Soul is a multi-valued English noun. Its literal meaning is known to almost everyone who studied English at school, tried to learn it on their own, or at least played computer games in English. However, translation from a dictionary is only the tip of the iceberg. Soul ("soul") is a word that is part of many idioms and set phrases, each of which has its own unique meaning, which makes translation very difficult.
Total value

Dictionaries state that the translation of the word "soul" is as follows:
- Soul.
- Heart.
- Spirit.
- Man.
- Incarnation.
- Incarnation.
- Energy.
- Soulfulness.
- Soul (music genre).
Despite the fact that there are quite a lot of meanings, and they may seem somewhat too different, if not mutually exclusive, they are still rarely confused. The implied meaning is most often understood from the context more than correctly. Yes, and it is difficult to imagine a sentence in which it was equally appropriate,for example, the words "spirit" and "personification", and besides, so that the meaning of what was said would significantly change from this.
Soulmate is this?

If we take into account that "soul" is "soul", and "mate" is "friend", "comrade", then soulmate is "spiritual comrade". In other words, this is a like-minded person who adheres to the same idea, or just a kindred spirit. This can be said about a friend, about a family member, about a colleague, or just about a person with whom the speaker has many common interests, tastes and views. For example:
I met this girl two months ago. She likes pop-music, photography and dogs, just like me. We spend a lot of time together, and I think that we are soulmates. - I met this girl two months ago. She loves pop music, she's into photography, and she loves dogs, just like me. We spend a lot of time together and I feel like she is my soul mate
Inventive soul

In this case, "soul" is "human". So you can call a liar, an inventor, a dreamer, a lover to tell extravagant implausible stories and pass them off at face value.
He was an inventive soul, if you know what I mean. The one who will rather tell that a dinosaurus ate his homework instead of admitting he forgot it at home. - He was an inventor, if you know what I mean. One of those who would rather say that a dinosaur ate his homework thanconfesses that he forgot it at home
Upon my soul
It is better not to translate this expression literally. In this case, "soul" is a "non-independent" noun whose original dictionary meaning is not preserved in a stable expression. upon my soul! means "Honestly!", "I swear!".
That dinosaurus really ate my homework! upon my soul! That dinosaur really ate my homework! Honestly
Kindred soul
Approximately the same as soulmate - a kindred soul, a person close in interests and views. The only difference is that soulmate is more colloquial and familiar, while kindred soul is more formal and poetic. In both cases, the word "soul" is "soul", and it does not change its meaning.
We have become friends since I found out that he is such a kindred soul of mine. - We became friends right after I discovered how close he was to me
Living soul
In Russian there is an expression "living soul". In this case, "soul" is something similar, and even the context in which the phrase is used is almost identical.
Our engagement is a big secret. I want you to keep it. Don't tell about it to any living person! Our engagement is a big secret. I want you to keep it. Don't tell a living soul about this
Lost soul
Lost soul. The translation of "soul" into Russian in this case implies not one, but two whole meanings. First, he is a person whodeviated from the right path of life, a sinner, a criminal. Secondly, this is just an unhappy, lonely, unloved person.
- When I saw him for the very first time I couldn't believe that he would ever become a lost soul. - When I saw him for the first time, I just couldn't believe that he would ever go astray.
- I want to hug this lost soul so bad! - I really want to hug this unfortunate, lonely person!
To bare one's soul to someone
In Russian there is a very close expression "to open the soul". A literal translation of "soul" from English in this context is impossible, but it is quite possible to convey the general meaning with an example:
Don't forget that we are the closest friends ever. You can tell me anything. Just bare your soul to me and I will help you. - Do not forget that we are the closest friends. You can tell me everything. Just share your feelings and I will help you
To be the soul of something
"Soul" is not only a "soul" or "human", but also a "personification", as stated earlier above. In this case, what is literally translated by beginners as "to be the soul of something" means "to be the living embodiment of something." A synonym for this expression is the phrase to be something itself. Here's how you can use it in context:
My friend is the soul of kindness. He always help those who are in need. - My friend is the living embodiment of kindness. He always helps those who are in itneeds
Cannot call someone's soul his/her own

Literally translated into Russian, this phrase means "one cannot call his/her soul his/her own". Sounds like a description of some occult ritual. However, as in most previous cases, the literal translation here is "bad helper." In fact, the phrase is used by those and in relation to those who work very hard, have absolutely no free time, spin like a squirrel in a wheel.
Do you know John? He is a horrible boss. When I worked for him I couldn't call my soul my own! - Do you know John? He is a terrible boss. When I worked for him, I didn't have time for myself at all
Put one's heart and soul into something
To work on something with maximum effort, to put all possible resources and efforts, to "invest your soul" - the phrase sounds more than appropriate in relation to art, creativity, an important and responsible task, or just a favorite activity.
Helen is all into music. She sings very well. People say that she puts her heart and soul into every note of her songs. - Helen loves music more than anything. She sings very well. People say she puts her heart and soul into every note of all her songs
Of course, the listed idioms with the word "soul" are not all. However, knowing them, you can confidently use this English noun and not get confused in its meanings.