Recently, especially from the end of the 20th century to the present day, non-traditional types of medicine have become very popular. More and more people, unable to find a cure for their diseases in conventional medicine, are turning to an alternative option for help. Moreover, alternative medicine is officially recognized by the World He alth Organization (WHO). The most famous direction today is holistic medicine, the essence of which is to consider the human body as a whole, the interaction of organs with other systems.
Accordingly, a holistic approach is a certain approach to treating a patient, in which not only the detection of the disease at the present time is important, but also all the factors and causes that have influenced the formation of the disease in one way or another.
Holistic Theory
Despite the fact that this approach is currently only gaining popularity, it was formed quite a long time ago. Word"holistic" is rooted in Greek and means "holistic" in translation. Based on this, we can say that from this point of view the whole world appears as one.

The holistic approach exists not only in medicine, it also means that each person is indivisible and is part of the Universe. Since ancient times, this statement has been of great interest to scientists, but in the middle of the 17th century, the holistic theory stopped developing due to the fact that it began to belong to philosophy and lost its practical value.
However, in the 20th century, Jan Smuts was able to formulate a holistic approach, to revive it to its former stages. Since the end of the 20th millennium, holistic medicine has begun to emerge and rapidly gain popularity.
Holistic approach in medicine
Representing the human body as a whole implies a certain approach. Holistic medicine is used by many people who have not found help from doctors. Professionals in this field say that the main aspect is proper nutrition. From the point of view of a holistic approach, proper nutrition implies not only getting the right nutrients, but also a certain amount of physical activity.

To keep the body in order, you need to eat right and combine it with exercise. If there are already problems, holistic medicine can offer classical massage, manual therapyetc.
Earlier, these methods were traditional and generally accepted. However, due to the emergence of new, more modern approaches, holistic medicine is now considered an alternative method of treatment, non-traditional.
What and how does holistic medicine treat?
The fact is that much in this direction depends on the person himself. A holistic approach to healing opens up enormous potential for better he alth for all who really want it.
However, this cannot be considered a panacea. It is necessary to consider each specific case separately, because the factors and causes of the disease are always different. The slogan of the holistic approach is the following statement: "There are no incurable diseases, there are incurable people."
This quote explains the fact that some people were able to get out of a hopeless situation, while others cannot get rid of the simplest disease. Holistic medicine has a wide range of effects on the human body as a complex system. Here, the determining factor is the desire and aspiration of the person himself.
Human he alth from a holistic approach
This approach to he alth dates back to ancient times. About 4 thousand years ago, the first mention of it pops up in China. The holistic approach is a system of medicine focused on the treatment and prevention of diseases through various herbs, diets, exercise, massage, etc. The main goal was to promote and maintain he alth. If a person fell ill, it was believed that helost harmony and discipline of spirit.

The holistic approach to he alth and now involves the acquisition of the individual's own power of self-control. He must achieve this with the help of his hidden abilities, which were laid down by Nature herself.
A person is influenced in a certain way by the environment. Even ancient scientists identified certain factors that caused some diseases: weather, water, wind, habits, climate. The holistic approach to human he alth is designed primarily not to harm the patient, but to help him gain inner self-control.
Holistic Patient
Man is the main link in this medicine. The holistic approach to the patient implies, first of all, cooperation with him. He must understand that he alth is most important, and adhere to certain rules.

These rules include maintaining a he althy lifestyle, proper nutrition, playing sports, gaining internal self-control. In the case of a disease, it is necessary to understand the cause, a holistic approach will help in this. Having considered all the possible factors that influenced the onset of the disease, it is possible to develop a treatment plan that will be most effective for a particular situation.
Holistic approach to the human body
This is a fairly new concept, and not all scientists have considered the human body from this point of view. Holistic approach is a skillfeel the body as a whole during exercise. During physical exertion on any one part of the body, a sense of integrity is lost and inconvenience appears.

If you learn to control your body, feel the load of all parts equally, you will develop a sense of calm and comfort. However, this requires a lot of work not only of the muscles, but also of the human mind.
Holistic Psychology
Psychology involves "digging" a person in himself, identifying problems and ways to solve them. The holistic approach in psychology is aimed at promoting a he althy lifestyle and preventing various diseases. According to this approach, the person himself is responsible for himself, his he alth and condition.

Holistic psychology is based on so-called cooperation. A person must be responsible for his condition. He must follow a he althy lifestyle. Responsibility will develop in a person the habit of adjusting behavior and emotions in favor of he alth promotion. In addition, this approach will help in relationships with colleagues at work and in the family.
Main destinations
Medicine is quite diverse and has many methods in its arsenal. A holistic approach is something that uses non-traditional methods to influence the body. Consider some of them:
- acupuncture, which is one of the oldest methods, is characterized by treatment withusing needles, has an effect on human organs;
- homeopathy - involves an individual approach to each patient;
- osteopathy - restoration of the motor part of the joints and spine with massage;
- phytotherapy - the use of various herbs, ointments, decoctions in the treatment of a patient.