mastery of the material (standard calculations, mathematical puzzles, riddles, number buses, Sudoku, etc.). It is desirable that this event be attended by parents, friends-fans, andalso the class teacher and other teachers.
Knowledge on this subject can be tested in a huge number of ways. The most popular modern means of evaluating the results of teaching history are situational dialogues, thematic sections and the presentation of intellectual property. In the first case, the student is given the right to choose a topic of conversation with the teacher during the test or when writing a test, during which he must demonstrate his knowledge, life experience, and the skill of a successful interlocutor.
Thematic section assumes that the student receives a general topic, and when answering, he must demonstrate not only knowledge of history, but also knowledge of other subjects, such as literature. Thus, the interdisciplinary level of knowledge of the student, the breadth of his outlook and the ability to use the material received in life are assessed.
The third most popular method is preferred to be used at the end of a quarter or half a year. Teachers, together with an asset of students, develop an assessment game that covers all topics studied in a certain period. Participants can choose the topic of the game, team up with classmates for preparation, propose their own positions for the duration of the event (examiner or time keeper), etc. Evaluation is carried out using a points accumulative system.
Traditional methods
If modern innovations do not appeal to you, you can use traditional means of evaluating learning outcomes. The most frequent of them is independent work, whichmost often carried out at the stage of consolidation and is written. It is very popular because it allows you to quickly identify how well students have mastered the material, and in what direction it is worth moving in order to help those who are lagging behind.
Another tool is a test, which should sum up the completion of a section or a major topic. When checking, it is necessary to analyze the inaccuracies made, based on them, it will be necessary to determine the content of the lesson on working on the mistakes. In addition, it is necessary to analyze well-written control tests in order to get an understanding of how original and complete a solution a particular student can offer.

Another traditional means of evaluating learning outcomes is an oral survey, which is usually conducted when a final review of the material covered is necessary. The questions in it should be clear and precise so that the student can understand them and demonstrate the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. After completing the survey, it is very important to provide the student with high-quality feedback, during which his positive aspects, areas of growth will be noted, and a general conclusion will be made about the level of learning of the material.
Do I need methodical literature
If you are just going to go to work in school, do not rush to immediately select the most modern means of evaluating learning outcomes from manuals on pedagogy and specialized disciplines. First, you need to figure out whatwhat classes you work with, with their desires and needs, otherwise you risk wasting a huge amount of time preparing various events.
If you have to work with students who fundamentally do not want to develop their horizons, start small. Use a thematic section instead of the usual test work, give students the opportunity to say everything they think, it is likely that they simply did not have it before. Gradually, you will be able to establish contact with them, and new activities and ways of assessing knowledge will help diversify the gray school days.
In conclusion
Modern tools for evaluating learning outcomes are aimed at developing a range of new skills in children that help them successfully adapt in society. Much attention here should be paid to the experience that the student has, because it is on its basis that he will continue to carry out his discoveries. It should be conveyed to the student that this experience can be both positive and negative - this is a normal phenomenon, the main task is to draw a lesson from this.

Parental attention has a huge impact on student grades. If a child feels that his family members are happy with his successes, and they are sincerely upset by his failures, he is ready to move forward and achieve new heights. Teachers will be powerless if at home the student encounters constant misunderstanding, hostility and even hatred. That is why all modern theorists and practitionersTeaching Excellence recommends parents to be in school as often as possible and to be in close contact with teachers in order not to miss their child and help him develop into a highly developed personality.