Division - what is it? What is cell division and number division

Division - what is it? What is cell division and number division
Division - what is it? What is cell division and number division

In this article we will get acquainted with the concept of division. This is a multi-component term that can be used in a wide variety of areas of human activity, and its consequences are observed in the nature of living organisms. Regardless of the scope of the term and / or the environment of the process, is an extremely important concept.

Cell division

Cell division is an educational phenomenon in which, through the division of one cell, two daughter structures are formed, usually identical to the material of the mother system.

the result of division is
the result of division is

Prokaryotic division involves splitting into two equal parts. This is preceded by elongation of the cell, the subsequent formation of a transverse septum, and only then the divergence.

Eukaryotic cells can divide in two ways: mitosis and meiosis. The propagation path will depend on the cell type.

Amitosis and preparation

Cell division includes the processes of amitosis and preparation.

Direct division is amitosis. They call it a direct form of division. This happens to the interphase nucleus through constriction and without creating a spindle through which the separation of cellular structures and information of the nucleus will occur. Amitosis is the most economical fission option due to its low energy requirements. Amitosis has a number of similarities with the cell reproduction of prokaryotes.

Bacteria cells most often include a DNA molecule in a circular form. It is always alone and is attached to the cell membrane. Before the start of division (reproduction), DNA begins to replicate and form 2 identical molecular structures. Further, in the course of division, the membrane ingrows between these 2 molecules. As a result, on both sides of the spindle at different ends of the cell there are 2 fragments with hereditary information that are identical to each other. This form of reproduction is called binary fission.

Division is a process preceded by preparation. It begins at a certain stage of the cell cycle, called interphase. At this stage, the most important processes take place, allowing cells to multiply. Protein biosynthesis is carried out, doubling of the most important structures. There is also a doubling of the chromosome, consisting of two halves (chromatids). The duration of interphase in organisms of animal and plant origin takes about 10-20 hours. Mitosis follows.

territorial division is
territorial division is

Mitosis and meiosis

Cell division is the way of its reproduction. There are two main pathways: mitosis andmeiosis.

Mitosis is a form of transmission of hereditary information, during which a copy of the original chromosomes is preserved. One of the few advantages of this division over meiosis is the absence of complications in a cell with any ploidy index. This is due to the absence of mandatory use of chromosomal conjugation at the prophase stage. This process includes the stages of prophase, metaphase, anaphase and telophase, between which interphase occurs. The same steps are observed in meiosis, but they occur twice with some differences.

Meiosis is a cell division during which a halving of the chromosome number is observed. This is the same for any child cell. The first to describe it in animals was W. Flemming in 1882, and plant meiosis was explained by E. Strasburger in 1888.

Meiosis is the formation of gametes. In the course of reduction, both spores and germ cell structures with a chromosome set acquire one chromosome from each chromosome, formed by two chromatids and contained in a diploid cell. Further fertilization will allow the new organism to obtain a chromosome set in a diploid form. The karyotype remains unchanged.

Administrative-territorial form of territorial division

Territorial division is a division of the territory provided for by the administrative-territorial structure of the state. Most often this applies to unitary powers. In accordance with their division into separate regions and sections, an organ system is created that is responsible for a specific territory. The separation can be caused due to natural, political, ethnic and economic factors. The administrative-territorial form of division is also used in federal states. However, unlike unitary structures, a federation has a corresponding device type (federated).

division is a product
division is a product

About ATD

The subjects of the federation are most often assigned a unitary structure of the administrative-territorial set of rules on separation. Units that are subjects of the federation most often belong to the subjects of local self-regulation and management. The list of their rights is determined and protected by a special set of laws.

Territorial division is a delimitation that may be the result of the collapse of a state with a similar form of division. The previously internal administrative border may become a new demarcation of the territory of the newly formed country. However, most often this becomes a problematic issue, which leads to the formation of interstate disputes.

direct division is
direct division is

Division in mathematics

In mathematics, division is a special operation that is the inverse of multiplication. In mathematics, it is denoted by using a colon, a slash or an obelus, as well as a horizontal dash.

This action is similar to multiplication, where it replaces repeated addition of a number. However, the result of division is the opposite action, involving repeated subtraction.

Let's get acquainted with division using an example: 15/4=?

The expression implies the question of how many times the number 4 is repeated when subtracting from 15.

Repeating the subtraction of the 4 will show us the content of three 4s and one 3. In this case, 15 is the dividend, 4 is the divisor, triple repetition of 4 is the incomplete quotient, and 3 is the remainder. The end result of divisive work is also called a ratio.

difference is division
difference is division

About numbers

Never forget that division and product are different concepts. The latter refers to multiplication. It would be nice to mention it here as people often ask questions like this.

Currently, division is used, applicable to a huge number of numbers created and conditionally divided by man. Today there is division: natural, rational, complex and integers, and this also includes the division of polynomials, by zero and algebraic.

"Difference is division." A similar statement is also often found in Internet sources, but this is not true. The difference is the number (r), indicating the total number of units that is formed when one component of the calculation is subtracted from the other: a - b \u003d c, where a is the minus, b is the subtrahend, and c is the difference. This definition is equivalent and the same for any form of numbers, such as rational fractions or integers, etc. Do not be like blondes asking the question "is the difference multiplication or division?". Difference is the opposite of multiplication.

Division by zero

cell division is
cell division is

In the standard arithmetic rule set, division by zero remains undefined.

When it comes to dividing into infinitely small functions or sequences other than zero, it can be argued that points with a divisor function in the form of zero have an indefinite quotient function. If you divide a function that is bounded and far from zero by an infinitely small one, then you can get an infinitely large one. Uncertainty is the ratio of 2 infinitesimal functions (0/0). It can be transformed to achieve certain results.
