Antagonism is a contradiction, confrontation, an irreconcilable struggle of warring forces. This term originated in ancient Greece. But even today the word "antagonism" is quite common. Examples of the use of this noun are given in the article.

General sense
As already mentioned, this word is of ancient Greek origin. In modern Russian, there are several synonyms for it. Antagonism is a word that is close in meaning to such concepts as rivalry, struggle, competition, contradiction, confrontation. "Dislike" is another synonym. "Antagonism" is a term that occurs in various spheres of human activity. And, of course, it is not always possible to replace it with one of the words given above. Consider the use of this concept in various cases.
Antagonism is a type of relationship between microorganisms, in which a certain part of them affects the rest, suppressing and slowing down their growth. What caused such "hostility"? It usually happens whenwhen some microorganisms begin to secrete chemicals that have antibiotic properties. Such properties inhibit the growth of other living organisms. Microorganisms that release the chemical gain a sort of competitive advantage. The concept of antagonism can be found in many branches of biology. But the most understandable example is the effect of antibiotics on the body - medications that doctors prescribe for various inflammatory processes. The substance contained in them acts as an antagonist to pathogenic microflora. The antibiotic suppresses it and thus eliminates inflammation.
This example makes it easy to understand the meaning of the word "antagonism". The term is also found in history, and in philosophy, and in religion. In each case, it has certain semantic connotations. But in any case, if the text contains the noun "antagonism", we are talking about fierce competition, rivalry, a struggle that will never lead to reconciliation.

Social Antagonism
Scientists identify several types of contradictions that arise in society. But we are only interested in one of them - antagonistic. That is, one that is characterized by a sharp mutual negation of the parties. Antagonism is a struggle in which there can be only one winner. And an example of such irreconcilable enmity can be seen if we recall the main events in the national history of the twentieth century. We are talking about the class struggle that began after the revolutionary events in our country.
The idea of dividing society into groups was known to thinkers around the world long before the February Revolution. The events that took place in France at the end of the eighteenth century inspired many cultural figures in Russia. However, the contradictions in Russian society reached their peak much later.
Class struggle
Antagonism is not a lingering contradiction between groups of people, but a struggle in which the strongest wins. In the Soviet Union, the class struggle was waged against the representatives of the old regime. It began in the twenties and continued for a long time, even when the victory over the opponents of the new ideology was won.

In art
In the literature, such a phenomenon as antagonism is quite common. Especially in the works of ancient authors or playwrights of the era of classicism. But even in modern prose there are antagonists - heroes who prevent the main character from achieving his goal. But in the literature of the twentieth century, it is more difficult to identify such a hero than, for example, in the drama of Sophocles or the comedy of Molière. Moreover, not only a single character, but also a group of characters and even social or political conditions can act as an antagonist.
There are many examples of antagonism in the literature. One of them can be seen in Kesey's book Over the Cuckoo's Nest. The main character is McMurphy. Its goal is freedom. McMurphy's antagonists are the head nurse and other patients who are used to living in fear and absolute obedience.