The rules of conduct at the table were known during the existence of Ancient Egypt. Those people who used cutlery were considered well-mannered and educated. That is why the Egyptians tried to instill the skills of handling cutlery in their children from early childhood.

Peter times
In Russia, cutlery at the court of the Grand Dukes and Moscow sovereigns was served only to important guests. They were not included in the rules of behavior at the table of the hosts themselves.
Only Peter I decided to teach Russian nobles European manners. It was he who compiled and published the book “An Honest Mirror of Youth”. It included table etiquette, rules of conduct in society.

What is important to know
At present, any educated person understands that there are certain norms that must be observed in society. Here are some table manners for schoolchildren:
- notyou should hurry to take the first place at the table;
- the boy should help the girl to sit down at the table, pushing the chair for her;
- being at the table, you can not refuse to eat: such behavior will offend the hostess, so you need to try the proposed dish;
- don't try to eat everything without paying attention to other guests;
- if the plate with the dish you want to try is far away, you don’t need to reach for it, just ask other guests to pass it;
- food should be put on a plate in small portions, without mixing several salads or second courses at once.

Going to a public place
This is not all the rules of behavior at the table for children. What else is important to know when going to a restaurant, cafe? In order to protect clothes from greasy stains, you should not put a napkin behind the collar, put it on your knees. She does not wipe cutlery, mouth or hands. To do this, in a cafe (restaurant) there are paper napkins, which are put on a plate after use.
When eating, do not rush, talk with your mouth full, it is important to be careful. If someone asks a question, then before answering it, you must chew or swallow food.
Using cutlery
The rules of conduct at the table are inextricably linked with the peculiarities of using a fork and a spoon. For example, it is not only ugly, but also dangerous to eat something from a knife. The knife during meals should be located in the righthand, and the fork in the left.
What does table etiquette suggest? The rules of conduct at the table do not allow shifting the fork to the right hand until the dish has been eaten.
If during lunch (dinner) a knife, spoon, fork falls, they are not picked up. You need to ask for another cutlery, try not to draw attention to yourself.

Children's etiquette
Rules of behavior at the table for schoolchildren is a separate topic that deserves close attention. For example, you can not make comments while eating to your classmate. If there is some inedible object on the plate, you must quietly get rid of it.
If a meat dish is offered, it must be cut into small pieces. The rules of behavior at the table involve cutting off one piece, eating it, only after that you can proceed to new manipulations.
If you cut the whole portion at once, the meat will cool down, and the appearance of the plate will be absolutely unaesthetic.
You need to eat silently, not champing, not clattering cutlery, not sipping.
Chicken, turkey, goose, duck should be taken from a common plate with a fork, cut into small pieces.
Table etiquette for children involves pulling out fish bones with your hands or a fork.
It is ugly to collect sauce on a plate with bread while in a cafe or restaurant. After the meal is over, dirty cutlery is placed on their plate.
What else is table etiquette? The rules of conduct do not allowleaving the table without the permission of the hostess, if the child is visiting.

Important points
In order for a child to develop the skills of beautiful behavior during meals, parents should be an example. It must be remembered that the culture of behavior at the table is an integral part of the general culture of modern man. All the rules of conduct at the table at receptions, at a party were formed throughout the history of mankind. Many of them are a manifestation of respect for those next to whom the child is at the table. It is unlikely that other people will be pleased to take sugar if you pulled it out with your hands in front of them. The basic rules of behavior at the table while eating are considered by students in technology lessons at school. The teacher not only talks about them, but also makes explanations for each item so that the children understand the reasons for their occurrence.
Table setting
Practical work is provided for working out theoretical knowledge at labor lessons. What is the relationship between table setting and table manners? The guys find the answer to this question after they themselves place the items necessary for lunch (dinner) on the table. To begin with, a tablecloth or oilcloth is spread on the table. Then you need to mentally draw a line at a distance of 1-2 centimeters from its edge. Plates should be placed along it, each placed opposite a chair placed at the table.
When serving for dinner, first place a small plate, put a container for soup on it. to the right ofplates have knives, with a sharp end towards the visitor, on the left there should be a fork, the tip of which is directed upwards. Soup, dessert spoons are placed parallel to the edge of the table, pointing to the right with handles. To the right of the appliances, glasses are placed under juice or water, a napkin is placed on a plate. As a decorative element on the festive table, you can use a vase of flowers.

Guests at the table
What else is important to consider the rules of conduct at the table? Grade 1 is the age when children are happy to be involved in a variety of role-playing games. That is why in the lessons of service labor, the teacher, talking about etiquette, attracts “guests” and the “hostess” to work out the theoretical material, organizing an impromptu reception.
What are the 5 rules of table manners important to know?
- Honored guests are given a place in the center of the table. If a birthday is planned, then this place is occupied by the birthday person. At the festive table on New Year's holidays, a place of honor belongs to the owner or a respected older guest.
- Grandparents sit down so that younger relatives can look after them.
- The mistress of the house takes a place at the table so that she has the opportunity to quickly leave, take or bring something.
- At the table, small talk is allowed, not related to specific cases and problems. If 30-40 people have gathered, then the conversation is between people who are at the table not far from each other. In secular etiquette, it is considered unacceptable to talk about the he alth of any of theguests, wages, material income, management problems.
Recommended topics for conversation around the table are: weather, art, culture. At the table they do not talk through neighbors, do not turn their backs to the interlocutor.
What else is important to know the rules of conduct at the table? They are briefly reviewed in technology lessons so that children have an idea of the culture of eating.
Of course, in order for children to acquire the skills of food culture, it is important not only to listen, but also to practice theory in practice. That is why it is so important to include role-playing games in school classes aimed at developing and practicing table setting skills and behavior while eating.
Tasty lessons
How to turn the study of table manners into an exciting activity? Grade 5 is the time when girls at the lessons of service work first analyze the theoretical aspects, and then hours are allotted for practical work.
Future housewives can invite boys who will become "guests" at the festive table, will be able to evaluate the skills of their classmates. For example, such a lesson can be held on the eve of February 23 in order to congratulate the guys on the upcoming holiday in an unusual setting. In addition to the tea party, organized by the efforts of girls, you can think of unusual contests, hold a regular lesson in the form of a holiday.
We offer a scenario for such a lesson, which will not only generate interest in the subject "Technology", but will also allow schoolchildren to develop teamwork skills,expand horizons, increase the level of culture of behavior at the table.
The teacher, welcoming all the children, announces the topic of the lesson, introduces the jury members who will determine the winners. Boys act as experts.
The program consists of five competitions, introductions, and greetings for each team.
Girls are divided into groups, each comes up with a name, motto, emblem.
The following competitive tests are offered during the event:
- warm-up;
- you need to know this;
- etiquette features;
- table setting;
- "musical dish".
First competition. In order to make it interesting for those present, each team announces its name, pronounces the motto, introduces all members of its group. The maximum score for this creative challenge is 3.
In the second competition, participants are offered riddles related to the theme of the event. For example, the facilitator offers a part of the phrase that mentions the rules of behavior at the table:
- when I eat, then (deaf and dumb);
- was born in water, grew up in the sun, and dies in water (s alt);
- I'll take it dusty, make it liquid, and throw it into the flame, there will be a stone (bread);
- two ducks, where they pass, they tear the wall there (scissors);
- two ears, four legs, one nose, but a belly (Russian samovar);
- under the ground the fire sits, and outside the smoke is visible (carrot);
- white ribbed sheepskin coat sewn (egg).
For the correct answer, the team receives one point. The right to answer getsthe group that raised the flag first.
The third competition is dedicated to serving and decorating the festive table. Teams are given specific items to decorate the table with, using the skills learned in the theory session.
Each team has ten minutes to complete the task. Among the items that are offered to young housewives may be: cutlery, paper napkins, scissors, colored paper, tea set. What is evaluated by the jury when summing up the results of this competitive test?
Five points (the maximum number) is given for the following indicators:
- reflection of the festive atmosphere in the table setting;
- compliance with the rules and requirements for the arrangement of cutlery, arrangement of dishes;
- creativity and aesthetic result.
At the table, which will be named the best members of the jury, then there will be a festive tea party for the whole class.
The fourth contest is dedicated to the rules of etiquette. Teams take turns choosing cards that offer questions related to the culture of behavior at the table. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. If one team answers incorrectly, other groups have the opportunity to get an extra point.
We will give examples of questions in which you need to find the correct answers.
- If you plan to try a certain dish that is far away from you, you: a) get up, then go for it, place it near you; b) reach for him from a place; c) ask the person who is sitting with himnear, pass it to you.
- Bread should be taken from the bread box: a) with a fork; b) hands; c) paper napkin.
- If meat is served for dinner: a) start cutting it into small pieces; b) you will cut one piece at a time, sending a treat to your mouth; c) prick a piece on a fork, you will bite it off, jamming with a side dish.
- Entering any store, you: a) push people who are moving towards you, break through inside; b) give way to those who leave the store, only then go into it yourself; c) you will scold those who hesitated at the door, preventing you from getting inside.
- Who introduced the term “etiquette”: a) Peter I; b) Ludwig X1V; c) Vladimir Monomakh.
- Where to put the used paper napkin: a) throw quietly under the table; b) crush, then put under your plate; c) put a plate under the rim.
- You have finished your meal, you want to inform the waiter about it. To do this, you: a) put the knife and fork on the plate parallel to each other with the handles to the right; b) put the knife and fork with sharp ends crosswise on the plate; c) next to the plate, put the knife and fork on the tablecloth.
- On the table while eating can only be: a) elbows; b) fingertips; c) hands.
- If, after you finish drinking the compote, you find a bone in your mouth, you: a) spit it back into the glass; c) take it out of your mouth with your fingers and put it on a plate; b) imperceptibly, silently put it on a spoon, and then on a plate.
After all competitive tests are completed, the jury will count the number ofpoints scored by each group. At this time, the host holds an additional competition for fans.
For example, a certain ready-made dish is offered, you need to determine the ingredients used in its preparation, give it a name. For each correct answer, 1 point is provided. Fans can redeem their points for delicious prizes during the festive tea party.
The logical conclusion of this unusual technology lesson will be tea drinking.

Studying etiquette in preschool school
It is important to talk about how to behave in a restaurant, in a cafe, at a party, starting from kindergarten.
For the process of teaching the rules of etiquette, the teacher can use any outdoor games that involve the active activity of preschoolers. Role-playing situations, where children have the opportunity to feel like the main characters, are an excellent way to develop theoretical knowledge according to the rules of etiquette. The basis of the game is an imaginary situation in which the child must show his knowledge of the rules of behavior at the table, away.
Thanks to the interaction of parents, teacher, pupils, the maximum effect of mastering the basics of etiquette by preschoolers is achieved. If the teacher has the opportunity to work only with groups of kids, then parents interact with a specific child, and therefore have much more opportunities to hone the skills acquired in kindergarten classes.
After the introduction of new educational standards in the system of additional education inMany kindergartens have developed special programs aimed at developing norms of behavior at the table among preschoolers. As an option, we give the following lesson plan:
- etiquette is a feature of people's behavior;
- beauty at home;
- how to receive guests;
- observance of etiquette in various public places.
Since preschoolers learn the material better during role-playing games, it is necessary to include plot fragments to work out the rules of etiquette. For example, children are invited to play a family visit to a cafe on Sunday. Each of the children gets a certain role: parents, children, waiters in a cafe, other visitors. The teacher offers a specific task for each group, then, together with the guys, it is discussed whether the kids behaved correctly in the proposed situation. By reversing roles, preschoolers have the opportunity to be not only as guests who do not know how to behave in a public place, but also as a waiter who is forced to endure such violations.
Getting into any public place, unfortunately, often not only small children, but also adults forget about those norms and basic rules that must be observed. In order not to become a subject for discussion, not to look ridiculous at a serious event, a festive feast, it is important to first carefully study, remember, and then follow the rules of conduct at the table, in a public place. If work in this direction begins with kindergarten, in this case, the children form the correct normsbehavior, they will not feel uncomfortable in an unfamiliar society.