They are good and bad. Naturally, the former is better than the latter. They help a person to succeed in society. What are we talking about? About education. More precisely, today we are considering the question of what manners are. Stay with us. This should be interesting.
When people behave inappropriately, they are told: "Well, where are your manners?!" The latter are somehow connected, on the one hand, with the expectations of others, on the other hand, with those moral values and rules of etiquette that prevail in a particular society. If we take some African savages, they will have their own ideas about manners. And a European person in their eyes is a savage, because he professes a different way of life.

These arguments would lead us far if not for the existence of an explanatory dictionary. It is he who will help us narrow the circle of searches and answer the question of what manners are, the meaning of the last word now we will comprehend: “External forms of behavior in society.”
First of all, remember the first adjective in the definition, it will come in handy later.
Courtesy is an indirect sign of a good person
Why is it important to have manners? Because a person who knows this “language” is more willing to open doors. Politeness does not grow in a swamp. Courtesy, as it were, hints at education and intelligence. Therefore, politeness is a trump card, especially at a time when the level of education in Russia is rapidly falling.

But remember the definition, and hence the answer to the question, what are manners - these are external forms of behavior. That is, a person may not experience anything that his body language says. Here phraseologism comes to mind: “Softly spreads, but hard to sleep.”
There are people, virtuosos of their craft, whose main speci alty is politeness. And they shouldn't be trusted. They are wolves in sheep's clothing.
There is a misconception that external behavior somehow characterizes a person, his inner content. This is not always the case, otherwise the profession of an artist would not exist. True, it’s not those who play on stage that are scarier, but those who act in real life. Yes, and remember any film about high society, for example, "Dangerous Liaisons" (1988) - this is the 18th century. Everything is beautiful on the outside and disgusting on the inside. Instructive story. If you want to know what manners are, watch a movie or read a book. The work has not lost its relevance so far.

Master good manners and you will be surprised how life changes
The previous narrative set us up forcynical manner. We realized how dual in nature manners are, so they can be used to your advantage. If, for example, you learn to pretend to be a courteous and pleasant guy or girl, you can reach certain heights. Say that's exactly what villains do in movies. Yes, indeed, one can even argue that the same subjects behave in the same way in life. But being a genuinely well-mannered, intelligent, cultured person, or just pretending to be, is a choice that everyone faces.
And we believe: the reader is capable of following the right path. After all, he has everything he needs for this. Now we know what manners are. The meaning of the word should not be difficult.