NNGU them. Lobachevsky: description, faculties, speci alties, branches and reviews

NNGU them. Lobachevsky: description, faculties, speci alties, branches and reviews
NNGU them. Lobachevsky: description, faculties, speci alties, branches and reviews

Today there are more than 1100 universities in Russia. However, not every one of them can boast of a hundred-year history, active scientific and practical activities, innovative developments and achievements. National Research University named after N. I. Lobachevsky in Nizhny Novgorod belongs to this category.

University visiting card

The People's University was opened in January 1916. Two years later it received the status of a state university and became the first Soviet university. In the middle of the twentieth century, he was named after the Russian mathematician Nikolai Ivanovich Lobachevsky.

Today UNN them. Lobavchevsky is among the top 800 best universities in the world.

university building
university building

In addition to academic faculties and institutes, its structure includes:

  • 4 research institutes;
  • biomedical cluster;
  • supercomputer center;
  • business incubator;
  • multiple routers;
  • nanotechnology center;
  • museum complex, library, publishing house.

The university is the base university of the regional center of the Academy of Sciences.

Today, more than 26 thousand students from around the world and about 900 doctoral and graduate students study here. Students annually become winners of international and all-Russian Olympiads. A high level of education is provided by more than 1,300 teachers, including 330 Doctors of Science and 19 Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

The University is the winner of a number of competitions and a participant in many targeted and grant educational programs.

Official address of UNN them. Lobachevsky: Nizhny Novgorod, Gagarin Avenue, 23.


Structure: institutes and faculties

Today the university has 18 structural educational units. Among them:

  • Seven faculties: physics; legal; radiophysical; chemical; social sciences; sports and physical culture; professional retraining and advanced training;
  • Nine institutions: human he alth and rehabilitation; military education; world history and international relations; entrepreneurship and economics; philology and journalism; biomedicine and biology; mathematics, mechanics, information technology; open education; postgraduate and doctoral studies.

Also in the lists of UNN them. Lobachevsky includes the Small Academy of Public Administration and the Higher School of Applied and General Physics.

Speci alties

The university has undergraduate, specialist and master's programs, full-time and part-time departments are provided. In total, at UNN them. Lobachevsky is represented by more than 80 speci alties. For some of them programs in English are open:

  • information technology and informatics;
  • economy;
  • international relations(undergraduate);
  • neurobiology;
  • computer science and mathematics;
  • management (master's).

Additional entrance examinations for a number of speci alties is a feature of UNN named after I. I. Lobachevsky. The Admissions Committee promptly informs applicants about all the conditions for admission.

university students
university students

University Research Institute

Experimental and scientific work at the university is given great attention. There are six successfully operating research institutes in the structure of UNN Lobachevsky Nizhny Novgorod:

  • neuroscience;
  • physical and technical;
  • radiophysical;
  • supercomputer technologies;
  • chemistry;
  • mechanics.

An important mission is entrusted to the staff of the Institute of Supercomputer Technologies, because in 2014 the Lobachevsky computing cluster was launched at the university. It is ranked 24th in the list of the world's most powerful university supercomputers.

supercomputer launch
supercomputer launch

Local Branches Lobachevsky

The University has a fairly wide network of regional offices. It currently has 7 branches:

  • Balakhinsky.
  • Arzamas.
  • Vyksa.
  • Borsky.
  • Dzerzhinsky.
  • Pavlovsky.
  • Shahoonian.

The active process of creating university branches was launched in 2004. The main task was to ensure the availability of high-quality higher education for residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The main emphasis is on undergraduate programs.

branch in Arzamas
branch in Arzamas

Innovation and science

Applied nature of research conducted by employees of the centers of UNN. Lobachevsky, ensures the active implementation of their results in the technological and production process. Currently active:

  • Youth Innovation Center.
  • Technology Commercialization Center.
  • Innovation and Technology Center.
  • Center for the Development of Medical Instrumentation.

The tasks of the commercialization center include the presentation and implementation of innovative developments of the university in the domestic and international markets, the organization of participation in programs to support high-tech entrepreneurship.

The Innovation and Technology Center provides optimization of the inventive process, the formation of patent strategies, and advises business structures on the implementation of innovative developments.

The activity of the youth center is aimed at finding international partners, accelerating business ideas, selecting youth project teams.

Three years ago, the third SPF vivarium in Russia began its work, which is engaged in research in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease and epilepsy.

The center was opened in 2017development of medical instrumentation, providing the entire cycle of development and market introduction of high-tech products.

NSU im Lobachevsky reception
NSU im Lobachevsky reception

Creative life of the university

In addition to the main areas of work, the leadership of the UNN named after. Lobachevsky pays great attention to organizing an active and eventful extracurricular life of students.

On the basis of the university there are student councils, student groups and volunteer organizations, creative teams, sports sections. Among the latter are associations in several sports: swimming, volleyball, football, basketball, shooting, karting, parachuting, athletics, skiing, rhythmic gymnastics, radiosport, orienteering, etc.

Among the creative teams, first of all, the university choir should be noted. He recently celebrated his 65th birthday. The choir regularly participates in tours to cities in Russia and abroad. Over the years of fruitful creative activity, he was awarded the title of a folk group, laureate and diploma winner of a huge number of competitions and festivals. Since 1983, he has been participating in the organization of the festival of student choirs "Young Voices" in Nizhny Novgorod.

university choir
university choir

The museum of the university, which has long acquired the status of a city, is actively working, at the same time providing an educational and scientific base for students of the humanities. In addition to the constantly updated exposition, traveling exhibitions are held, ethnographic and archaeological expeditions are organized. Employeesmuseums hold educational consultations and seminars.
