Sleep well is as much a sign of good he alth as appetite. Therefore, insomnia is the same disease as any other that requires treatment. But most people, instead of going to a specialist, prefer self-medication, which can only worsen the situation. Another reason why a person puts off seeing a doctor is not knowing which specialist to go to. Sleep problems and their elimination are de alt with by a somnologist.

Somnology is a branch of medicine, the purpose of which is to study and eliminate sleep disorders. This branch of medicine is a relatively new direction. To date, more than 80 types of sleep disorders have been found that adversely affect human he alth and, consequently, the quality of life. Specialists in this field do not work in ordinary clinics, and you can only make an appointment in a private clinic. We will look at them below.
Thus, a somnologist is a doctor whose job is to prevent and treat sleep disorders. The range of his activities is quite wide, but he can solve some sleep problems together with other doctors - a neurologist,infectious disease specialist, otolaryngologist. What problems can a somnologist help get rid of? These are, first of all, problems that require immediate treatment. This is insomnia, apnea, snoring, restless sleep. A children's somnologist will help get rid of nightmares, long falling asleep, improper sleep patterns, when a child confuses day with night. Treatment is not always medical, as the problem may be psychological, and the doctor will help correct the situation and restore restful sleep.
Somologist Tips
If you or your loved ones are tortured by sleepless nights, you should make an appointment with a somnologist. This is, of course, the right decision. But before you see a doctor, try following these guidelines.
- Go to bed and get up at the same time on weekdays and weekends.
- No need to sleep during the day. If you are used to daytime sleep, then it should be before 15:00 and no more than an hour.
- Go to bed at night only when you feel sleepy. If there is no sleep, then you need to find a distraction.
- Sports and occasional physical activity promote sound sleep. Therefore, you need to do exercises in the morning, and during the day take walks for at least an hour.
- The rituals that accompany the departure to rest will help you tune in to a sound and sweet sleep. It could be a relaxing bath, relaxing music, or reading an interesting book or magazine.
- Don't drink strong coffee and tea before bed, you should give up alcohol.
- Don't overeat before bed. But if you can’t sleep without dinner, then you canget by with a light snack: kefir, milk, vegetables or fruits.
- Sleeping pills are addictive, so don't abuse them.

Alarm call
Do not put off a visit to a somnologist if you have the following circumstances and symptoms of illness:
- cardiac hypertension and ischemia that aggravate at night;
- snoring;
- taking sleeping pills for quite a long time;
- constant desire to sleep during the daytime;
- frequently falling, walking or grinding teeth while sleeping;
- stop breathing or sleep problems;
- discomfort during sleep (goosebumps, numbness or cramps in the limbs).
These are warning signs.
To diagnose disorders, the somnologist uses a number of techniques in his work, some of which will be discussed in more detail.
Polysomnography is a series of tests performed during sleep to detect abnormalities, including breathing, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen levels, brain wave patterns, eye movements, breathing muscles, limbs.
Electroculogram (EOG) is an electrophysiological method that examines the eye muscles and the outer layer of the retina using changes in biopotentials during retinal stimulation and eye movements.
Electrocardiogram (ECG) - an electrophysiological study and registration of electrical fields that are formed during the work of the heart.
Electromyogram (EMG) - electrophysiological studyand registration of electrical muscle activity.
Dynamic pulse oximetry is a non-invasive method based on the spectrophotometric method that determines the degree of blood oxygen saturation.
Electroencephalogram - a record of a complex oscillatory electrical process obtained using an electroencephalograph.

To prescribe treatment, one hardware diagnostic may not be enough, and in this case, tests may be required. These can be general (such as a urine or blood test) and specific. The latter depend on the state of he alth of the patient. If some kind of infection has become the cause of sleep disturbances, then the somnologist will write out a referral to an infectious disease specialist. If problems are the sphere of activity of an ENT doctor, then go to him. And after their examination, the doctor prescribes adequate treatment.
Specialist in Moscow
If the above tips do not help, and sleep problems do not recede, then you should consult a specialist. Where can I find a somnologist in Moscow?
There are various centers and laboratories for the study of sleep in the capital, in which qualified specialists will provide the necessary assistance. Below is a list of them with contact information.
- Clinical sanatorium "Barvikha", which is located in the Odintsovo district in the Moscow region. The center has been operating in the field of medicine for over 20 years, and lectures on sleep disorders are held twice a year to improve the skills of specialists.
- Institute of Cardiology. A. L. Myasnikov, located on the 3rd Cherepovskaya,d. 15-a. The institute has a sleep laboratory, the main direction of which is the treatment of apnea and arterial hypertension.
- The Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of Otorhinolaryngology is located on Volokolamskoye Highway, 20, not far from the Sokol metro station. Specialists use the latest advances in medicine to treat sleep apnea and snoring.
- National Medical and Surgical Center named after N. I. Pirogov on Nizhnyaya Pervomaiskaya, 70. The laboratory at the center has been operating since 2013 and during this time has managed to accumulate vast experience in the treatment of sleep disorders.
- Somnological service at the medical center "Diagnostics" at Zhivopisnaya, 14, building 1 (metro stations "Polezhaevskaya", "Shchukinskaya") and the Xenotherapy Center at Zemlyanoy Val, 64, building 2 (station metro "Taganskaya"). The service also provides the possibility of online registration and cashless payments. During a face-to-face consultation, a comprehensive examination is carried out with the participation of other specialists, except for the somnologist.
- "CM-Clinic" at 33/28 Clara Zetkin Street offers sleep disorders examination using German and Israeli equipment.
- University Clinical Hospitals. THEM. Sechenov No. 1 and No. 3, located on Bolshaya Pirogovskaya, 6, building 1 and on Rossolimo 11, building B No. 1. They have a somnological office, the main work of which is to identify sleep disorders. No. 3 has a sleep department that provides a range of services.
- Eurasian clinic on Novy Arbat, 36/3, whose laboratoryequipped with modern somnological equipment, will help get rid of the problems associated with sleep disorders.

In addition to the capital's clinics, sleep problems are also solved in the Moscow region. Somology rooms operate in Khimki and Kolomna.
- "Family Doctor" at 10, Kirov Avenue. Here you can undergo a comprehensive examination and get advice from experienced specialists.
- Treatment and Rehabilitation Clinical Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation in Khimki, in the Planernaya microdistrict, vl. 14.

Specialist in St. Petersburg
The necessary assistance can also be obtained after consulting a somnologist in St. Petersburg in the clinics below.
- St. Petersburg City Hospital at 9 Borisova, Sestroretsk, where the Center for the Treatment of Sleep Disorders operates.
- St. Petersburg Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences on Torez Avenue, 72. There is also a Center for the Treatment of Sleep Disorders with the possibility of outpatient and inpatient treatment.
- Polyclinic complex (medical center) on Moskovsky prospect, 22.
- Consulting and diagnostic center with a polyclinic on Morskoy Prospekt, 3. Outpatient treatment is possible here.
- Center for cardiac medicine on the Black River. There is a sleep laboratory here, where not only studies of sleep disorders and their elimination are carried out, but also full-fledged cardiological diagnostics.
Exceptspecialized clinics, the help of a somnologist in St. Petersburg can be obtained in the laboratory for the study and correction of respiratory disorders and the department of somnology. She is located at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases at the Military Medical Academy on Zagorodny Prospekt, 47.
The department of somnology is located at the International Institute of Biological Systems. CM. Berezina, LDC on 6th Sovetskaya, 24/26.
If contacted in time, sleepologists in St. Petersburg will provide all the necessary assistance.

Specialist in Yekaterinburg
The residents of Yekaterinburg can get help from a somnologist at the following medical institutions.
Center for restorative medicine and rehabilitation at the road clinical hospital at the Sverdlovsk-Passenger station on Nadezhdinskaya, 9A. Patients of the center have the opportunity to undergo a full comprehensive examination in the hospital and then be observed on an outpatient basis.
Sverdlovsk Regional Hospital No. 2, Department of Functional and Ultrasound Diagnostics at Rabochaya Molodyozhy Embankment, 3.

What to look out for?
A somnologist is a doctor who can save a person from sleep problems. People who turned to a specialist in time were able to get rid of snoring, sleep apnea and improve their well-being with hypertension. According to reviews, the somnologist either prescribes treatment based on the diagnosis, or corrects it if the patient is seen by another specialist. This approach allows you to get rid of ailments almost 85%respondents.