There are a lot of types of creative work for the development of students' written speech. One of them is a letter to a literary hero, which is usually written after they finish studying the work. This type of work is not very popular in high school now, since writing essays is focused on the format of the exam and the final essay. And this work does not involve referring to the heroes of the books.

Is this technique helpful?
It is impossible not to appreciate the benefits of such work. Firstly, the guys themselves must choose which character they want to write. This means that the work was read by the student, conclusions were drawn, there are favorite and unloved characters. This technique makes it possible to combine the development of the child's creative thinking and work on the development of speech. And from the details of the essay, the teacher can draw conclusions about how carefully the student read the work. The student learns to express his own attitude to the character and his interaction with other characters, character, appearance, behavior, speeches anddeeds. It doesn't have to be a positive character. Reaching out to the negative character and pointing out their mistakes can be even more interesting. Secondly, this technique is interesting for the guys, it motivates them to think about what they read, the work is not written according to templates, and most importantly, it does not make it possible to write off.

Starting from the basics: what is the epistolary genre?
A letter to the hero, like other letters, must be written following the basic rules of the epistolary genre. Paper letters are a special, outgoing culture. Let's dwell on the features of this genre. The texts of the letters contain both monologues and dialogues; a certain composition, especially in business letters; frequent contact with the recipient. Writing is sometimes the only form of communication possible between people who cannot speak in person.

Some useful tips
Tip 1: Try to capture the mood and inspiration as you write. The heroes of the books should receive a letter imbued with a good mood, feel a sincere attitude.
Tip number 2. Remember all the details of the work that helped you to reveal the character of the hero. Find the most liked moments in the text and analyze them. Emphasize the most pivotal moments in the hero's life.
Tip number 3. Before writing a letter to a literary hero, consider what information you want to convey to him: warn him against actions, praise, support. Be frank with the addressee.

Structure of the essay "Letter to a literary hero"
As a rule, most essays have a standard structure. They usually consist of an introduction, main body and conclusion. The letter to the literary hero Oblomov will not differ in structure from other writings. But do not forget that you are writing a letter, which means that it should look like a message to a real person. What does the introduction look like in such essays? You should definitely start it with an appeal to the hero. If the character is an adult, address him by his first and middle name. Tell him why you decided to write, what inspired you to do it. In the main part of the essay, you should tell how you feel about his actions, express your attitude towards them. Speaking of Oblomov, touch on his way of life, Explain to him that such lying on the couch will not bring him to good. Remember how he was in his youth, complain that from a living boy and an interesting young man he turned into a block that is not easy to lift from the sofa. Talk to him about his work, about his failed career. Show how insignificant his acquaintances are who go to visit him. And by all means think about the love that came to him in the person of Olga Ilyinskaya. When you finish your essay, don't forget to summarize your thoughts and say goodbye to the hero.

How to write a letter to a literary hero. Sample (based on the novel by I. Goncharov "Oblomov")
Hello, dear Ilya Ilyich Oblomov. After much deliberation,Finally, the decision has come to write you a letter. What prompted this decision? Rumor has it that you spend a lot of time lying on the sofa in an old bathrobe. Ilya Ilyich, how can one live the best years locked up in a stuffy room, in boredom, because you are missing out on so much! Go out into the street, and at the same time grab Zakhar, look at how fresh the air is, what lovely young ladies are walking along the boulevards, everything around here breathes life. Why are you burying yourself at such a young age? Your life is frozen in one place. The days drag on, but nothing changes, only Zakhar is becoming more and more arrogant and more often shirks from work. Recently, you received a letter informing you that things are not going well on the estate. If you do nothing, you will lose it. For God's sake, do not trust Tarantiev, because he is a first-rate swindler, and it is a pity that you do not see this. He'll rip you off like hell!
Appeal to the hero's childhood and wishes. Continued
Ilya Ilyich, remember your childhood, remember what an inquisitive, lively little boy you were, until the desire for knowledge was killed by your loved ones. It was they who created that bumpkin, which is located on the sofa. And only in your power to change this situation. In your youth you were fond of poetry. Where is it all? Where did youthful dreams, love for life go? How did your world shrink to an old sofa? And love … Don't you want to fall in love? Yes, probably, only love could lift you off the couch and make you live. But you need true love, hot, one that can awaken life in you. Ilya Ilyich, by all means heed the advice of yourthe doctors. Leading such a lifestyle, you will not live long: heart problems will begin. Dear Ilya Ilyich, I say goodbye and really hope that you heed my advice and change.