The word "betrothed" is often found in books or magical conspiracies. The betrothed-mummer is called to appear or dream, he is called so that he can wash, comb his hair or untie his belt. So who exactly are the names of young girls in love spells, who is the betrothed - is it really a person intended by higher powers or a common misconception?
Origin of the word "betrothed"
According to one of the versions, the basis of this word is "contraction". From the Church Slavonic language it is translated as "cohabitation", "marriage" or "matrimony". "Narrowing", in turn, is a combination of the ancient prefix "su-" and the Slavic verb "to live".

Betrothed: the meaning of the word
The roots of the "betrothed" are pagan. They are inextricably linked with such a concept as "fate". In order to better understand the meaning of the word, you need to turn to mythology. Most peoples meant by fate a certainpredetermination of events occurring in a person's life, his actions. It is worth noting that this predestination was incomprehensible. In the minds of the people, the second half was something destined by higher powers. Folk literature assures: the betrothed is the person with whom marriage is destined. This word is used both in relation to the bride and in relation to the groom.
Folklore and rituals
From the depths of centuries, many sayings and proverbs about the betrothed have come down to us. The most popular one says that it cannot be bypassed by a horse. So it was customary to say that they believed that the bride and groom were destined for each other. The main idea of the proverb was that it is impossible to escape from fate.
The Egyptians and Slavs were real wizards - they own many different ways to determine who your betrothed is. This is, for example, a ritual that unmarried girls performed on Christmas Eve. According to Slavic divination, it was necessary to go out into the street at midnight, ask the first man he met for his name. It was believed that it was this name that the betrothed would bear. This divination is still relevant today. There are other ways to find out where the one who is destined by fate will come from. Even today girls throw their shoes out of the windows! By the direction in which the toe of the boot or boot is facing, they determine where the groom will appear from.

How not to miss the betrothed?
Psychologists say: the concept of "betrothed" is a serious problem of modern women. Even when they are married, theydoubt that the spouse is destined for them by fate, and continue to search. There is also a downside to this coin - often the fair sex keeps a relationship doomed to failure, forgiving the abuse.
Esotericists say - you can't get away from meeting with your betrothed and "karmic marriage", no matter how hard you try! An inexplicable attraction will surely bring together those who are destined for each other by fate. After all, even Plato wrote about androgynes. These two-sex creatures were split in two and had to search the world for the missing piece!