The question that many writers, philosophers, historians have thought about is: who makes history? Great personalities - historical figures? Or are the people historical masses? Probably both. Some historical figures of Russia and the world, who decided the fate of thousands and millions of people, will be described in the article.
History and personality
The theme of the role of an individual outstanding person in history has been worrying thinkers for several centuries, from the moment historical philosophy began to develop. The names of historical figures such as Napoleon, Columbus, Washington, Macedon are known all over the world.

These people, who went down in history as great politicians, scientists, geographers, made a huge contribution to the development of mankind. They developed or completely broke traditional ideas about life. Their example illustrates the theoretical propositions that a person, strong and outstanding, is the driving force of history. There are even statements by philosophers that history is nothing more than a description of the lives of great personalities.
Foreign eminent figures
The historical figures of Europe are, first of all, those people in whose hands power was concentrated. These are individuals who aspired to conquer the world. One of the firstworld-famous conquerors was Julius Caesar. Briefly describing his achievements, it is necessary to note his important role in expanding the borders of the Roman Empire (to Caesar of the Roman Republic), democratic reforms (for example, supporting old warriors, bringing common people to power), as well as managerial, military and writing skills.

Macedonian, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, Hitler are also well-known historical figures of Europe who aspired to world domination. All of them left their heavy mark on history.
Outstanding figures of Russia
Ivan the Terrible, Alexander Nevsky, Peter I, Catherine II the Great, Nicholas I - personalities who had a great influence on the development of Russia. They were in power at turning points in history. These and some other prominent historical figures of Russia participated in the wars of liberation, defended the interests of the country, modernized the established foundations.
Great figures of Kievan Rus
A fighter for the inviolability of Russian lands, a true Orthodox man, a brave warrior was Alexander Nevsky. The Battle of the Neva, in which Alexander proved himself to be a great strategist, is an important event in the history of the country. She showed the strength and courage of the Russian people. Alexander Nevsky (the Battle of the Neva confirms this) managed to unite the Novgorod and Ladoga squads to repel the onslaught of the Swedes in 1240, thereby preventing the expansion of Catholicism.

Leaders of the Second Militia against the Westerninterventions during the Time of Troubles in Russia - Dmitry Pozharsky and Kuzma Minin - also played an important role in the history of the country. They liberated Russia from foreigners, prevented the destruction of the country and the overthrow of Orthodoxy.
Great figures of the Russian Empire
Pyotr and Ekaterina are considered outstanding political figures of Russia. Peter is known primarily as a reformer and conqueror. Under him, the Russian Empire became one of the leading world powers. The borders of the state expanded: there was an outlet to the B altic, the Pacific Ocean, the Caspian. Peter's domestic policy is also fruitful. He changed the army, created the navy. Peter (and after him Catherine II the Great) paid great attention to the enlightenment of the country.
Ekaterina contributed to the opening of educational institutions, research bases, cultural centers. She continued Peter's policy of asserting Russia's position in the world. However, it was hard for the common people under the great rulers, when wars were fought, taxes increased, and enslavement intensified. Returning to the question of who creates history, we can answer that these were outstanding personalities who were in power and disposed of the masses to achieve economic and political goals.
Famous historical figures of the 20th century
The turning point in the history of many countries of the world, a difficult and at the same time stellar century, brought such politicians as Lenin, Thatcher, Churchill, Stalin, Roosevelt, Hitler and others to the stage of world fame. Lenin, who was called the leader, destroyed an entire empire and built the first state of socialism on the planet. There is no single view ofpersonality and activity. What is the damage caused by his activities? Of course, some of his reforms and transformations had a beneficial effect on society and the country. This is, first of all, the eradication of the class division of society, the introduction of universally accessible education and medicine.

Joseph Stalin, for example, has long been considered the idol of the entire population of the Union. Stalin, under whose rule the country won the Great Military Victory, was a tough man. Only after the fall of the cult of personality did the archives that compromised him begin to open. Joseph Stalin pursued a harsh policy, did not take into account the opinions of other people, repressed them, carried out collectivization and five-year plans that exhausted the people, but brought the country to the level of a superpower.
Outstanding Russian commanders
In the history of Russia there were many difficult moments - dangerous and bloody wars. The fate of the country has many times been in the hands of military commanders, their strategic skills and foresight. Significant pages of history are associated with the military activities of A. V. Suvorov, M. I. Kutuzov, P. S. Nakhimov, A. A. Brusilov, G. K. Zhukov and other commanders and heroes, to whom the population owes a peaceful sky, and the country – gained prestige.
The greatest commander is Suvorov A. V., who brilliantly conducted the Polish, Turkish, and at the end of his life, the Italian campaign. With his talent and new vision of war, he conquered many European and Asian cities. One of the most famous campaigns of Suvorov is the Swiss, where, faced with the irresponsibility of the Austrianarmy, adverse conditions and the plight of the soldiers, he was able to win a great victory.

Kutuzov M. I. participated in many military operations, but command of the army during the Patriotic War with France brought him worldwide fame. After not entirely successful battles with the French army, Kutuzov retreated, but his goal was to exhaust the French and drive them to the west. Kutuzov's strategic plan succeeded, and the empire won.
The personality of G. K. Zhukov is one of the most controversial among iconic historical figures. Like many strong personalities, they like to criticize Zhukov, evaluate his actions, and refute his merits. It is unconditional that he is the greatest historical figure. During the Great Patriotic War, he was sent to the places of the greatest enemy onslaught. His fighting methods, tough and determined, worked. The first victory in the war was won by the troops near Yelnya, where Zhukov commanded. It is the first marshal who owns the plan for conducting the battle on the Kursk Bulge, according to which the troops must purposefully defend and retreat, and then suddenly attack. This strategic plan worked - a victory was won that influenced the further course of the war. It was obtained by the labors of brilliant commanders, the courage of officers and soldiers. Zhukov G. K. was distinguished by unique strategies, attention to soldiers, special requirements for intelligence, careful planning of battles.
Outstanding Russian scientists
The most famous political figures in Russia are described above. However, not onlyRussian land is rich in talented politicians and diplomats. The people who made the country move forward in science are scientists. The fruits of the intellectual labors of Russian scientists are used in many countries of the world. P. N. Yablochkov created an electric light bulb, V. K. Zworykin created an electron microscope, and also organized television broadcasting, S. P. Korolev designed the world's first ballistic missile, spacecraft and the first artificial Earth satellite.

A whole scientific direction was created by A. P. Vinogradov - this is the geochemistry of isotopes. IV Kurchatov, who built the first nuclear power plant, worked for the good of the country. His team created the atomic bomb.
You can also note the works of prominent medical scientists. M. A. Novinsky became the founder of experimental oncology. S. S. Yudin was the first to talk about the possibility of blood transfusions of people who suddenly passed away. S. S. Bryukhonenko became the creator of the heart-lung machine. The outstanding Russian anatomist N. I. Pirogov was the first to compile an atlas of anatomy, and was the first in the country to use anesthesia.
Great cultural figures
Culture develops along with humanity, therefore, undoubtedly, representatives of education are also the creators of history. Russian artists, writers, poets, actors, directors and other cultural figures enjoy honor and respect. Of the artists, it is necessary to note the geniuses of Russian icon painting: Andrei Rublev, Theophan the Greek and Dionysius. The images in their works are majestic and truthful. Talented landscape painters were I. K. Aivazovsky, I. I. Shishkin, A. K. Savrasov. Great portrait painters: S. S. Schukin, V. A. Tropinin, A. P. Bryullov, V. A. Serov and others.

The formation of Russian and world ballet is associated with the names of the great Russian prims: O. A. Spesivtseva, G. S. Ulanova, A. P. Pavlova, M. M. Plisetskaya. Entire epochs in the history of Russian culture are associated with them.
The works of Russian writers captivate people from all over the world. The masterpieces of A. S. Pushkin, F. M. Dostoevsky, N. V. Gogol, L. N. Tolstoy, M. A. Bulgakov and others amaze with their unique style, manner and tact, plots, characters, philosophy and the truth of life.