Meal is a blessed saturation with food

Meal is a blessed saturation with food
Meal is a blessed saturation with food

Modern man is taught to call eating breakfast, lunch, dinner. In monasteries and among people who believe in God in the kitchen, in the dining room, it is customary to call a meal a meal. Why is it so strangely called? A meal is not just lunch or dinner, it is the adoption of any food and drink by the whole family at home or by the brethren in the monastery. Modern people who do not belong to any religion may be surprised: "We also sit down to eat all together!". They can be told that the meal is different from the usual lunch.

A table for eating, not for talking

Christians, especially Orthodox Christians, know that it is imperative to have icons of the Lord and His Mother at home. Where people usually eat (in the kitchen, in the living room or in the hall), there is a holy corner. The table is set so that the head of the family sits right in front of the images, and the rest of the household and guests sit on the sides. What does a Christian meal look like? The photo below illustrates her in the past (and even today) among pious families. The owner of the house begins to pray aloud in front of the icons, having previously crossed himself so that the Lord would bless the food. The rest listen in silence. The Father at the end of the prayer overshadows food and drink with the sign of the cross. He sits down at the table first.

meal photo
meal photo

In past centuries, almost every child knew that the father is the most important, he is held in high esteem by everyone, so he is the first to sit down at the table and take a spoon. Of course, the wife or daughter serves a bowl of soup first to him. A meal is not an occasion for conversation. Everyone eats silently. At the end of dinner, the head of the family gets up from the table and thanks the Lord and the Mother of God aloud for the food provided. All relatives and friends also pray. Only after words of thanksgiving to God can conversations and communication begin.

What is the meaning of the meal?

Why are there such rules for dinner among Christians? Where did this custom come from? To answer this question, you need to look into the Gospel. Before his death, Jesus Christ called the disciples, and for the last time they sat down at the common table. He broke bread and told his followers that this would be theirs in memory of His body. He then pointed to the cup of wine.

Meal is a memory of Jesus Christ. To this day, clergymen prepare Holy Communion in churches at liturgy, while putting pieces of prosphora (small bread) into the bowl and pouring wine. At this time, God Himself works a miracle in the altar. The bread and wine symbolize the body and blood of the Lord, crucified the day after the holy meal was served with the disciples.

meal is
meal is

That is why the tradition has been preserved to have bread on the table during a home or monastic meal. Christians pray before and after meals for the Lord to be present, Himself to bless the dinner. They say that the food afterprayer becomes sanctified. No illnesses stick to believers. There are cases when food was spoiled, but people did not receive symptoms of poisoning.

Memorial meal

The word "meal" is Greek. It means "eating and drinking in society". All people sit down together at the table, after praying.

There is a special meal - a funeral. When a Christian dies, they pray for him on the 3rd, 9th, 40th days after death. All relatives, friends, acquaintances sit down at the table and commemorate the deceased. The Church calls on the mourners to invite the poor, deprived to the table, so that they pray for the newly deceased. The Lord says that He will reward the person who gives his own and does not demand anything back. You need to be able to give freely.

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meal word

Lenten meal is an exception to the menu of meat, eggs, milk. Such products in Orthodoxy are called skorny. It can be assumed that only vegetarian food is allowed on the table. On fast days you can not overeat. It is better to eat very little than to overeat. Many people think that fasting is all about food. This is not true. During fasting, one should beware of chatter, quarrels, irritation, entertainment. It is better to spend every minute with prayer, including at the meal.

Holy meal

After the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the church calls on people to confess their sins and partake of the Mysteries of Christ in order to be reconciled to God and come to Paradise. People take turns approaching the priest after confession, placing their hands crosswise on their chests,call their name and eat from a spoon a piece of bread and wine, which is the Body and Blood of Christ. Small children up to seven years of age receive communion without confession.

holy meal
holy meal

In conclusion, it is worth noting that consecrated food can heal spiritually and bodily, give strength, patience. Every person who has participated in a meal for the first time at a conscious age knows how it differs from a regular meal. During such a pious dinner, a swarm of thoughts leaves the head, there is no desire to watch TV and argue with loved ones, and the stomach takes food with benefit.
