Reading technique, Grade 1: GEF standards

Reading technique, Grade 1: GEF standards
Reading technique, Grade 1: GEF standards

The key to a child's successful education is the ability to read, which is formed virtually throughout the entire primary school, and for many this skill develops further. Some continue to train it into adulthood, which allows them to quickly read material of the same complexity and volume at different stages of their own lives.

Reading technique grade 1 standards
Reading technique grade 1 standards

Reading technique is not synonymous with the speed of perception of the text, as it is also expressed in the degree of its comprehension. It is especially important for the development of such characteristics as reading technique, grade 1. The standards are set quite forgiving as any complex skills develop over time.

What is reading technique

Reading technique grade 1 standards 2014
Reading technique grade 1 standards 2014

1 class (standards will be given in the table) is a very important period in a child's life. After all, if you do not learn to read at this age, then it will be much more difficult to do this. Many children are already going toschool, being able to read, which allows them to pass all tests with honors. Those who can't read before first grade tend to get a lower grade, so it's highly recommended to teach your child to comprehend simple texts from an early age.

Reading Technique (Grade 1): The standards that have been set by the state do not include only reading speed. It is important to understand that although only this indicator is given in the table, other criteria must be taken into account.

Reading Mindfulness

Reading technique Grade 1 GFS standards
Reading technique Grade 1 GFS standards

This parameter determines how the child perceives and remembers what he read. Reading comprehension depends not only on the ability of the child, but also on the content of the passage. It is advisable to use simple texts in which there are few long sentences to test this component of the reading technique. And let the assessment be set against the background of the rest.

Reading speed

Reading technique grade 1 standards umk school of russia
Reading technique grade 1 standards umk school of russia

This is an important parameter, which is why it is designated as the main one. The faster a person reads the material, the more free time he will have after studying and doing the necessary homework in the future. Consequently, it will be easier for him to force himself to work, since it will not be difficult for him to learn a paragraph. In fact, one property complements another, therefore, in order to effectively memorize the material, one must both be able to quickly perceive the text and understand its meaning.

Reading method

Technicsreading grade 1 Zankov standards
Technicsreading grade 1 Zankov standards

For adults, this indicator is not included in the reading technique, but for children it is very important. The fact that the child reads the material in syllables or is able to see a whole word or part of a phrase shows the degree of assimilation of the skill. Of course, adults perceive several words at the same time with the help of peripheral vision, but this skill already directly affects the previous indicator. Therefore, it characterizes not the ability to read, but only the amount of time spent on it.

Expressive reading

Reading technique Grade 1 (GEF standards) also provide for the following criterion for reading technique. It is expressed in the following terms:

  • The use of pauses that help the listener and the reader to digest everything that has been said before. When a child learns to read silently, pauses do not go away, intonation highlighting significant fragments of the text, which sets the brain for their improved perception.
  • Finding the right intonation. This task is not easy for the reason that the child needs to simultaneously cover pieces of text with his eyes, analyze their emotional richness and think about what intonation is best for them.
  • Correct placement of stress. Very often, due to the lack of this ability to listen to the text, it becomes impossible, or it begins to be misunderstood. The same, by the way, applies to pauses. That well-known phrase "execution cannot be pardoned" changes its meaning not only from the location of the comma, but also from the correctpause.

As you can see, there are many factors that affect such a parameter as reading technique.

1 class: Zankov standards

At the beginning of the first grade, no grades are given for studies. Therefore, if there is a test of a student's reading technique, it is done only to analyze progress. In the second half of the school year, the child should masterfully read small sentences in syllables, and also be able to listen. He must also demonstrate comprehension of the text: answer questions asked by teachers and briefly retell what he read.

But the last action does not always characterize the child's reading technique, since the ability to oratorical skills can be good, and small children cannot formulate thoughts the way even a poorly speaking adult does. Therefore, the ability to retell the text should be only an additional characteristic associated with such a concept as reading technique (grade 1, standards).

2014 (program) and new editions of the regulations: table

Let's consider what reading speed standards must be met to give a certain grade.

Reading technique - Grade 1, standards (EMC School of Russia)

1 quarter 2 quarter 3 quarter 4 quarter
5 Not graded 21 wpm and more 36 or more words per minute 41 or more words per minute
4 16-20 wpm 26-35 wpm 31-40wpm
3 10-15 wpm 20-25 wpm 25-30 wpm
2 9 wpm or less 19 wpm or less 24 wpm or less

How to improve your child's reading technique

Reading technique, grade 1 - norms and rules are good, but how to achieve high results? For a child who has just learned to read, it is quite difficult to become an excellent student in this aspect. For the development of technology, the child needs to perform the following exercises:

  • Daily reading aloud at home of texts of varying complexity. It can be familiar poems, and interesting new books. School reading lessons are clearly not enough to increase speed.
  • Reading backwards. This is a very useful exercise that teaches the child to combine letters into words and even read terms that he has never heard of and has no idea how they should look in the text.

Also, to improve reading efficiency, you can try to perceive the material by turning the book upside down.
