What is rhythm and its role in the education of children

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What is rhythm and its role in the education of children
What is rhythm and its role in the education of children

In the upbringing of children, the upbringing of a sense of beauty is of great importance, which is formed through such lessons as drawing, music, and the inclusion of rhythm in the educational process. As such, there is no separate lesson on it, but it goes as an additional circle. The exception is correctional schools, because rhythm also shapes physical development.

What is rhythm

This is a complex of physical exercises and musical accompaniment. In rhythmic lessons, children must convey the meaning of music with the help of movements. The purpose of rhythm is to educate children in musical perception, improve motor skills and general motor training, and develop a rhythmic sense.

But rhythm and choreography should not be confused. In the first case, there is no question of memorizing any dance sequences. The main emphasis is on the tempo-rhythmic feeling.

what is rhythm
what is rhythm

Rhythmic activities for kids

Having a general idea of what rhythm is, it is already possible to move on to a more detailed analysis of these activities for children of primary school age. The main goal of these studies isthe formation of the ability to express their emotions not only with the help of movements, but also facial expressions, gestures. During rhythm, exercises are used that consist of simple dance movements.

Rhythm for children uses such physical exercises as walking, running, jumping, performing tasks with objects - they are needed for the development of general developmental movements. It is also important to use the element of the game during rhythm lessons - this way the teacher will be able to maintain the interest of children and develop social role skills.

What's included in the class

The rhythm program implies classes that are held in a playful way with the right musical accompaniment. Such music and movement lessons include the following components:

  • rhythmoplasty;
  • control of correct breathing;
  • movements that promote psycho-emotional relaxation;
  • story dances;
  • outdoor games.
  • rhythm program
    rhythm program

During rhythmics, special attention is paid to the ability to control the body, the formation of correct posture and coordination, the development of flexibility and smoothness of movements. Of course, the main thing is to choose the right soundtrack. Therefore, rhythmic music requires careful selection, because not all pieces are suitable for these classes.

It is necessary to select various melodies, including in terms of performance. A combination of song recording and live accompaniment would be ideal. Musical instruments also help to form finemotor skills, the development of musical ear and proper breathing. Melodies should also differ in their tempo and rhythm. And do not forget that you need to select musical accompaniment taking into account the age category of students - the older the children, the more difficult the melodies can be.

Rhythm classes at school

Not only in kindergarten, music and movement classes are included in the learning process. There is a rhythm program for grade 1, its goal is to educate aesthetic perception, respectful attitude and the development of a harmonious personality as a whole. The program is drawn up in accordance with the required standards, and the content of the classes is planned taking into account the characteristics of the class.

rhythm for kids
rhythm for kids

What is rhythm in school? The structure of classes is already a little more complicated compared to kindergarten. The teacher tries to introduce children to folk culture, puts on simple plot games that form patriotism and moral values in children. All topics for lessons are studied gradually throughout the school year.

The program is based on an integrated approach to teaching and conducting rhythm lessons. Musical-motor exercises are flexible, i.e. they are able to combine with other disciplines to address all aspects of a group of students of a certain age.

Speech therapy rhythmics

What is rhythm, it has already become clear, but there is also another kind of it, when motor exercises are spoken. It is necessary for those children who have problems with speechdevelopment. After all, it has already been scientifically proven that the level of development of motor skills is associated with speech.

The following elements are included in speech therapy rhythmic classes:

  • breathing-voice exercise;
  • exercises aimed at relaxing muscle tone;
  • singing vowel sounds and songs;
  • exercises for the development of the tempo-rhythmic side of speech.

Logo rhythm will be especially useful for children who have stuttering, because it helps to relax not only muscle tone, but also the nervous system.

music for rhythm
music for rhythm

Recommendations for practicing rhythm

In order for classes to be effective and beneficial for children, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions. If the lessons are organized correctly, the child becomes emotionally more stable, shy children become more open, and the motor sphere improves markedly. It is very important that the child feels comfortable in the classroom, he has a trusting and respectful attitude towards the teacher. To do this, follow these recommendations:

  • correct musical accompaniment;
  • classes are held in a playful way;
  • need to listen to the wishes of children;
  • adult should allow children to show their emotions;
  • remarks should be made in a calm tone and explain what exactly the child did wrong;
  • gradually make things harder.

Rhythm allows children to throw out their energy and gives a charge of positive emotions. Gradually rhythm lessonshelp to form a musical taste, the child learns the basic dance elements. For children with speech disorders, the possibility of forming the correct tempo-rhythmic side of speech is especially important. During the lessons, children can also learn small songs in a playful way.

rhythm program grade 1
rhythm program grade 1

Rhythm classes are often held as physical minutes. This is especially useful for elementary school students, because it is important for them to give them the opportunity to throw out their energy, during such activities the games are organized. Rhythm is not just movement to music, but these movements must have a pedagogical purpose in order for classes to be effective and benefit children.
