When market relations appeared with the beginning of the formation of the rule of law, industrial civilization began to develop, which brought with it progress, fundamental human rights, tolerance and other universal values.

Meetings of different cultures were previously sporadic, but now civilizations have established permanent contacts, and the stories of various regions gradually turned into world history. Industrial civilization was preceded by modernization, which began in Western European countries, and it also transferred this process to other continents. Technologies were extrapolated, value orientations were acquired.
Historical science knows two stages that ensured the formation of modernity - both the world and man. This is the early period of industrial civilization, when old relations were supplanted and replaced by new ones, from the sixteenth century to the eighteenth, and the second, when the established new relations and orders took on their development, from the nineteenth to the twentieth century.
And the demographic factor undermined European traditionalism and pushed Europe towards modernization. Population growth was everywhere, if not constant, because epidemics raged from time to time, and agriculture could not provide food for everyone every year, because it was highly dependent on the vagaries of nature. And the townspeople left this world much more often than the villagers. Child mortality was especially high: it was several times higher than that of adults. Under these conditions, industrial civilization was born.
The period from 1500 to 1800 was marked by many spikes in mortality. Most often, these were the years that came after crop failures. Diseases and epidemics did not take away as many people as they died of hunger. Food prices were rising. America supplied tons of precious metals to Europe, which provoked inflation, and food production did not keep up with the growth of demographics. It was these centuries that were marked by a huge shortage of grain. However, the first characteristic features of an industrial civilization were already visible in the seventeenth century.

Two models
On the periphery of medieval Europe there was a Catholic civilization, all the main territories were occupied by much more ancient Islamic and Byzantine civilization, which more and more crowded it from all sides. These conditions have long hindered the development of industrial civilization. On Earth, there is a single law according to which social energy is born, and in this case, Catholics have the opportunitynormally extensively expand were small. The surplus of the population was periodically sent on crusades, but time is inexorable, and therefore the social energy was still gradually accumulating.
And gradually two ways out of the situation in which Europe found itself by the seventeenth century were drawn. Its south rushed to Africa, India, America, and Western and Central Europe did not dare to expand its territories - it began an internal restructuring, in which Catholicism changed many socio-normative principles. Cities gradually acquired new modes of production. A complex set of factors, together with the improvement of commodity-money relations, created the prerequisites for the formation of an industrial civilization. The characteristic of this process is above all the restructuring of social relations that provoked the industrial revolution at the end of the eighteenth century.
New Civilization
In North America and Western Europe, mankind has finally managed to break free from dependence on natural agricultural cycles. New methods of production were created, ready to take root on completely alien cultural soil, they were mobile and focused on expanding production volumes. It is thanks to such factors that industrial civilization exists. Its appearance rather soon brought colossal consequences for all mankind, since development was rapid.
Industrially developed civilization forced to oppose humanity and nature, including space. It was a huge stimulus for rational study, development of sciences,an unprecedented flourishing of inventions and discoveries. The life of mankind has changed rapidly and qualitatively. In antiquity it was the same, only the production basis was different and the scale was narrower, but civil society was created on the same postulates. Now it was moving by leaps and bounds towards an industrialized civilization. There is a civil society on earth for the second time, but now at a qualitatively new level.

Main differences
Community and class associations no longer controlled personal initiative, since the type of thinking has changed, rationalism has prevailed in all manifestations of activity. Simultaneously, polarization took place through the division of labor. The former were the organizers of social production, they set the tone for the entire life of society, while the latter were content with what the top of the social formation could offer them. Economic conditions differed greatly from each other, and therefore the class struggle, which is also one of the signs of an industrialized civilization, took on new forms.
New modes of production gradually subjugated traditional societies, using them to their own advantage. The "tentacles" of this young, but already gigantic octopus were merchants, seafarers, adventurers, colonialists, missionaries. Very quickly they entangled all continents. Even such countries as Russia, Japan, China, India, the Middle and Near East, Africa, and both Americas were rapidly changing in their development. Local civilization usually merged withbourgeois carriers of new modes of production, who acted as greedy and insatiable colonialists. Everything was used - from natural resources to the slave trade.

In Russia
Russian civilization, as always, was not like its European idols. We had a traditionally strong centralized government, hard-to-find resources, and therefore the main part of the country's territory did not arouse interest among the carriers of new methods of production. It is possible to characterize the industrial civilization in Russia practically in two words: an autocratic monarchy, under the watchful eye of which the new adapted to the harsh Russian conditions. It must be said that in this state of affairs, traditional social relations only strengthened.
Many scientists believe that Russia has accumulated a synthesis of Asian and European cultures. However, we must not forget that the empire was still taking shape in the zone of Byzantine and European civilizations. After the Mongol conquests, statehood became strong, and therefore Western European values \u200b\u200bwere almost completely stopped on its borders. That is why the unification of Russian lands did not come from Novgorod, not from White Russia or Kyiv, where there were territories of truly Russian culture. The initiator was the Moscow principality, which was on the periphery of this local civilization. It was it that managed to borrow some of the methods of the Mongol-Tatar political organization.
Industrial Revolution
The whole world obeyed the new ways of publicproduction, and this process entered a new phase after the completion of the industrial revolution. The developed countries began to expand into the territories of traditional civilizations, as a result of which local civilizations decayed from within, letting the European mode of production and the social classes corresponding to it into their social flesh. In Russia, it was only at the beginning of the 20th century that industrial civilization was finally able to defeat the weakened state power. The level of public energy availability has qualitatively increased, so the bar for the capabilities of each individual has risen close enough to fulfilling needs.
Since traditional societies have already desired to use the full achievements of industrial civilization, the orientation to the political and social structure of Western countries, to someone else's value system has increased rapidly. The structure of traditional Russian society was very complex, and in order to adapt to industrial production with its high and rapidly changing needs, it changed, became simpler, becoming like a civil society with a focus on private individual property and individual rights. This path was supposed to lead various societies to a single world community.

Clash of civilizations
In Europe, an industrialized civilization exists a little longer than on other continents, and a little earlier it had overcome all the obstacles that life puts in the way of technical progress. Foreign culture and foreign experience alwaysare difficult to implement, because they almost always cause a rejection reaction from the local civilization. The implementation process still continues, because progress is unstoppable, but at the same time, attention to traditional culture is increasing.
This interest is so strong that it becomes akin to a disease, and the more the local culture has suffered from the influence of industrial civilization, the brighter the original features of this society are regenerated. Attempts to destroy the established way of life work to rally social forces against the backdrop of traditional ideology, such as religion. There are also cases when industrial technologies get along well with identity and socio-political independence.
Traditional civilizations interact with industrial methods of production in a variety of ways, which allows this diversity of mankind to be preserved at the present time. The complexity of defining an industrial civilization lies in the fact that a "large" civilization constantly interacts with local civilizations. Among modern scientists, this duality has already acquired a theoretical platform, where two types of theories of civilization are distinguished.
The first theory is of stadial development, and the second - of local civilizations. Stage theories study civilization as one process of progress in human development, where there are certain stages (or stages). Theories of local civilizations are aimed at studying historically established communities occupying a certain territory and having their own socio-economic and cultural background.development.

Main features of an industrial civilization
What is she like? From a scientific point of view, industrial civilization is characterized by a powerful development of industry, the full use of achievements in all fields of science, as well as an increasing proportion of the population that is engaged in skilled labor. It is these features that distinguish it from an agrarian society. You won't have to look for examples for a long time: it's worth comparing the countries of Europe and the countries of Africa.
About dreamers
This article will not discuss alternative points of view on the development of an industrial civilization, although at your leisure, it is probably funny to read the reasoning provided with beautiful illustrations that an industrially developed civilization has existed on Earth for several tens of thousands of years, so all our mountains, valleys, seas, deserts are absolutely man-made, because the planet is one once rich, used mine.
From time to time, we were allegedly "cleansed" in the form of a nuclear war (again, a lot of illustrations confirming this hypothesis), and the last one happened around the nineteenth century, when humanity almost died out. It's funny, but not scientific, and therefore we will continue the discussion of a real industrial civilization. And now about what scientists predict after conducting research funded by NASA. This is also extremely interesting, but seriously.

Global civilization is in danger of catastrophe
The cause of the collapse of modern industrial civilization, scientists call the misuse of natural resources and the unfair distribution of we alth. A few decades have been left for mankind to think, although trouble can happen even earlier. It is almost impossible to scare people with global catastrophes, the attitude of society towards them remains as exaggerated and controversial. However, researchers have provided many historical data that indicate that all civilizations have a cyclical ups and downs.
Researchers rely on a new model created just weeks ago at the intersection of sciences by mathematician Motesharri (National Center for Socioecological Synthesis). The results are published in Ecological Economics, and the world's leading scientists are seriously discussing the problems posed in the study. In short, the point is that the analysis of the dynamics of the death of civilizations revealed the main risk factors: population (number), water, climate, energy, agriculture. It is these factors that can lead to a catastrophe, since the conditions are created exactly like this: the speed with which we spend resources exceeds the speed of their reproduction, there is a clear division of society into the rich (the elite) and the poor (the general mass). It was these social causes that caused the death of all past civilizations.