Amphibians, or amphibians, are unusual creatures that can live both in water and on land. These include frogs and newts, there are even unique axolotls - evolving in a very special way. Amphibious animals (names) of Russia will be listed below. What are the main orders of amphibians worth knowing?

This unit belongs to one of the most famous amphibians. Many names of amphibious animals are unfamiliar to ordinary people, but almost everyone knows the word "triton". This is a creature with a long body and a tail flattened on the sides. They can live both in water and on land, preferring places with lush vegetation. The color of the newt can be different and is determined by the habitat. Interestingly, they hibernate in winter. As soon as the temperature returns to a comfortable level, they wake up and go to breed, laying eggs near the leaves of aquatic plants. Another interesting feature is the ability to restore lost limbs and tail. All these amphibious animals, whose names may be different - ordinary, comb, California - have some common features. Yes, before marriage.during a period, males have a special growth on their backs, and newts prefer to eat worms, crustaceans and larvae. They live in all temperate countries and are nocturnal.

These are amphibious animals, the names of which have not been heard except by a person who is completely indifferent to nature. They are present in the legends and myths of many peoples, each receiving some unique features - immortality, the ability to survive in fire, poison fruit trees and products, rivers and people, turn into dragons … In a word, each country has its own exciting stories about salamanders. In a sense, they are justified: these amphibians are really poisonous and can be dangerous for some species. For example, a dog that has eaten such an amphibian can be fatally poisoned. The venom of the salamander paralyzes the brain centers. It is produced by the parotid glands, which protects the amphibian from attack. It is not surprising that other names of amphibians are associated with tragic events much less often: the salamander is really more dangerous than most members of this class.

Remembering what amphibious animals are, the names of this family cannot be forgotten. Frogs are tailless amphibians that have existed since the time of the dinosaurs. They have amazing anatomy, allowing them to live both in water and on land. A tadpole differs little from a fish fry, and an adult frog is a completely terrestrial animal. This metamorphosis andhighlights amphibian data. Interestingly, frogs breathe through their mouths, skin, and lungs. They have a universal circulatory system with two heart chambers operating in water and a left atrium operating on land. They are most active at dusk, when it becomes cool, but in very cold weather they seek shelter, and hibernate to the bottom for the winter. The color of frogs is determined by their habitat; many amphibians differ in this. The names of these creatures are different: there are lake ones, and there are forest ones, but one thing unites them - ultimate survival. This is what made them a successful object for scientific experiments, to which frog monuments in Tokyo and Paris are dedicated.

These are legless amphibious animals whose names almost no one has heard. Nevertheless, worms are very interesting. Ring folds on their skin resemble stripes of large earthworms. Some have scales, others have eyes that shine through the skin, in a word, worms look very original. They live in the tropics of Africa, Asia and South America, preferring moist soil or anthills. They eat invertebrates such as worms. Land worms lay eggs, while aquatic worms are viviparous. They protect themselves from danger with poisonous skin. Thus, we can say that worms are little-known amphibious animals, the names and photographs of which are hard to forget, they are so unusual and even strange.

Thisamphibious animals, the names and photos of which are familiar to most people. But at the same time, many do not distinguish them from frogs. Meanwhile, toads are a separate family with their own unique features. There are desert species that are active only during the rainy season. Toads differ from frogs in their shorter hind legs, which limit their jumps to twenty centimeters, dry skin with warts, and the fact that they can only be seen in the water during the breeding season. These amphibians feed on insects, mollusks and worms, therefore, contrary to stereotypes, they can be useful to humans by exterminating slugs in the garden. Toads are distributed on all continents, limitedly found only in Australia. A special desert species lives there, which has teeth and burrows into a hole for dry periods, storing water in its body cavities.
These are other amphibious animals whose names almost no one has heard. In the meantime, it is a unique species that does not need to mature. Axolotls are the larval form of ambistoma, but they do not need to move into it to reproduce. They are characterized by neoteny - maturity that occurs in childhood. An axolotl, living in comfortable conditions, may not age at all, but a change in the situation can lead to a transformation into an ambistoma. The name is also interesting. Translated from the Aztec, it means "water toy", which is ideal for the smiling muzzle of this amphibian.