Synonyms are words that have a similar or the same lexical meaning, but are different in spelling and sound. To understand what a synonym is, examples will help: cavalry - cavalry; big - huge, huge; to be afraid - to be afraid, to be shy; heat - heat.
Differences of synonymous words from each other

Each of the synonyms usually has a special shade of meaning that distinguishes it from the others. For example, synonyms for the word "red" are the words "scarlet", "crimson", "crimson". The word "red" means "having the color of blood." The word "scarlet" means "bright red". "Crimson" - "thick red". "Crimson" also means a deep red color, but with a slight purple or bluish tinge.
Some synonyms differ in expressive coloring, it is advisable to use them only within a certain style. For example, for the word "eyes" a synonym is "zenki", as well as "eyes". The word "eyes" is widely used both in colloquial and in book speech, has noadditional expressive coloring. The word "eyes" is used only in highly artistic texts and poetic works. It has a certain coloring of solemnity, obsolescence. The word "Zenki", denoting the eyes, on the contrary, has a tinge of rudeness, harshness, and is used in irregular speech.
Many synonyms are simultaneously distinguished by a shade of lexical meaning, fixedness in a certain style, and expressive coloring. For example, the synonyms for "complain" (to express grief, resentment; general literary) are "whining". (obtrusively, annoyingly complaining; colloquial style); "study" (engage, general literary) - "study" (study carefully, book style).
A small group of similar words has the same meaning, they do not differ from each other either in stylistic fixation or in expressive coloring. These are the so-called full synonyms, for example, "thermometer" - "thermometer", "linguistics" - "linguistics", "octopus" - "octopus". You can choose a synonym for a certain word using a special dictionary.
What is a synonym, its meaning in speech

These words help to avoid the monotony of speech, unjustified repetitions of the same words. Synonyms also help to formulate the thought more precisely, make the speech expressive, for example: "There was a barking of dogs. Usually they bark at postmen like that … Indeed, looking out the window, I saw a letter carrier."In this example, it can be seen that such a synonym-word is chosen, which helps to avoid repetition and makes the sentence more expressive.
A group of words, which consists of a number of synonyms, is called a synonymic series. One of them, which is placed first in dictionaries, is considered the main one, the main one.
Synonyms can include not only words, but also phraseological units (set phrases). In a sentence, they perform one syntactic function. You can understand what a synonym is, what a synonymic series may look like, from examples: a lot - without counting, chickens do not peck, over the edge.
The ability to use the synonymous richness of the Russian language is an important indicator of the speaker's oratorical skills.