Essay on the theme "School" is one of the most common tasks. In the first grade, we write about our first teacher or what we like about our school. In the fourth, we discuss what awaits us in the future, and how we liked elementary school.

In the future, more than once we come across similar essays, but on more serious topics, again related to education. But the most important thing is to write this essay correctly, with high quality, so that they get an excellent mark.
How to write an essay
The basis of good storytelling is writing it according to a certain plan:
- Start or end. In it, you should interest the reader, voice the topic and briefly express your opinion on it.
- The main part. In the middle of your story, you should reveal the full essence of your opinion. If this is an essay on the topic "School", then write everything you think about this educational institution.
- The final part. At the end of your assignment, add a couple of motivational phrases or write a conclusion that you draw based on the above.

This plan will allow you to clearly visualizethe structure of the essay. As you prepare to write, try to write down the most important phrases for each paragraph on your draft.
Types of essays
Besides the basics, you need to determine the type of your essay - how you want to write your story about the school. What are the types:
- In a descriptive essay, you describe everything, including feelings. Here fantasy can unfold to its fullest. This type is perfect for writing an essay on the topic “Goodbye to school” in grade 11. You have an event - graduation, and you can write about your own feelings that it causes, or about the feelings of your classmates. Thus, you will reveal the signs of this phenomenon (graduation) in the essay-description.
- Narration - a story about any events. Basically, the topic is revealed in calm tones, like a note in a newspaper and magazine. This style is suitable for writing an essay on the topic “Primary School” in middle grades. Here you can write about what the lessons are, what the teacher was like, how the classes were held, what events happened. However, remember that when writing an essay on the topic “My Elementary School”, the essay can become a description.

Reasoning contains the author's thoughts about some problems within the task. You are given a problem - you write your judgment, back it up with arguments, and draw a conclusion. For example, if you were given an essay on the topic “School”, then “poor-quality food in the canteen” or “absence of an English teacher” may become a problem. More global issues may also be raised: “is a tutor needed” or “inclusive education: for or against.”
Description essay example
When in the 4th or 5th grade they are asked to write an essay on the topic “School”, they are usually asked to describe farewell to some of its stages. An example of such an essay-description is below.
When you say goodbye to elementary school and see it for the last time, of course you want to cry or just be sad. You are tormented not only by the fact that you will no longer return to this native class and will not see your beloved teacher, but also by the fact that you are on the threshold of a new adult life. It's scary because you don't know what's going to happen next.
I have an older sister, she told me about future subjects and how lessons are arranged in high school. But many of the children do not know this and they are probably even more scared. When I said goodbye to elementary school, I was a little sad, although I hid it, because my relatives were glad that I had completed such an important stage in my life. Although I have found joyful moments: now I am getting older and will be able to go to school on my own.”
An example of a narrative essay
This work can be presented in the form of a story about simple school lessons.
“The first time I came to school and saw my teacher. She gave us homework - draw a caterpillar, write three lines and solve a couple of easy math problems. I then, I remember, decided that studying at school was easy. But it's not so simple. Every year the tasks became more difficult. The tasks became more and more difficult, there wereequations, and it was with them that I always had difficulty. But I did a good job in literature classes, reading a lot of books and memorizing poems easily.

I loved elementary school and it gave me a lot. She taught me about academic standards, discipline, good homework, and more. I still study with pleasure and try to become an excellent student. Many children do not like school because they have a bad teacher or, for example, they cannot do some assignments. But there are those who do not succumb to difficulties, achieve their goals and go ahead. Such people will achieve everything in life. I have not yet fully decided what kind of character I have, but I hope that I have the fortitude of the spirit.”
Example of essay-reasoning
“Once we were asked about what we would like to become, and I firmly answered that my dream was to be a teacher. Soon, after learning more about the profession of a teacher, I realized that I would like to work with special children with various diseases. One of the most unclaimed professions in our country is the profession of a tutor. Unfortunately, few people have heard who he is, although I believe that this profession is simply necessary in schools with an inclusive education system.
First, because…”.
Next, the author wrote a long explanation of why she considers such a profession very important, and made a conclusion. You can use sample essays to write something of your own.