The constantly developing world makes more and more demands on a person. That is why there is a need to find out what lifelong education is, because in the conditions of constant competition, the one who can learn, relearn and apply the knowledge gained in practice wins as a result.
Finding out the meaning of the term
So what is lifelong learning? This concept appeared in the world relatively recently, only at the end of the 20th century, but quickly took one of the key places in the list of pedagogical and social problems in a large number of countries. The phenomenon itself can be described as a process of continuous growth of the educational potential of a person throughout life. This includes both his general erudition and professional development as a modern specialist, an expert in his field. From an organizational point of view, the functioning of the institution of continuous education as a social phenomenon is ensured thanks to the support of the interested state and society, which together help to maintainstable activity of educational structures (formal and informal, private or country-owned, basic and additional, main and parallel, as well as many others).

What functions does continuous education serve?
The solution of educational and training tasks and the achievement of the set goals should correspond to 2 main areas of activity. This is:
- taking into account promising and urgent social needs, providing the modern information society with professional personnel savvy in their fields of knowledge, replenishing the social environment with cultural and versatile people;
- satisfaction of the objective desire of the individual for constant self-education and development throughout life.

So, in general terms, we have found out what continuous education is. However, what actually lies behind the abstract and not fully understood terminology? Let's figure it out.
Qualitatively new phenomenon or not?
Despite the fact that the name of the phenomenon was invented quite recently, the institute of continuous education itself is familiar to everyone: both adults and young people. The fact is that it takes place where the continuity of the links of the educational chain is ensured and their meaningful unity is realized. So, the transition of a person from kindergarten to school, then to a school, institute, university or academy, and after that - going to work andThere is an example of continuous education, albeit an extremely schematic one. Here, the entry of the individual into an independent life is preceded by childhood education, after which the implementation of educational activities occurs already during adulthood, where knowledge is predominantly interspersed with practice. In the classification of types of continuous education, one can also distinguish additional, postgraduate, proper professional and others. Agree that in this sense, lifelong learning and education is nothing qualitatively new. However, today this phenomenon has interesting and unique features that reflect its specificity.

Shifting age limits
We can say “thank you” to the continuous development of the world, at least for the fact that thanks to it we not only have the opportunity to know what continuous education is, but also to participate in it, regardless of what date of birth we have in passport. If before, starting or continuing education at a mature age seemed something shameful or inappropriate for an adult, an accomplished person, today statistics reveal interesting facts: the traditional type of a student under 25 is gradually becoming a thing of the past. So, in the US, more than 43% of all students are older than this indicator. 45% are only partially engaged in studies, that is, they no longer consider it as an end in itself, but combine the acquisition of knowledge with practice. In addition, data relating directly to Russia indicate that in some areas about 50% of university graduateseducational institutions and up to 64% of graduates of secondary vocational institutions change their speci alty immediately after they graduate from their alma mater. And world sources report that only 4% of the able-bodied inhabitants of the planet work in the profession that they originally acquired. These are facts that can be neither good nor bad, but their obvious advantage is the gradual victory of people over the fear of overlearning and wasting time. Today it is no longer the most precious human asset. The phrase "Live and learn" is gaining momentum.

Lifelong learning
By the way, continuing professional education should not be confused with lifelong learning. The latter is an offshoot of education and training, while continuing education belongs to a broader area - socialization. If education puts the message of knowledge to the student at the forefront and is characterized by the duration of a person's stay within the walls of educational institutions of various types, then lifelong education is a qualitatively different category. It includes not only knowledge, but also skills, abilities, performing a certain social role in the process of social and working life, developing the ability to rationally organize one's time, solve problems, and adapt to constantly changing conditions.

Renewable education
Renewable education isa term somewhat related to continuing education. It is identical to receiving education "in parts" throughout life. Even if a person moves away from the practice of a long stay in one educational institution, he nevertheless learns through the implementation of other activities, resorts to alternative methods and methods. The system of continuing professional education thus covers a person's entire life, from birth to death, even though people are not always students.

The concept of changing Russian education
Today in Russia, as in many other developed and developing countries of the world, a program is being actively developed to improve the institution of such education. It includes 4 activity vectors:
- improving the quality of education for specialists;
- transition to lifelong professional education;
- providing investment in education;
- reform of general (secondary) education.
Of course, there are a number of problems and difficulties in our native land today. So, in Russia, not individual curricula and plans are accredited, but educational institutions themselves, and therefore the importance of obtaining a diploma from a particular university still prevails over the value of obtaining the necessary skills as such, while for human convenience today they are often taught in the form short but informative courses or trainings. cannot be fully implemented anddistance learning, which is not suitable for students when it comes to, for example, continuing medical education. After all, the future physician mainly needs to be present in front of the teacher personally. In addition, due to differences between countries, professional and personal development cannot be fully realized. Take continuous mathematical education, which is extremely promising today. A person who is hungry for knowledge will still remain limited by his own place of residence - to continue studying abroad, he will need funds that representatives of the outback, even with their talent, may simply not have.
We educate ourselves
However, if the goal of a person is not continuous medical education or another, similar to it, associated with a narrow profile, then in this case you can do self-education even at home and improve some of your own skills. Priority for modern and educated people today:
- knowledge of at least one foreign language;
- mastering a personal computer and a basic set of standard programs;
- following the news of the professional sphere: Internet monitoring, reading specialized literature, willingness to practice once again "in the next area";
- knowledge of resources where you can "learn to learn", that is, the tireless search for the required information;
- development of responsibility, discipline, creativity, initiative and self-confidence.
The main thing -remember: it's never too late to start!