ANO VO "RosNOU", reviews of which will be carefully analyzed below, opened in 1991 and exists under the name "Russian New University" with a license for educational activities and state accreditation. Since 2012, it has been accepting applicants for a budget form of education. According to the results of monitoring by the Ministry of Education and Science, RosNOU has good reviews. It is recognized as an effective university and is included in the top 100 universities in the Russian Federation. All the efforts of the team of teachers, administration and students of this educational institution are aimed at further increasing the authority of the institution in terms of scientific and educational activities.

Ratings and names
RosNOU also has reviews from the Interfax group, as well as other associations put it on high ratings. For example, the Expert RA agency included RosNOU in the top 200 among the universities of the CIS, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia. Besides,the university is a member of IREG (International Ranking Expert Group) and is present in the QS list of world universities.
RosNOU is headed by a very authoritative person - V. A. Zernov, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chairman of the Board of the ANVUZ (Association of Non-State Higher Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation. The curator of RosNOU from 1999 to 2012 was Professor S. P. Kapitsa. Now science is headed by the laureate of the USSR State Prize, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor E. A. Palkin.
The university has twenty scientific schools, fourteen projects of internal and external research activities. Every year, the Civilization of Knowledge, an all-Russian conference, takes place here. At the educational institution, scientific seminars are constantly working. The university has its own publications: "RosNOU Bulletin", Cardiometry and "Special Equipment and Communication".
RosNOU annually holds a competition where the best research student work is determined. Postgraduate courses train specialists of the highest qualification at RosNOU. By 2015, RosNOU managed to obtain fourteen patents and enter the top five Russian universities, according to the Hirsch index (an international scientometric indicator).

The teaching staff is a special pride of RosNOU. Reviews about teachers are not in vain full of respect and gratitude. Of the three hundred and twenty staff members working with students, sixty-five are Doctors of Science, one hundred and eighty-four are PhDs, five- laureates of state awards. Eight people are foreign teachers of the highest qualification. In addition, the university invites the best mentors from Moscow State University, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, MGIMO and other universities, including foreign ones, to give lectures on short courses.
For almost a quarter of a century, RosNOU has collected the most favorable reviews. All forty-five thousand trained specialists graduating from the walls of the university are employed and show their best professional qualities in the workplace, which the university has instilled in them. Now eighteen thousand people study here at a time, who also love RosNOU. Students' comments are already full of gratitude for the excellent attitude of university teachers towards them.

There are one hundred and sixty-one accredited educational programs for studying at the New University, all of them are divided into profiles. To fully master them, dozens of multimedia and computer classes are used here, Wi-Fi is distributed free of charge.
Two buildings - on Radio Street and near the Planernaya metro station, receive students in ninety-six classrooms, including fourteen computer classes, nine multimedia rooms and a permanent gym. Electronic and classical libraries also always function. The university dormitory is small, but has its own, it has 663 beds.
University for students
Leisure at RosNOU student reviews describe the most colorful of all: the work of the student council, and the scientific society, and the music studio, andtheater and dance. Annual tournaments - inter-faculty, then inter-university, KVN gather full halls, "Own Game" and "What? Where? When?" are also often held. Many festivals - vocal (MixVoiceRosNOU), dance (MixDanceRosNOU), peoples' friendship festival and arts festival are also held within the walls of the university. And the most celebrated contests: "Mr. RosNOU" and "Miss RosNOU".
Colorful and fun at the celebration of initiation into students, very warm reviews about trips and excursions. But the students themselves invent, organize and conduct a lot, and not only for themselves. For example, competitions, tournaments, lectures are organized for schoolchildren. Even the Cup named after Kapitsa is played in the game "Humor + Intellect". Schoolchildren love the game "Legal Volunteers" very much. All this gives rise to good reviews about RosNOU. Moscow is very fond of such an initiative and responds gratefully. It should also be noted that the university has established the All-Russian rating of school sites.

Practice and employment
Reviews about the employment of RosNOU graduates are positive and numerous. The university organizes internships for students - pre-diploma, industrial, educational. At least eighty percent of graduates after graduation get exactly the job in which they practiced. The diploma that the Russian New University gives a graduate has a very big weight in employment. RosNOU feedback on the excellent training of specialistsalso often receives from their employers.
The Faculty of Applied Informatics, for example, offers undergraduate students pre-degree internships even abroad. Yes, and he is not alone. Here you can also get an international certificate, which will confirm the knowledge of a foreign language. The ECL certificate is an official document for the European Union, confirming the high level of linguistic competence required to participate in international programs. You can also take courses for free and improve your skills, also with the issuance of a certificate upon completion. Takes care of its graduates RosNOU. Moscow presents reviews of students of this university every year to its applicants so that they make the right choice.

In the structure of the university there is also a college that helps to build a chain of continuous education: secondary vocational education - bachelor's degree - master's degree - postgraduate studies. RosNOU College in Moscow also receives excellent reviews. The teachers are excellent, almost the same as at the university. New technologies, innovative teaching methods and a sensitive, one might say individual, approach to students reign here. Many are transferred from neighboring and distant secondary vocational schools and even universities. The reason here is clear: a college graduate has more opportunities to enter RosNOU and can graduate from it in three years, according to an abbreviated program. Leisurestudents is no less interesting than that of university students. Together they like to visit museums and theaters, travel a lot in groups around the country and even abroad.

Access Centers
The university opened its branches in twelve cities of Russia, and even more places in different parts of the country have access centers to information and educational resources of RosNOU. Nizhny Novgorod has reviews of such a center, and a number of other cities from Vladimir to Gorno-Altaisk mention them. This, of course, is less than a branch, but it is also worth a lot. It is difficult to tell about everything within the framework of a short article, so it is better to focus on some spontaneously selected branches of the university.
Alexander branch
For example, since 1997, the Aleksandrovsky branch has been supplying the entire Vladimir region with qualified specialists, forming the intellectual potential of this region: economists, lawyers, specialists in tourism and cultural services are beyond praise here. New speci alties have also been opened that prepare bachelors: "Business Informatics", "Customs", "Management" and "Trade". Here, special attention is paid to educational work, which is carried out according to the principles of reasonableness, honor, courage, respect, humanity.
These are guidelines for the development of morality - just what is often lacking in the education of our youth. Kindness, mutual assistance, charity are traditionally cultivated here, here young people learn to give andreceive support in difficult times. The branch patronizes the orphanage, and with all responsibility: these children need not only financial assistance, but also personal meetings, concerts, games. And the students themselves, helping others, cultivate only the best inner qualities in themselves.

A new speci alty was opened in the branch of RosNOU: customs. Reviews started coming in almost immediately. At the Faculty of Law, students receive the qualification of a customs specialist along with a state diploma, which has an application. There are two specializations: "Customs payments and currency regulation" and "Customs logistics". Like other departments of the faculty, this speci alty requires five years in person, and six years in absentia.
After graduating from a university with such a diploma, you can work as an export manager, customs manager, import manager, specialist in foreign economic activity, international transportation, customs issues. The students consider the basics of auditing, customs statistics, commodity science and expertise to be the most interesting subjects. Practice and internships are carried out in more than worthy organizations: in the Central Customs Administration of the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, in the Court of the Eurasian Economic Community, in the Assembly of the Eurasian Economic Community, in the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and other equally interesting places, of which there are many - more than fifteen.
Voronezh Branch
RosNOU in the Voronezh region occupies the first steps of the rating among othersuniversities. Economists, lawyers, teachers and psychologists study here. The teachers are highly qualified and give their best to teaching their students. Here the struggle is for a serious diploma and from a serious university. Education is of the highest quality, which graduates do not get tired of recalling with gratitude. Employers celebrate this branch with letters of thanks and diplomas.
Students here receive, in addition to education, the opportunity to participate in various projects. This includes international cooperation and research programs. Many seminars and conferences are held. There are professional creative studios and clubs. Leisure is also of great benefit: in Voronezh and the region, the theater studio "Unlike", the pedagogical team "Dune", the dance studio "First Line" and much more that the students of this branch invent and translate into reality are well known and loved.