Not everyone knows what mosses are (the name of the species, genus). At best, from a school biology course, everyone remembers the familiar cuckoo flax or sphagnum. In fact, a fairly large group of these plants stands completely apart from other currently existing ones. No connections or transitional, intermediate forms were found. In ordinary life, not only the names of mosses and lichens are very often confused, but also the plants themselves, meeting them, for example, in the forest. Why not take a closer look at these amazing inhabitants of planet Earth.

Mosses are one of the most ancient plants on Earth
The Bryophytes department unites a large group of higher plants, which has about 25,000 species. Of these, only 1,500 species grow on the territory of our country. The estimates are approximate, since very large areas of tropical forests have not yet been studied. There is even a separate science that studies mosses - bryology. The oldest fossil forms date back to the Carboniferous, but scientists admit thatthey appeared even earlier. These are the only plants whose evolution is associated with the regressive development of the sporophyte. They are still at the dawn of the development of life on Earth, have firmly taken their place in the plant world and retain it to this day.
Twenty-two species from the Bryophytes department are listed in the "Red Book of Russia": Krylov's Campillium, Orchidium alternate-leaved, Savate's bryoxiphium, Earring thongstromia, Alpine atractylocarpus, Martius' oreas, Tien Shan indziella, Lindbergia short-winged, Lindbergia Duthier, mamillariella geniculate multidirectional, dosia japanese, gomaliadelphus smoothtooth, necker northern, plagiothecium obtuse, taxiphyllum alternating, actinotuidium Hooker, leptopteryginandrum south alpine, hyophila wrapped, fossombronia alaska, nardia japanese, isopaches discolored.
General characteristics of mosses
The concepts of moss (the Latin name is “bryophyta”) and Bryophytes are very extensive and unite many species. These are mainly low-growing perennials from 1 mm to several centimeters in height, but there are species that reach 60 cm or more. A distinctive feature of mosses is the complete absence of a root system. Their function is performed by special outgrowths of the epidermis - rhizoids. With their help, the body of the moss is attached to the substrate and receives water with minerals dissolved in it. The reproductive cycle consists of a sexual (gametophyte) and asexual (sporophyte) generation. On the one hand, regressive signs threw them far back compared to other plants on the planet, and on the other hand, they allowed them to survive in the most severe conditions, whenall the rest died out. This is also due to the fact that they initially took their place under the cover of other plants, therefore they are neutral to both lighting and heat. The main factor for mosses is the presence of moisture. But even to her lack, they managed to adapt. There is another amazing feature of mosses - this is the ability to fall into a state of suspended animation under adverse environmental conditions. At this point, the plant almost stops all life processes. Mosses can be in a state of suspended animation for decades, successfully surviving extremely low or high temperatures, lack or absence of moisture.

Moss Spread
These plants are very fond of wet places, they are distributed almost all over the world, except for the seas and highly acidic (saline) soils. Especially often, various types of mosses, whose names are sometimes difficult to translate from Latin, are found in the tundra. They grow quite slowly (annual growth of 1-2 mm) if you take one individual plant, but, in general, a very significant biomass is obtained.
The fact that mosses inhabit almost all corners of the planet is also explained by the fact that these are oligotrophic plants. They can grow even on the most meager and poor soils. Animals, as a rule, do not feed on mosses. Their ability to actively retain moisture sometimes leads to waterlogging of the soil.
Moss breeding

These plants have a peculiar reproduction cycle. The names of mosses and their distribution are different, but they are all similar.the fact that the gametophyte and sporophyte are combined in one plant. The latter is also called the asexual generation. It is represented by a small box with spores, which is fixed in the gametophyte with the help of a sucker leg. The development of the sexual generation begins from the moment the spore germinates. Initially, a filamentous or lamellar formation (protonema) develops, on which buds are laid, from which then a lamellar thallus or stems with leaves grow, depending on what types of mosses they are. The names of the organs of sexual reproduction of higher plants are familiar to many from school - these are archegonia and antheridia. The former are female reproductive organs, characteristic of higher spore plants, as well as the order Gymnosperms. Antheridia are male organs found in higher plants and algae.
Let's dwell in more detail on the question of what mosses are. The names of the two existing classes are very unusual: hepatic and leafy. Previously, Anthocerot mosses were also included in the classification. But later, scientists came to the conclusion that these are different groups of plants and identified them in a special department. Each class has its own specific traits and characteristics.
Class Liverworts or Liverworts: types of mosses, names and photos
A distinctive feature of all species of these plants is the great diversity of gametophytes and the similarity of sporophytes. The total number of the class is about 300 genera and 6,000 moss species. They grow mainly in tropical climates. They are very characteristic of vegetative reproduction.more or less developed parts of the thallus.
There are species that are not fixed either on the soil or on trees, for example, floating Riccia. Under natural conditions, it is found in the Far East and Ciscaucasia. Sometimes it is also bred in aquariums.

On the territory of Russia, a diverse marchantia is also quite common. This moss grows on soil. The body of the plant (thallus) has the form of a multi-layered, strongly branching plate and measures up to 10 centimeters. The plants are dioecious, and the reproductive organs are placed above the plate on special stands in the form of an umbrella.
What are the generic names of mosses of the class Liverwort? We list some of them: spherocarpus, pallavicinia, symphiogina, merchia, hymenophytum, metzgeria, richcia.
Class Leafy mosses: examples, names
Leaf mosses are the most numerous class, which includes more than 15,000 species united in 700 genera. In addition to their abundance, they also have an important role in the vegetative shell of the Earth. The gametophyte in representatives of this class can grow vertically upwards or in a horizontal plane. Depending on this, they are divided, respectively, into orthotropic and plagiotropic species. For convenience, leafy mosses were divided into three subclasses: sphagnum, andreevy, briiye.
Subclass Sphagnum mosses
Everyone knows these moss names. There are more than 300 species of plants included in the subclass (40 species are found in our country), and they grow all over the world. All representatives of the species are quite large in size and color white-green, brown or red. Basically, the species of this subclass make up the vegetation of the tundra zone and are the main source of the formation of peat deposits.

The genus Sphagnum, or peat moss, includes 120 species. They all grow in swamps, covering them with a continuous carpet. Stems annually give an increase of 2-3 cm, while the lower part dies and decomposes, but does not rot. The reason for this feature is that carbolic acid is formed in the body of the moss, which is an antiseptic. The dead part forms peat, but this process is very slow. So, it was calculated that 1 meter of such deposits is formed within 1,000 years!
Another representative of the considered subclass is rural tortula. This moss grows on trees, the name is unusual. Habitat: from tundra to arctic desert zone. Attaches to bare tree roots and bark, as well as stones. It has a characteristic brown or greenish-brown color, the stem grows up to 10 centimeters.
Let's give some names of mosses of the genus under consideration: swamp sphagnum, protruding, brown, Girgenzone, Magellanic, papillose.

Subclass Brium mosses
The subclass is quite numerous and includes more than 14,000 species, 1,300 of which are found in Russia. These are mainly perennial plants, reaching very impressive sizes: from 1 mm to 50 cm in height. The color is usually greenred-brown or almost black. They grow, as a rule, on the soil, rotten trees or on leaves. They absolutely cannot stand s alty soils. Well known to everyone are such names of mosses in Russian as kukushkin flax, or scientifically ordinary polytrichum, hairy brium. They grow in northern and central Russia, most often in the forest.
Subclass Andreevs
This is a group of small plants (about 120 species) growing in cold climates (Arctic and Antarctic). They can be found on stones and rocks, on which they form something like pads. Representatives of this subclass are andreya rocky, red and yellow splachnum, rosette-shaped rodobrium, gray leucobrium, drooping polya, centipede dicranum. These are just some of the mosses. The names and photos of other representatives of the subclass can be found in botanical atlases, where a detailed description of the genus and species will also be given.
Department Anthocerota
Antrocerotes were previously considered as mosses and stood out in a separate class. Now they are defined as mossy plants with a thallus similar in structure. The thallus is characterized by a rosette shape, on the underside there are rhizoids. These are inhabitants of the tropics, and only a few species grow in temperate climates.
How to tell moss from lichen?
People very often confuse not only the names of mosses and lichens, but also their appearance in general. The main difference is that the latter are representatives of lower spore plants that appeared on Earth much earlier than mosses. Somelichens even have a name that directly indicates belonging to a completely different group of plants. For example, oak moss, Irish moss, deer moss. The original names have been preserved, but they have nothing to do with the Bryophytes department under consideration. Oakmoss has the beautiful scientific name Evernia Plum. If you look at the photo, it will immediately become clear that this is a lichen. It grows, as the name implies, on oak bark, as well as some coniferous plants.

The body of lichens is a symbiosis of algae and fungus. They do not have roots, and mosses have their likeness - rhizoids. To put it even more simply, the body of a lichen is like a sandwich: a fungus on top and bottom, and algae in the middle, which carry out the process of photosynthesis. The substrate to which the lichen is attached (most often trees) is destroyed by the action of a special acid secreted by fungi. Moreover, it is capable of destroying even stone. Therefore, these plants are quite harmful. So, when they appear, for example, on fruit trees, they simply destroy the bark. But at the same time, lichens are an indicator of the purity of the air, because they absolutely cannot tolerate gas pollution.
How are ferns and mosses similar?

Ferns in evolutionary terms are one step higher than mosses. This is explained by the fact that they have a vascular conducting system, through which water and minerals dissolved in it enter the plant. They are more familiar to people and are found everywhere in forests. Shield andbracken are well-known names. Mosses and ferns are nevertheless united by one significant similarity: both of them reproduce not by seeds, but by spores. That is, there is an alternation of sexual and asexual generation (sporophyte and gametophyte). In addition, they are very often neighbors in their natural habitat, as they both prefer shade and high humidity.
Meaning of mosses
Mosses in the natural environment are pioneers, they are the first to inhabit territories whose climatic conditions are sometimes not suitable for any other plant. These plants are an integral part of the entire biosphere as a whole. Mosses create special biocenoses in the tundra, covering the ground with a continuous carpet.

They have a very pronounced ability to retain moisture, the benefits of which can be interpreted from two sides. From the first point of view, they regulate the water balance in the soil, and from the second point of view, they contribute to the waterlogging of forests, meadows and agricultural lands.
Sphagnum moss is a valuable source of peat deposits, which is widely used as a fuel, material for construction and in agriculture. In addition, some species are used in medicine, as they have antibacterial properties. But the formation of sphagnum and hypnum bogs is also essential for the entire ecosystem as a whole. This is a place of growth of many shrubs and herbaceous plants, a home for numerous game animals and birds. But most importantly, the swamp is something like a reserve reservoir of fresh water. After all, like a sponge, absorbing all the precipitation, it then gradually releases moisture into the soil to small streams that flow from it. The swamp plays the role of a moisture regulator in the surrounding area.