KNU them. T. Shevchenko is the largest Ukrainian university. It was founded in Kyiv back in 1834 and was originally called the University of St. Vladimir.
The educational institution acquired its modern name already in Soviet times. It was named after the Ukrainian poet Taras Shevchenko, who worked here in the 40s of the 19th century in the archaeological commission.
Brief information about the university
KNU them. T. Shevchenko is the most prestigious educational institution on the territory of Ukraine, which annually graduates highly qualified specialists in various industries. His students at one time were famous creative and scientific figures of Ukraine and the entire USSR.

To date, Kyiv National University. T. Shevchenko (KNU) has a wide material and technical base, which includes modern equipment. Students have the opportunity to practice at their own astronomical observatory, the zoological and geological museum, the Botanical Garden and industry research institutes.
At this time, KNU them. T. G. Shevchenko teaches more than 25 thousand students from Ukraine and other countries. It employs 14faculties located in 8 institutes. More than 2 thousand qualified teachers are employees of the university. In addition, KNU them. T. Shevchenko practices close cooperation with universities and research institutes abroad.
Forms of study and opportunities for students
KNU them. T. G. Shevchenko offers applicants education both on a budgetary and paid basis. There is a postgraduate, master's and the possibility of obtaining postgraduate education. A military department works for young men, and visitors have the opportunity to live in a hostel. The buildings are located in different parts of Kyiv, but the central "red" is located in the heart of the city on Volodymyrska street.
University students can choose full-time, part-time or external studies in order to acquire a bachelor's, specialist's or master's degree.

In addition, for schoolchildren, applicants who did not manage to enter the first time and others, preparatory courses work on the basis of the university. They can be visited during the day, in the evenings or on weekends. Also, those who wish can enroll in foreign language courses that will help them enter a particular department of the university.
You need to think carefully about choosing a faculty and inquire about reviews. Find groups on social networks or chat with those who are already studying there. After all, about the different faculties and teachers of the KNU. T. Shevchenko reviews will be completely different.
For applicants
If you want to apply for admission to KNU. T. Shevchenko then followsprepare the following package of documents:
- application to rector;
- certificate issued by the center for assessing the quality of education in the required disciplines;
- medical certificate according to the form;
- photo (6 pieces 3 by 4);
- passport;
- military ID.
Reception of documents for those wishing to enroll in full-time education is carried out in the summer, in July. At the same time, a creative competition is held, according to the results of which those who receive the right to study at a university are determined.
KNU them. T. G. Shevchenko has almost 50 directions and more than 80 different speci alties. Therefore, it will not be difficult for an applicant to choose the most suitable one for himself.
University structure
What are the KNU them. T. Shevchenko faculties and institutes? What majors can students get?
Thus, the Educational and Scientific Center for Biology trains specialized specialists - ecologists, biotechnologists, teaches gardening and laboratory activities.
The Institute of Geology will help students master geoinformation technologies and systems. The Faculty of Economics trains future specialists in the theory and practice of this area. Future journalists, advertisers, television and media workers receive their education at the Institute of the same name.
The Faculty of Geography prepares future specialists in tourism, hydrology, geodesy and meteorology.

The Institute of Philology is graduated by specialists in Ukrainian and other languages of different groups, as well as translators andfolklorists. There is also a Faculty of History for the humanities, which educates future ethnographers, archaeologists and other specialists in this field.
Also works and IPO KNU them. T. Shevchenko, where anyone, regardless of age and level of education, can get new knowledge and a diploma in an additional profession.
Technical and other speci alties
In KNU them. T. G. Shevchenko there are many faculties and areas of technical orientation:
- high technology institute;
- Cybernetic Department;
- mechanical-mathematical;
- radiophysics, electronics and computers;
- information technology;
- chemistry.
Of course, we have not presented the entire list of university departments, we will consider some of them in more detail.
In addition, the largest university in Ukraine trains sociologists, psychologists, lawyers, philosophers and other specialists.
Institute of International Relations
This division of Taras Shevchenko University should be given special attention. As in other universities of a similar nature, located outside of Ukraine, students here are mainly children of diplomats and other we althy people who are confident that children will work in the international field.

Reviews about admission to this department are varied, many assure that it is quite realistic to enter the daytime free department even in the absence of the richparents, while others write that a "mere mortal" does not even need to submit documents here so as not to be disappointed.
One way or another, the Institute of International Relations of the KNU. T. Shevchenko belongs to his most elite units. Students can get in it such speci alties as:
- right;
- economic relations between countries;
- business;
- country studies and much more.
Cooperation with foreign partners
The Institute is a scientific and educational center of the modern type, which includes 11 departments and a separate department of foreign languages. Quite often, it hosts international and Ukrainian conferences, round tables and seminars dedicated to cooperation with partners from different countries in many fields of activity.
The leadership of the educational institution practices organizing meetings of students with distinguished foreign guests: politicians, ambassadors and artists. Contacts with other universities both from Ukraine and those located outside it are constantly expanding and strengthening.
There are agreements between KNU them. T. G. Shevchenko and other institutions of both educational and scientific orientation. Within their framework, the Institute of International Relations cooperates with institutions from Russia, the USA, China, France, Great Britain, Japan, Korea, Canada, Spain, Greece and other countries.
On the basis of the institute there is a publishing house of monographs, collections, there are scientific councils that help students defend their doctoral andcandidate papers.
For the military
For those who want to master "male" professions, the university also has a separate division. This is the Military Institute of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. He regularly conducts recruitment for the training of cadets in military speci alties.
During studies, everyone is provided with housing, a special uniform and good nutrition. All cadets are en titled to financial state support, and those who have particularly distinguished themselves apply for a scholarship in an increased amount.

On the website of the university you can find out all the information regarding the conditions of admission. Its main advantage is that it is the only educational institution on the territory of Ukraine that professionally trains specialists for all structures of this direction existing in the country, in particular, the Security Service of Ukraine, foreign intelligence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and others.
Getting secondary specialized education
On the basis of grades 9 and 11 accepts those wishing to get a qualified working education College of Geological Exploration Technologies KNU. T. Shevchenko. It has quite a rich history.

The institution was established back in 1930 as the Kyiv Geological Exploration College and trained specialists in the relevant professions.
Today, its students can study in such areas as:
- mining;
- mining;
- mechanical engineering;
- administration and management;
- design and culture;
- biotechnology;
- natural sciences;
- communications and radio engineering;
- finance and economics.
As you can see, over the years of its existence, the institution has ceased to be narrow-profile and trains exclusively geologists and professionals in related fields.
Graduates work far beyond the borders of Ukraine and the former USSR. Even in Soviet times, the technical school actively trained specialists for the countries of Asia, Latin America and Africa.
Infrastructure of the institution
At the present time, the reorganized college is a key institution that forms the sectoral provisions of education in the field of geology and ecology in Ukraine. 14 cycle structures carry out the development of speci alties of the university.
Currently, the college is the main one in the formation of branch provisions of higher education in ecological and geological specialization.
On the territory of Ukraine, the College of Geological Exploration Technologies is the only educational institution where junior specialists in the relevant areas study. It has its own buildings, sports facilities, a canteen, dormitories, workshops, training grounds, a museum, and a library. There is also a modern laboratory, which is equipped with modern working equipment.
The guide won't stop there. The infrastructure of the college is constantly growing and replenished with new facilities, innovative learning technologies are being introduced, andautomation of educational processes.
For students
Physics and Mathematics Lyceum of KNU. T. Shevchenko belongs to the most prestigious secondary educational institutions in Kyiv. It is specialized and has a boarding form of stay.

Children in the lyceum are actively studying such profile disciplines as:
- math;
- physics;
- chemistry;
- computer science.
In addition, much attention is paid to the study of astronomy. According to the ratings of the results of the general independent assessment, the lyceum is in the TOP not only of the best schools in Kyiv, but also in Ukraine as a whole.
Features of learning
A lyceum accepts children from 8 to 11 grade. They attend school six times a week, and the number of lessons per day is from 5 to 7. The main language of instruction is Ukrainian, the secondary language is English.
Education at the Lyceum is free of charge. The only exceptions are charitable contributions and expenses for the fund of the class and the institution as a whole.
Profile subjects (mathematics, physics and others mentioned earlier) are studied according to an in-depth program, which is approved by the relevant ministry. The rest of the basic school subjects are taught as in regular schools.
Key disciplines are given the following amount of time per week:
- physics - 5-6 hours;
- math - 7-8;
- computer science - 2 to 4 hours;
- chemistry – 2 or 3 hours depending onclass directions.
Regardless of the main focus of education chosen by the child and his parents, everyone will equally study such subjects as an additional physical workshop (up to 2 hours a week and information technology (in the same volume).
Reviews about KNU im. T. Shevchenko
The largest university in Ukraine and its subdivisions has a huge number of students. These are full-time students, and part-time students, and visitors to preparatory courses, and students of the lyceum and those who study at the college.
Naturally, they will not have a common opinion about their educational institution. Someone is happy with everything, someone is not very happy, others would like to change everything for the better.
A number of students and applicants note the high level of corruption within the walls of the university and the impossibility of enrolling talented but poor children in the budget department. There is no official information on this topic, however, almost everyone who wants to, even at the stage of submitting documents, knows how much it costs to enter a particular department. Paid education is much more expensive.
Some of them note the lack of practical training in some areas, especially in technical speci alties. Of course, the employer will appreciate the presence of a prestigious diploma, but this does not mean that you cannot know and be able to do anything. Many graduates of this direction have to additionally make up for practice in private courses.
However, what most reviews agree on is that today the quality of education in Ukraine at Shevchenko University is the mosthigh. And the diplomas of this particular university are valued among the employers of the country. No matter how many shortcomings he has, he still remains the most prestigious Ukrainian alma mater.