After the Russo-Swedish War, peace reigned between Russia and Sweden, secured by the signing of the Friedrichsham Peace Treaty in 1809. To understand the reasons for the outbreak of the Russo-Swedish War, one must plunge into the history of political disagreements between European countries and Russia. What led to the need to conclude the Friedrichsham Peace Treaty?
French Revolution
Historical information says that one of the prerequisites was the result of the French Revolution of 1789-1799. Power in France was seized by Napoleon Bonaparte. The pre-revolutionary years were terrible for the people. More taxes, less money, drought, a small harvest, poverty - all this forced the French to take extreme measures and overthrow the government.

Then Napoleon Bonaparte appeared. He advocated the rejection of absolute monarchy. The revolution took place under the motto: “Freedom. Equality. Brotherhood . Its result was the destruction of the feudal system, the abolition of benefits and privileges of representatives of the nobility.estates, the overthrow of the monarchy and the creation of a republic. The new laws equalized all people in rights, recognized and protected the inviolability of the property of every citizen.
The result of the French Revolution was not to the liking of the states of Europe. The heads of Prussia, England, Sweden and the Russian Empire decided to form a coalition that would oppose Napoleon.
After that, Bonaparte's legions attacked Prussia and Germany in 1806. The main target is the UK. But England was a very strong power. In addition, the waters of the Atlantic Ocean provided the state with some protection. Then Napoleon ordered to keep the continental blockade. But for a coup in England, it was necessary to capture Russia as well, since the empire was an ally of Great Britain and one of the strongest states.
So the war with Napoleon in Europe to capture the Russian Empire became even more fierce, and England was in no hurry to help the allies. Tsar Alexander I tried to resolve the conflict peacefully. He sent Prince Lobanov-Rostovsky, authorized to sign a peace treaty. Napoleon accepted the offer. The agreement was signed.
Tilsit Peace Treaty
Soon, in 1807, Alexander I and Bonaparte met in person. The event took place on a raft in the Neman River. The leaders agreed to work together and take over England. They signed the Treaty of Tilsit.

The new Tilsit peace agreement conditionally divided the territory of Europe into two parts, which after the war will bebe subordinate to the states. It also guaranteed non-interference in Bonaparte's claims to the territory of the Ionian Islands, assistance in defending Russian interests in Turkey, Russia's recognition of the Confederation of the Rhine, and mutual military assistance between states.
To the fulfillment of his obligations, Napoleon was dismissive. But the Russian state found itself without the support of the former allied countries.
Start of the Russo-Swedish War
In 1807, according to the Treaty of Tilsit, the Russian Empire began military operations against England. One of the conditions of the agreement was the refusal to accept British ships in Russian ports.
But the territory of the Gulf of Finland also belonged to Sweden, which was an ally of England. Denmark also had a geographical outlet to the bay. After the attack of the British military on Copenhagen and the theft of its flotilla, the country refused the demand of Alexander I to close the Swedish harbors for the British, arguing that it was impossible to defend itself against a possible attack by the French fleet, which was in Russian ports. The confrontation between the two countries on the issue of allowing British ships led to a war to control the Gulf of Finland and the Botanical Gulf. Russia had to beef up defenses to defend St. Petersburg.
February 9, 1808, Russian soldiers entered the territory of Finland in Helsingfors. The Swedish troops that were in the country at the time were retreating.
The beginning of the war dates back to March 16, 1808, when the Swedish king, having learned about the attack, gave the order to put all Russian ambassadors under arrest. Furtherfierce battles began for the territory of Finland.

Having captured the strategically important Finnish Aland Islands, which gave open access to the Swedish coast, Russia began to win significantly. Understanding the situation, the Swedish Duke of Südermanland sent a messenger to the Russians with a proposal to conclude an Aland truce. There was only one condition: the end of hostilities, taking into account the fact that the Russian military did not enter the coast of the Swedish state. The enemy agreed.
But in 1809 in Sweden, the younger brother of the Duke of Südermanland seized power, and the peace treaty was broken. The newly consecrated king ordered the advance, defending the territory of the islands. This strategically important decision led to the need to sign the Friedrichsham Peace Treaty. At that time, the Swedish army was not sufficiently prepared to carry out a long military offensive. The military legions were rapidly losing combat effectiveness due to the lack of the necessary food and combat equipment. Then the Russian messenger Sandels was sent to the Swedes, authorized to conclude a truce, which was accepted by the opposite side.
Signing of the Friedrichsham Treaty
In 1809, on September 17, the Friedrichsham Peace Treaty between Russia and Sweden was signed in the city of Friedrichsgam.

From the side of the Russian Empire, Foreign Minister Rumyantsev and Ambassador Alopeus were present.
There was a general from the side of the Swedish stateInfantry - Baron von Stedingk, Colonel Scheldebrandt.
Terms of Agreement
The terms of the Friedrichsham Peace Treaty included the following obligations of the implementing countries:
- drawing a new border along the bed of the Tornio River;
- the territory of the Aland Islands belongs to Russia;
- Sweden and France conclude a peace agreement for the accession of Sweden and Finland to the continental blockade of England.
Result of the contract
Finland became part of the Russian Empire as an autonomous Grand Duchy of Finland with its own constitution. So, thanks to the signing of the Friedrichsham Peace Treaty, Finland was ceded to Russia.
In 1920, a new Treaty of Tartu was signed between the RSFSR and Finland with the condition that Russia recognize the independence of the Finnish state.