An adverb is one of the significant (independent) parts of speech, which serves to describe a property (or feature, as it is called in grammar) of an object, action or other property (that is, a feature).

If an adverb is attached to a verb or a gerund, it describes the property of the action. If it is used together with an adjective or participle, then it characterizes the property of the attribute, and if the adverb is combined with a noun, then it denotes the property of the object.
“How, when, where and why? Where and where? Why, how much and how much? - these are the questions that the adverb answers.
It does not have the ability to change its grammatical form, so it is interpreted as an invariable part of speech. The adverb has two morphological features - it forms groups associated with different meanings, and in some cases it has degrees of comparison.

Value groups
There are six main semantic groups of adverbs.
- Adverbs to whichYou can ask questions like how? how?" are called the words of the mode of action. They describe exactly how, in what way and in what way an action is performed. Examples: talk (how?) in a friendly way; ride (how?) on horseback; refusing (how?) outright.
- Words that answer the questions “when? how long? How long? since what time?” belong to the group of adverbs of time. They indicate the time of the action. Examples: leaving (when?) tomorrow; walks (until when?) late; has existed (since when?) for a long time.
- The adverbs of place are words that answer the questions “where? where? where?". They describe exactly where the action takes place. Examples: move (where?) forward; return (from where?) from afar; leaking (where?) downstairs.
- To the question "why?" answer the adverbs of reason. They indicate the reason for the action. Examples: stumbled into a corner (for what reason?) blindly; screamed (why?) in the heat of the moment.
- To the question "why?" respond adverbs with the meaning of purpose. They describe why, for what purpose an action is performed. Examples: lost (why?) intentionally; spilled water (for what purpose?) to spite me.
- The category of adverbs with the meaning of degree and measure expresses the degree to which the process is manifested. And these adverbs have the same questions - “to what extent? how much? at what time? to what extent?" Examples: spoke (to what extent?) overconfidently; heard (how much?) a lot of news; ate (to what extent?) satiety.

Degrees of comparison
Adverbs can be formed fromdifferent parts of speech. Those that are formed from qualitative adjectives have degrees of comparison.
The comparative degree, in turn, is simple when its form is formed in a suffixal way, and compound, when the adverb in a comparative degree is formed using the words "less" or "more". Here are some examples:
- simple form: slow - slower, bright - brighter, thin - thinner, etc.;
- compound form: sonorous - more sonorous, solemn - less solemn.
The superlative degree of qualitative adverbs is formed by adding the lexemes "most" and "least" to the neutral word, for example: "This speech most successfully demonstrates my oratory skills."
In some cases, the superlative degree is obtained by combining the comparative degree with the pronouns "everyone", "everyone", for example: "I jumped higher than everyone else." "Beethoven's music was his favorite."
Some adverbs of superlative and comparative degree have a different root: much - more - more than all; bad – worse – worst of all, etc

Syntactic role
An adverb is a linguistic category that plays the role of a secondary member in a sentence - circumstances. Less commonly, it acts as a definition or nominal part of the predicate. Consider these cases.
- "Anna walked up the steps (how?) solemnly." In this sentence, the adverb is the circumstance.
- "We were served eggs (what?) soft-boiled and meat (what?) in French." In this case, adverbsfulfill the mission of determination (inconsistent).
- "Your gift (what did you do?) came in handy." In this case, the adverb is the nominal part of the compound predicate. A verb without it cannot be perceived here as a full-fledged predicate.
Spelling adverbs
Which letter should the adverb end with in this or that case? How not to make a mistake with her choice? There is an algorithm.
- Select the prefix in the word.
- If we have the prefix na-, za-, v-, then at the end of the word we write the letter o. (Examples: screwed the nut tight; I come home after dark; turn left.)
- If the adverb begins with the prefix po-, then at the end of the word we will write y.
Russian adverb (Examples: birds sing in the morning; little by little I come to my senses.)
- If this is a prefix from-, to-, from-, then at the end of the word we write the letter a. (I am sitting on the right; I will wash the window clean; I reread this book from time to time.) There are exceptions here: young, blind, blind.
It is necessary, however, to remember that if the adverb comes from a noun or adjective that already has this prefix in the word, then we will write the letter o at the end of the adverb. Example: take an exam early (adjective adjective early).
At the end, after hissing in the dialect, we will write a soft sign: completely covered with clouds; ran galloping; go away. We find exceptions only in the word "unbearable" and in the word "married" - here the hissing ones remain without a soft sign.
Hyphen and adverb
What will help determine whether or notno write a word with a hyphen? Remember the following rule: write with a hyphen words that
- Derived from pronouns and adjectives with the prefix po- and suffixes - him, -om, -i. Examples: will be in my opinion; disperse kindly; talk in a familiar way.
- Derived from numerals with the prefix v- (in-) and suffixes -s, -ih: firstly, thirdly.
- Arose through the participation of the prefix something or suffixes -something, -something, -or. Examples: There is something for you; someone asked you; someday you will remember; if there is a fire somewhere.
- By adding similar or repeated words: happened a long time ago; barely move.
In closing
The Russian language is colorful and expressive. The adverb plays one of the main roles in this, supplying our speech with expressive and rich details. The dialect holds many secrets and, according to linguists, is still in development.