Patience is needed in the most everyday moments. What is the name of a person whose supply is limited? That's right, impatient. It is difficult to communicate with such a person, because it is not known at what moment he will "explode".
Patience is a very good quality. Let's find out how it can be developed and whether it is real. By the way, this quality is very useful in life.
What is patience? The ability to remain calm in a difficult or provocative situation, endure the blows of fate, show leniency towards offenders.

Distinction from tolerance
Patience and tolerance are different concepts. The latter term implies an indifferent attitude to what is contrary to moral standards. Tolerance is what tolerance is. We are called to calmly accept something shameful and unnatural.
What good is the quality of patience?
Thisgood quality. It makes a person less vulnerable to adversity, able to look at the situation with different eyes, be more resilient. This quality is necessary for self-improvement. For survival in the modern world too.
What if she's not there?
Although patience is a very necessary quality, it is not always inherent in us from birth. And what to do? Live in a hurricane of emotions that a person is not able to cope with?
You need to learn to develop this quality. Learn to be more calm no matter the circumstances. How to develop patience, we will tell further.

Ten ways
Well, let's learn. We have selected ten of the best ways to help us in this matter.
- Sigh seven times, say once. If you are provoked, unbalanced, do not rush to scream and stomp your feet. Draw air into your lungs three times and slowly exhale it. This will help you calm down and take time out in order to tune in to calm communication with the provocateur.
- Dig into yourself. Each of us has times when patience is about to run out. And we break down on our neighbors. But this is not the best option. Ask yourself "Why am I relapsed?" - that's the perfect way to find the cause. It's easy to yell at people around you. It is much more difficult to understand the reasons for your impatience.
- Change the look. If it's a moment of breakdown, just think of something positive that brings a sense of peace.
- Changing tactics of perception. Our mistake is that we often judge by ourselves. And we get annoyed at people with a different worldview. But we are all different. How many people, so many characters. If we keep this in mind, change the tactics of perceiving people, as well as the strategy of communicating with them, we will feel much calmer. It is more pleasant to understand others and treat them patiently than to lose peace of mind.
- Make a list of irritants. This is one of the best methods for developing patience. And it really works. If a person understands what is becoming a source of his irritation, it is easier to deal with it.
- You were annoyed too. We ourselves sometimes act as someone's source of irritation. And we will not know about it, because a person remains patient. Remember this fact before you take it out on anyone.
- Let's go from the contrary. Remember how you felt when someone lashed out at you instead of being patient? What was it like - nice? Hardly liked it.
- Reward yourself for your patience. Did not break in a difficult situation? Please yourself with something. Keep a winner's diary and write down your achievements in it.
- Share your success with someone who understands. It could be a relative or a close friend. Verbal praise helps build patience.
- Imagine the satisfaction you will feel as you push yourself to the limit by becoming a patient person. You won, you did it! This is great.

The right motivation
Patience is a great quality. And beforeto start developing it, you need to properly motivate yourself.

Why do I need this? Why do I want to learn patience? What will this quality give me? Answer these questions for yourself, honestly. Write down the answers, and when you realize that a breakdown is close, reread them.
Here are some examples:
- Why do I need this? To stop getting annoyed with others, to be able to understand them, to look at the situation through the eyes of an opponent.
- Why do I want to learn patience? Because its development is work on oneself. I want to be able to overcome my negative qualities of character, get rid of them.
- What will it give me? Strong nerve cells. I will stop wasting myself on trifles and maintain inner peace.
Patience saves relationships
Patience is a necessary quality for friendship and marriage. Imagine a situation: a close friend offended you very much. You, instead of offending in response, simply remained silent. Endured, in other words. After a while, the friend realized his mistake. He called and asked for forgiveness. Relations restored.
What would happen if you exploded? They would say nasty things to each other, remembering what happened in the past. And no one would take the first step towards reconciliation, considering himself right and the other guilty. He, such a bad one, dared to hurt me. How to take the first step after this? He will call if he wants to.

We talked about what patience is. This isquality is very necessary in modern life, full of stress and problems. A patient person actually has much more than one who reacts painfully to this or that stimulus.
Learn patience and your nerve cells will be saved. As well as relationships with loved ones, through whose eyes you can look at a particular situation. There is nothing shameful in the ability to put yourself in the shoes of others.