Pedagogical activity has many principles and features that every teacher should remember and adhere to. We will try to consider not only the general characteristics of pedagogical activity, but also learn about its features, methods of construction, methods of working with children. After all, even a certified teacher cannot always know exactly every rule and concept.
So, perhaps we should start with the characteristics of the teacher's professional pedagogical activity. It lies in the fact that pedagogical activity is, first of all, the influence of the teacher on the student, which is purposeful and motivated. The teacher should strive to develop a comprehensive personality, prepare the child for entering adulthood. The basis of such activities are the foundations of education. Pedagogical activity can be implemented only in the conditions of an educational institution, andits implementers are exclusively trained teachers who have passed all the necessary stages of training and mastering this profession.
The characteristic of the goal of pedagogical activity is that it is necessary to create all the necessary conditions for the normal development of the child so that he can fully realize himself as an object and as a subject of education. It is easy to determine whether the goal has been achieved. For this, those personality traits with which the child came to school and those with which he leaves the educational institution are simply compared. This is the main characteristic of pedagogical activity.

Object and means
The subject of this activity is the very organization of the process of interaction between the teacher and his students. This interaction has the following focus: students must fully master the sociocultural experience and accept it as the basis and condition for development.
Characterization of the subject of pedagogical activity is very simple, in his role is the teacher. In more detail, this is the person who performs a certain type of pedagogical activity.
There are certain motives in pedagogical activity, which are usually divided into external and internal. External ones include the desire for professional and personal growth, but internal ones are a humanistic and pro-social orientation, as well as dominance.
The means of pedagogical activity include: knowledge of not only theory, but also practice,on the basis of which the teacher can teach and educate children. Also included here is not only educational literature, but also methodological, various visual materials. This is where we can finish characterizing the content of pedagogical activity and move on to practical aspects.
Value characteristics
It has long been known that teachers belong to the intelligentsia class. And, of course, each of us understands that it is the work of the teacher that determines what our future generation will be like, what its activities will be aimed at. It is in connection with this that every teacher should take into account the value characteristics of pedagogical activity. So, they include:
- Teacher's attitude to childhood. Here, the main emphasis is on how fully the teacher understands the features of the relationship between children and adults, whether he understands the values that children now face, whether he understands the very essence of this period.
- Humanistic culture of the teacher. Only from the name it becomes clear that the teacher must show his humanistic position. His professional activity should be focused on the cultural values of all mankind, on building the right dialogue with students, on organizing a creative and, most importantly, reflexive attitude to work. As a kind of application to this value, one can single out the principles of pedagogical activity, voiced by Sh. Amonashvili, that the teacher must love children and humanize the environment in which these children are. After all, this is necessary in order for the soul of a childwas in comfort and balance.
- High moral qualities of the teacher. These qualities can be easily noticed by observing a teacher's style of behavior, his manner of communicating with children, his ability to resolve various situations that occur in pedagogical activity.
These are the value characteristics of pedagogical activity. If the teacher does not take these points into account, then his work is unlikely to be successful.

Teaching styles
So, now you should pay attention to the characteristics of the styles of pedagogical activity, of which modern science has only three.
- Authoritarian style. Here, students act only as objects of influence. When organizing the learning process in this way, the teacher acts as a kind of dictator. Because he gives certain tasks and expects from the students their unquestioning fulfillment. He always tightly controls educational activities and at the same time is not always correct enough. And it makes no sense to ask such a teacher why he gives any orders or controls the actions of his students so tightly. There will be no answer to this question, since such a teacher does not consider it necessary to explain himself to his children. If you dig a little deeper into the psychological characteristics of this type of pedagogical activity, you will notice that most often such a teacher does not like his job, has a very tough and strong-willed character, and is distinguished by emotional coldness. Modern educatorsthey do not welcome this style of learning, since there is no contact with children, their cognitive activity is noticeably reduced, and the desire to learn disappears. Students are the first to suffer from authoritarian style. Some children try to protest against such teaching, go into conflict with the teacher, but instead of getting an explanation, they encounter a negative reaction from the teacher.
- Democratic style. If the teacher has chosen a democratic style of pedagogical activity, then he, of course, loves children very much, he likes to make contact with them, so he shows his high professionalism. The main desire of such a teacher is to establish contact with the guys, he wants to communicate with them on an equal footing. Its goal is a warm and calm atmosphere in the classroom, complete mutual understanding between the audience and the teacher. This style of pedagogical activity does not provide for the lack of control over children, as it might seem. Control exists, but somewhat hidden. The teacher wants to teach children independence, he wants to see their initiative, to teach them to defend their own opinion. Children quickly make contact with such a teacher, they listen to his advice, offer their own solutions to certain problems, they wake up with a desire to take part in educational activities.
- Liberal-permissive style. Teachers who choose this style of teaching are called non-professionals and undisciplined. Such teachers do not have self-confidence, often hesitate in the classroom. They areleave children to themselves, do not control their activities. Any student team certainly pleases such a demeanor of the teacher, but only at first. After all, children are in dire need of a mentor, they need to be controlled, given tasks, and helped with their implementation.
So, the characteristics of the styles of pedagogical activity gives us a complete understanding of how relations between students and a teacher can be built and what this or that behavior of the latter will lead to. Before going to a lesson with children, you need to accurately determine your preferences in teaching.

Psychological and educational activities
In this topic, it is also necessary to pay attention to the characteristics of psychological and pedagogical activity, since it differs slightly from the pedagogical activity we have already considered.
Psychological and pedagogical activity is the activity of a teacher, which is aimed at ensuring that the subjects of the educational process develop in personal, intellectual and emotional directions. And all this should serve as a basis for the beginning of self-development and self-education of these very subjects.
A teacher-psychologist at school should direct his activities to the socialization of the child's personality, in other words, he should prepare children for adulthood.
This direction has its own implementation mechanisms:
- The teacher should bring real and invented social situations to children and together with them look for ways to resolve them.
- Ongoingdiagnosing whether children are ready to engage in social relationships.
- The teacher should encourage children to strive for self-knowledge, to be able to easily determine their own position in society, adequately assess their behavior and be able to look for ways out of various situations.
- The teacher should help children analyze various social problems, design their behavior in cases where they find themselves in difficult life situations.
- The teacher creates a developed information field for each of his students.
- Any children's initiative at the school is supported, student self-government comes to the fore.
Here is such a simple characteristic of psychological and pedagogical activity.
Pedagogical activity of a teacher
Separately, in pedagogical activity, I would like to single out the activities of a school teacher. In total, eight species are distinguished, each of which has soybean characteristics. We will consider the essence of each of the existing types below. The description of these types can also be called a characteristic of the pedagogical activity of a teacher who works at a school.
Diagnostic activity
Diagnostic activity lies in the fact that the teacher must study all the possibilities of students, understand how high their level of development is and how well they are brought up. After all, it is simply impossible to perform high-quality pedagogical work if you do not know the psychological and physical capabilities of the children with whom you have to work. Important points are alsomoral and mental upbringing of children, their relationship with the family and the general atmosphere in the parental home. A teacher can properly educate his student only if he has studied him absolutely from all sides. In order to correctly carry out diagnostic activities, the teacher must master all the methods by which you can accurately determine the level of upbringing of the student. The teacher should not only know everything about the educational activities of children, but also be interested in their interests outside of school, study their propensities for one or another type of activity.

Each stage of educational activity requires the teacher to determine its direction, to accurately set goals and objectives, to be able to make predictions on the results of activities. This means that the teacher must know exactly what he wants to achieve and in what ways he will do it. This also includes expected changes in the personality of students. After all, this is precisely what the pedagogical activity of the teacher is aimed at.
The teacher should plan his educational work in advance and direct it to ensure that children have an increased interest in learning. He should also voice the specific goals and objectives that are set for the children. The teacher should strive to rally the team, teach children to work together, together, set common goals and achieve them together. The teacher should direct his activities to stimulate the cognitive interests of children. To do this, you should add moreemotions, interesting moments.
Orientation-prognostic activity cannot be interrupted, the teacher must act in this direction constantly.
Constructive and design activities
It is very related to the orientation and prognostic activity. This connection is easy to see. Indeed, when the teacher begins to plan the establishment of relationships in the team, in parallel with this, he must design the tasks assigned to him, develop the content of the educational work that will be carried out with this team. Here, the teacher will be extremely useful knowledge from the field of pedagogy and psychology, or rather those points that directly relate to the methods and methods of organizing the educational team. And also you need to have knowledge about the existing forms and methods of organizing education. But this is not all that a teacher should be able to do. After all, it is also important here to be able to properly plan educational work and educational activities, as well as engage in self-development. Since the ability to think creatively is extremely useful in this matter.

Organization activities
When the teacher already knows exactly what kind of work he will do with his students, set a goal for himself and defined the tasks of this work, you need to involve the children themselves in this activity, arouse their interest in knowledge. Here you will not be able to do without the following series of skills:
- If a teacher seriously took up the education and upbringing of students, then he must quickly and correctly determine the tasksthese processes.
- It is important for the teacher to develop the initiative on the part of the students themselves.
- He must be able to properly distribute tasks and assignments in the team. To do this, you need to know the team you will have to work with in order to reasonably assess the capabilities of each participant in the pedagogical process.
- If a teacher organizes any activity, then he simply must be the leader of all processes, carefully monitor the progress of the students.
- Students will not be able to work without inspiration, and that is why the teacher's task is to become this very inspirer. The teacher must control the entire process, but so carefully that it is barely noticeable from the outside.

Outreach activities
This activity is quite important in the modern pedagogical process, since now almost everything is connected with information technology. Here the teacher will again act as the organizer of the educational process. It is in it that children should see the main source from which they will draw scientific, moral, aesthetic and worldview information. That is why it will not be enough just to prepare for the lesson, you need to understand each topic and be ready to answer any question of the student. You have to give yourself completely to the subject you teach. After all, probably, it will not be news to anyone that the course of the lesson directly depends on how much the teacher managed to master the material that heteaches. Can he give good examples, move easily from one topic to another, give concrete facts from the history of this subject.
So, we see that the teacher should be as erudite as possible. He must be aware of all the innovations within his subject and constantly communicate them to his students. And also an important point is the level of his mastery of practical knowledge. Since it depends on him how well students can master knowledge, skills and abilities.
Communication-stimulating activity
This is the activity that is directly related to the influence of the teacher on the students at the time of learning. Here the teacher must have a high personal charm and moral culture. He must be able not only to establish friendly relations with students, but also to maintain them competently throughout the entire educational process. You should not expect high cognitive activity from children if, at the same time, the teacher is passive. After all, he must show by his own example the need to demonstrate his labor, creative and cognitive skills. This is the only way to make children work and not just make them, but arouse desire in them. Children feel everything, which means they should feel respect from their teacher. Then they will also respect him. They must feel his love in order to give theirs in return. During the pedagogical activity, the teacher should be interested in the life of children, take into account their desires and needs, learn about their problems and try to solve them together. And, of course, every teacherit is important to win the trust of the guys and respect. And this is possible only with properly organized and, most importantly, meaningful work.
A teacher who in his lessons shows such character traits as dryness and callousness, if he does not show any emotions when talking with children, but simply uses a formal tone, then such an activity will definitely not succeed. Children are usually afraid of such teachers, they do not want to get in touch with them, they have little interest in the subject that this teacher teaches.
Analytical and evaluation activities
The essence of the characteristics of this type of pedagogical activity lies in its name. Here the teacher carries out the pedagogical process itself and at the same time makes an analysis of the course of training and education. Based on this analysis, he can identify positive aspects, as well as shortcomings, which he must later correct. The teacher must clearly define for himself the purpose and objectives of the learning process and constantly compare them with the results that have been achieved. It is also important here to conduct a comparative analysis between your achievements in work and the achievements of your colleagues.
Here you can clearly see the feedback of your work. In other words, there is a constant comparison between what you wanted to do and what you managed to do. And based on the results obtained, the teacher can already make some adjustments, note the mistakes made and correct them in a timely manner.

Research and creative activity
I would like to end the description of the teacher's practical pedagogical activity on this type of activity. If a teacher is at least a little interested in his work, then elements of such activity are necessarily present in his practice. Such activity has two sides, and if we consider the first, then it has the following meaning: any activity of a teacher should have at least a little, but a creative character. On the other hand, the teacher must be able to creatively develop everything new that comes to science and be able to present it correctly. After all, you must admit that if you do not show any creativity in your pedagogical activity, then the children will simply stop perceiving the material. No one is interested in just listening to a dry text and constantly memorizing theory. It is much more interesting to learn something new and look at it from different angles, to take part in practical work.
This article presented all the characteristics of the features of pedagogical activity, which reveal the entire learning process as fully as possible.