The main modern requirements for the design of a kindergarten

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The main modern requirements for the design of a kindergarten
The main modern requirements for the design of a kindergarten

Designing a kindergarten is a very important task that requires quite a lot of patience, desire and aspiration of all participants in the educational process. The formation of a child's character most of all depends on adults and on how the interior around him is arranged, from toys to didactic aids. Every detail plays its significant role. The development of children can even depend on how all the objects are arranged and where they are located.

Basic modern requirements for the design of kindergarten

Beautiful decoration with balloons
Beautiful decoration with balloons

Everything that surrounds the child, participates in the formation of his psyche, is the source of his first knowledge and experience in socialization. Therefore, adults take upon themselves the responsibility to translate into reality such conditions that will favorably contribute to the fullest development of children's abilities in all important areas.mental and psychological parameters, that is, the organization of the environment.

Design in kindergarten should be done in such a way that places with various fields of activity are compactly placed in space. This will allow children to freely do whatever they want without interfering with each other, such as doing physical education, drawing, music, showing their acting skills, or just playing.

Here there is a slight contradiction: on the one hand, there is a need for space for the manifestation of the active life of children, and on the other, everyone understands that the premises of kindergartens are still limited. The principle of clear planning of kindergarten corners and their compact distribution will help overcome this contradiction.

Desirable terms of registration

Unlike the home atmosphere, the interior in the kindergarten should be energetically developing, awakening the emergence and development of the child's various hobbies related to the world around him, as well as his emotions and feelings.

The design of the corners in kindergarten should be as follows: for example, one of the walls can become a "wall of creativity" - it belongs entirely to the children and they can do whatever they want with it. They can draw on it with chalk, paints, pencils, glue something on it, creating both their personal and collective compositions, also practicing in creativity.

The kindergarten design project should provide for the possible transformation and change of the interior so that the overall semanticintegrity that was originally intended.

Interesting kindergarten interior
Interesting kindergarten interior

Design of a modern preschool environment

The concept of design implies the process of creativity and the result of artistic and creative activity, focused on achieving a cozy and multifunctional sphere, consisting of objects and individual objects. This environment will satisfy the needs of the person as a whole.

The concept of interior includes interchangeable interior details, such as furniture, room color, decor elements that match the personal style of each person.

Colors in the design also mean a lot. Shades ranging from red to variations of yellow are known to be warm, warming. Walls and ceilings painted in such colors seem closer. Other tones are called cold or distant because they create a feeling of coldness in the room in appearance, it seems more spacious and free. The decor should be such that it can be quite easily modified without damaging the semantic integrity.

The environment created around the child should calm and have a positive effect on his nervous system. All this will manifest itself in the meaningful and cognitive activity of the baby.

Kindergarten decoration
Kindergarten decoration

Developing space for children in the group room

When creating a developing environment for children, it is necessary to design corners in kindergarten, which are called zones or centers. Thus, it is possible to highlight such centers as:

  • training center;
  • art center;
  • theatrical activity center;
  • center of nature;
  • center for recreational physical activity;
  • mathematical development center;
  • retreat;
  • book center;
  • music center;

Important note! The privacy corner should be somewhat removed from all other centers. The purpose of the privacy corner is to create maximum comfort and cozy conditions for the child, where he can relax alone with himself and behave naturally, just relax.

Decoration of corners in kindergarten also has its own requirements. Thus, the floor and walls, painted in light colors, create a feeling of spaciousness. It is preferable that the walls of the group room be painted in light colors, such as light yellow. With regards to carpets and furniture, they should be kept in a single color scheme. Shelves-racks divide the space, divide the borders of the corners. With their help, group rooms are divided into centers. You can use portable furnishings on wheels (cabinets, tables), which can be easily moved around the room and used for different purposes, giving them a variety of purposes.

Decoration of the hall in kindergarten

The music hall in kindergarten is the space where the main events of preschool life take place, namely holidays, matinees, various kinds of concerts. For these reasons, the design of a kindergarten remains a responsible task that teachers and parents set for themselves.

It is necessary to try to make the interior of the music hallcorresponded to the theme of the holiday and at the same time was bright, accessible to children's perception. For the manufacture of decor elements, you can use the simplest materials: colored and plain paper, fabric, balloons (they are in special priority), etc. The picturesque and bright music hall creates a festive mood for children and their parents, contributes to the development of aesthetic taste, more deep and sensual perception of the theme of the holiday.

The decoration of a kindergarten with balloons is becoming more and more popular, when the festive hall is aesthetically and brightly decorated with compositions. All children adore balloons, they like this design so much that they will most likely have a bright memory from childhood for a long time, especially if these balloons are given to them as gifts at the end of the holiday.

You can decorate not only the stage, but the whole room as a whole, including changing rooms and corridors, so that even at the entrance to the kindergarten, the child feels the presence of something interesting, attractively magical.

Colorful arches, various shapes made of balloons, for example, a picturesque and expressive rainbow, look very expressive. It all depends on the imagination and efforts of teachers and parents.

Balloon arch decoration
Balloon arch decoration

A clearly organized developmental environment can also affect the future of the baby: perhaps even determine his vocation or talent, which will develop throughout his life. It will be easier for the child to believe in himself, his strengths and abilities, he will gain his first social experience in communicating withpeers, which is very important in the development of the child in the initial stages.
