Relations between Russia and the Ottoman Empire throughout the centuries-old history were quite complicated, and often political contradictions were resolved on the battlefields. Usually, the point in military conflicts was put through the conclusion of treaties. These documents often determined the fate of entire peoples living on the borders of both empires. Among them is the Adrianople Peace Treaty.
Prehistory (18th century)
The First Peace of Adrianople between Russia and Ottoman Turkey was signed on June 13, 1713. According to this document, Azov and the territory adjacent to the fortress along the Aureli River were ceded to the Ottoman Empire. At the same time, the conclusion of the treaty of 1713 was recognized as a diplomatic success of the Russian state, as it facilitated the struggle for dominance on the shores of the southeastern B altic. Seven years later, "Eternal Peace" was concluded between the countries in Constantinople, and a century later, events occurred that forced the diplomats to gather again in the city of Adrianople.

Allbegan with the fact that in October 1827 the government of the Ottoman Empire (Port) closed the Bosphorus for the Russian fleet. This went against the Ackermann International Convention. The Turkish authorities motivated their actions by the fact that Nicholas I supports the Greeks fighting for independence. Sultan Mahmud II understood that he was thereby provoking a military conflict, so he ordered to strengthen the fortresses on the Danube and moved the capital to Adrianople (Edirne). This city entered the history of mankind many centuries before the events described. After all, it was on the outskirts of it that the Battle of Adrianople took place in the 4th century AD, which ended with the defeat of the Roman Empire and marked the beginning of a mass migration of Goths to the west.
Russian-Turkish war (1828-1829)
Nicholas I could not but react to the hostile actions of Porta. On April 14, 1828, the Russian Empire officially declared war on Turkey. Ten days later, the 6th infantry corps of Fyodor Geismar entered Moldova, and on May 27, the crossing over the Danube began, at which the emperor himself was present.
Later, Varna was also besieged by Russian troops. In parallel with this, battles were fought near Anapa and in the Asian territories of Turkey. In particular, Kars was taken on June 23, 1828, and after a short delay due to an outbreak of plague, Akhalkalaki, Akh altsikhe, Atskhur, Ardagan, Poti and Bayazet fell or surrendered without resistance.
Almost everywhere, Russian troops were warmly welcomed, since the majority of the population of the regions where the fighting took place were Greeks, Bulgarians, Serbs, Armenians, Georgians, Romanians and representatives of otherspeoples who professed Christianity. For centuries, they were considered second-class citizens and hoped to be freed from the Ottoman yoke.

Counting on the support of the local Greek and Bulgarian population, on August 7, 1829, the Russian army, consisting of only 25,000 people, approached Adrianople. The head of the garrison did not expect such a maneuver and surrendered the city, and after a while Erzurum also fell. Immediately after that, a representative of the Sultan arrived at Count Dibich's headquarters with a proposal to conclude an agreement known as the Adrianople Peace Treaty.
End of the war
Despite the fact that the proposal to conclude the Adrananopol peace came from Turkey, the Porte tried with all its might to delay the negotiations, hoping to persuade England and Austria to support it. This policy had some success, since Mustafa Pasha, who avoided participation in the war, decided to place his 40,000-strong Albanian army at the disposal of the Turkish command. He occupied Sophia and decided to move on. However, Dibich did not lose his head and informed the Turkish envoys that if the peace of Adrianople was not concluded before September 1, he would launch a large-scale offensive against Constantinople. The Sultan was frightened by a possible siege of the capital and sent a German ambassador to the headquarters of the Russian troops with a request to begin preparations for the signing of an agreement on a cessation of hostilities.

Conclusion of the Peace of Adrianople
September 2, 1829, beshdefterdar arrived at Dibich's headquarters(keeper of the treasury) Mehmed Sadiq Efendi and Chief Military Judge of the Ottoman Empire Abdul Kadir Bey. They were authorized by the Porte to sign the Treaty of Adrianople. On behalf of Nicholas I, the document was certified by the signatures of Count A. F. Orlov and the temporary administrator of the Danube principalities F. P. Palen.

Treaty of Adrianople (1829): content
The document consisted of 16 articles. According to them:
1. Turkey returned all of its European territories occupied during the war of 1828-1829, with the exception of the mouth of the Danube along with the islands. Kars, Akh altsikhe and Akhalkalaki also yielded.
2. The Russian Empire received the entire eastern coast of the Black Sea, starting from the mouth of the Kuban River to the St. Nicholas. The fortresses of Anapa, Poti, Sujuk-Kale, as well as the cities of Akhalkalaki and Akh altsikhe retreated to it.
3. The Ottoman Empire officially recognized the transfer to Russia of Imereti, the Kingdom of Kartli-Kakheti, Guria and Mingrelia, as well as the Erivan and Nakhichevan khanates transferred by Iran.
4. Turkey promised not to impede the passage through the Bosphorus and the Dardanelles to Russian and foreign merchant ships.
5. Citizens of the Russian state received the right to trade throughout the territory of the Ottoman Empire, while being beyond the jurisdiction of local authorities.
6. Turkey had to pay an indemnity (1.5 million Dutch gold coins) within a year and a half.
7. In addition, the treaty contained requirements for the recognition and granting of autonomy to Serbia, as well asMoldavian and Wallachian principalities.
8. Turkey has also given up any attempt to convene an international conference on granting Greek self-government rights.

Adrianople peace was of great importance for the development of the Black Sea trade. In addition, he completed the annexation of part of the territories of Transcaucasia to the Russian Empire. His role in the restoration of Greek independence is also invaluable, although this requirement was not formally stipulated in the terms of the Adrianople Treaty of 1829.