One of the latest advances in learning technology is case studies. This is a problem-situational method that allows you to integrate theory and practice at the same time. Its application in Russian education is very important today. After all, there is nothing more effective than self-immersion in the problem and the search for a solution. Let's take a closer look at what cases are, where they came from and what practical significance they have.

The essence of the method
Case method is a relatively new technology for teaching students. Its essence lies in the fact that students are offered for analysis a real situation (or as close as possible to reality). At the same time, the choice of a problem does not occur arbitrarily, but with the aim of activating a certain complex of knowledge. In the process of solving the problem, they must be learned. It is noteworthy that the case problem does not have a unique solution. It only tests the student's ability to analyze and quickly find a solution to the situation.
Case method is an interactive technology. Therefore, it is very positively perceived by students asgame for mastering practical skills using real material.
Case study is a multi-level technology that has a number of features and features. They help distinguish this method from others. These include the presence of a socio-economic model, team development of decisions, their alternativeness and a common goal.

For the first time, the use of case studies in teaching became known in 1924. The faculty at Harvard Business School realized that there were no suitable textbooks for the graduate program. So they decided to interview successful business owners and compile detailed reports on their activities. The students were offered to listen to the materials, get acquainted with the details of the problem situations faced by companies. Then, during the general discussion, the students looked for ways out of the situation.
Slowly this method was corrected and spread all over the world. Since the 50s of the last century, it has become popular throughout Western Europe, in leading business schools (ESADE, INSEAD, LSE, HEC).
In Russia, case studies have been a popular learning technology since the 2000s. Currently, not only transfer cases are used, but also author's assessments of students created for competitions. In addition, thematic case-clubs are opened. Among those that have already become popular, one can note the NUST MISIS career center, the MSTU club. E. Bauman and others.
There is a fairly broad classification of cases according to several criteria: by structure,size, form of representation, object, volume, design, etc.
The structure distinguishes three types: structured, unstructured and pioneering cases. These are problems with several correct solutions and a certain selection of data. Their distinguishing feature is their purpose. The former form the ability to consistently apply theoretical knowledge, formulas in practice. The second and third contribute to the search for non-standard solutions.

The size distinguishes full, compressed and mini-cases. The volume of the full ones is usually up to 25 pages. They are great for team work. Several days are allowed for analysis, after which the team makes a presentation of the solution.
Compressed cases are five pages maximum. They are intended for group discussion in class.
Mini-cases are a kind of information brochures. Often they are used as accompanying illustrations or examples for theoretical material with questions.
According to the design method, printed and electronic materials, audio and video recordings are distinguished. Recently, the flipchart, or flip case, has gained popularity. What it is? Information is presented in the form of a story, and the main elements are recorded on a special magnetic marker board.
Also, cases are distinguished by the level of complexity and disciplines.

Work method in business
The most popular application of case studies is business education. After all, forsuccessful development in your own business requires not only personal aspirations and knowledge of the market, but also a certain experience of the past of other companies, which more than provide business cases. What is it?
This is a specially prepared material that describes a specific business problem. The task of the teacher in such classes is to direct students in the right direction in finding solutions. And this requires a sufficient amount of data, statistics, the participation of a successful manager in creating a case, and the availability of a suitable business situation.
Consulting and audit organizations make a significant contribution to the development of the case method. They use it not only in training but also in job interviews. This technology helps to immediately identify potential employees' ability to analyze and synthesize. Often, a corporate case competition is held as the first qualifying round. An example of this is the well-known annual championship in Russia from Microsoft.

Solution technique
A clear plan is used to find the right solution for any case. Its first point implies the formulation of the problem and concerns the teacher. In second place are case studies and topic definitions. Here it is important to schematically describe the situation with the selection of its main components. In the third stage, students must make a diagnosis, that is, find out why a person or company is in crisis, and formulate a problem. The next step is to develop solutions. Only after evaluating all the options and choosing the right one canmove on to developing an implementation strategy and presenting the findings of the analytical work.
Today, case technology is a highly demanded teaching method that has a number of advantages or opportunities. The need to introduce it into the practice of students suggests two good reasons. Firstly, students should not only receive "dry" theoretical knowledge, but also form the skills of mental activity and change thinking paradigms depending on the specific situation. Secondly, a specialist must have certain personal qualities: optimal behavior in crisis situations, be distinguished by consistency and efficiency of actions.

Development strategy
Despite the effectiveness of the case method, it can not be used in every discipline. And only where the formation of appropriate skills and personal qualities is required. From here it is possible to clearly formulate a strategy for the development of this technology. Firstly, the method should be actively used in the process of teaching those people who have chosen market professions (manager, economist, broker, image maker), where situational activity dominates. Secondly, it is very relevant in the retraining of personnel, it helps to modernize knowledge and skills. And of course, the case method should not be the only one in the arsenal of teachers, but should be combined with traditional methods (for example, lecture material).