What is an adverb? Adverb (English "adverb"; the term was borrowed from the Latin term "adverbium") - a part of speech meaning a sign of activity, a sign of another sign, in rare cases - a sign of an object.

One of the features of this part of speech is immutability. Even at school, they teach that the words of this category answer the questions “how?”, “Where?”, “Where?”, “When?”, “For what purpose?”, “Why?”, “To what extent? » and some others. The above adverb questions will make it very easy to determine if a word belongs to this part of speech.
The process of forming adverbs is called adverbialization. An adverb can refer to a verb and its forms, a noun, an adjective, or another adverb:
1. He lives here quite happily.
2. They live in a new way.
3. Always work carefully.
4. Today acrobats are touring here, and tomorrow they are going to the village.
What is an adverb is understandable, but a new question arises: why are they so different and answer different questions? The fact is that this part of speech can indicate differentsigns. An adverb indicates a sign of activity if it adjoins a verb, as well as a gerund. It indicates a certain feature of the object, if it is adjacent to a noun. And finally, an adverb means a sign of a sign if it stands next to an adjective, participle, another adverb.
To better understand what an adverb is, you should remember about its syntactic functions. In a sentence, such words in most cases act as circumstances. In some cases, they can act as predicates. As a rule, in a sentence, an adverb performs the function of
circumstances, if it is related to a verb, an adjective, another adverb.

A separate group of adverbs is formed by words that do not name a
sign, but only demonstrate it. These are pronominal adverbs (examples below). They, with the exception of the main purpose, are used to connect sentences in the text. They are divided into groups such as:
- Indicative (here, there, there, then, from there).
- Undefined (somewhere, somewhere, somewhere).
- Interrogative (how, where, why).
- Negative (nowhere, nowhere, nowhere, never).
By the meaning of the adverb, two categories are distinguished: adverbial and attributive.
To the first category belong:
- adverbs of time (when? since when? how long?).
For example: always keeping, long famous, wandering until dark, long approaching;
- adverbs of place (where? from where? where?).
For example: run ahead,escort there, arrive from afar;
- adverbs of reason (why? why? why? for what reason?).
For example: hit in the heat of the moment, idol involuntarily;
- adverbs of purpose (why? for what purpose?).
For example: miss on purpose, say it in mockery, meet on purpose.

To determiners belong:
- adverbs of degree and measure (how much? to what extent? how much?).
For example: work hard, twice as fast, too shrill, raise a little;
- adverbs of image and mode of action (demonstrate what type or method the action takes place).
For example: walking, smashing to smithereens, looking down;
- qualitative adverbs (mark the peculiarity of an action or property).
For example: boldly give an answer, rush quickly, perform somehow, twinkling star excitedly.
Thus, the question “what is an adverb” has a very simple answer: it is another part of speech in Russian that answers the questions “how?”, “when?” and others, performing the function of circumstance in the sentence.