Large cities of Tajikistan: a brief description

Large cities of Tajikistan: a brief description
Large cities of Tajikistan: a brief description

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There are 18 cities in the Republic of Tajikistan, one of which is the capital Dushanbe. This article will reveal all the economic potentials of settlements, as well as their brief description. With the information provided, middle school, high school or college students can easily write a report or make a short presentation. The cities of Tajikistan described here play an important role in the state, supporting the economy and developing in the fields of industry.


Dushanbe is not only the capital, but also the largest center of the country in many respects. Among these are politics, economics, industry, science, and culture. The area of the city is 125 km², and the population is more than 802 thousand inhabitants.

Throughout the capital, in the direction from north to south, the river Varzob flows. Its water reserves are used by the whole of Tajikistan. The city of Dushanbe has a subtropical, inland climate. Summer here lasts long and passes with high temperatures,there is very little rainfall. Winter, respectively, does not last long, but with frequent snows and showers. In spring and autumn it rains and there are often thunderstorms. The Tajik capital is characterized by high seismicity. These observations are made by the local seismic station.

Dushanbe is the most developed city in Tajikistan. Among the main areas of industry, the following can be noted: light and food industries, metallurgy, production of building materials, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering. These areas of economic development are also supported by other cities in Tajikistan.

You can list local attractions for a long time, there are a lot of them in the city. These are cinemas, cultural parks, religious centers. There are also stadiums, educational and scientific institutions, he althcare facilities. There is a Russian military training ground. In 2004, the United Nations declared the Tajik capital a city of peace, and in 2009 a center of Islamic culture.

cities of tajikistan
cities of tajikistan


The city of Khujand is located on the territory of the Tajik Republic. Its area is 40 km², and the population is more than 175 thousand inhabitants. Considering the cities of Tajikistan and other places in Central Asia, we can say that Khujand is the oldest in this region. In terms of territory, Khujand is the second in the country after the capital. It is recognized as an important political, economic, scientific and cultural center. It is located not far from the Tajik capital - 200 km in the northeast direction. And if this distance is measured by the length of roads, then 300 km. to the localsights include various religious centers, not only Islamic, but also Orthodox. The most famous among tourists is the Khujand fortress.

tajikistan city dushanbe
tajikistan city dushanbe


Another city located on the territory of the Tajik Republic is Kulyab. It is located at a distance of 203 km in a southeast direction from the capital. In terms of population, Kulyab ranks fourth in the republic (102,200 inhabitants). The cities of Tajikistan are always visited by many tourists, but the one described is the most popular. Among all the sights available in this city, the famous mausoleum and the historical museum take pride of place.

city of khujand tajikistan
city of khujand tajikistan


Kurgan-Tube occupies a special place among the cities of Tajikistan. Translated from the indigenous language into Russian, its name literally means "grave hill". It is located from the Tajik capital at a distance of 100 km to the south. It is located in the valley of the Vakhsh river. The population is about 103 thousand inhabitants. The city of Khujand (Tajikistan) is considered one of the most important points of the state, but it shares this title with Kurgan-Tube. Of course, Islam is practiced here, but in the past, a Buddhist monastery was also located on the described territory.
