In our daily activities, we operate with a huge number of different words and concepts. This applies to absolutely everything in our life: at home, work, study, any hobbies, hobbies, etc. If you open a dictionary for the sake of experience, the Russian language will amaze you with its versatility and the presence of an uncountable number of terms. Someone has a familiar vocabulary that a person always uses. And someone is greedy, so to speak, for knowledge, and constantly strives to expand their horizons and make the information base richer.

All people are interested in different things, have interests, have their own, characteristic only for them, outlook and philosophy. There are, of course, those who are not fond of anything at all - they live as they live, and are content with what they know. But be that as it may, all this affects the perception and understanding of any information received by a person, and how he interprets this very information.

Unfortunately, not everyone knows what interpretation is. And in order to at least slightly correct this situation, this article was written.
So, let's talk about what interpretation is, whatthere are definitions of this word, and in what context it is usually used.
The word”interpretation” comes from the Latin interpretatio – explanation, clarification, interpretation. This concept received practical application in the philology of ancient times and was called the allegorical interpretation of texts. In the Middle Ages, a Christian interpretation of pagan traditions took place (by the way, it was at this time that the largest number of transcripts and interpretations of sacred texts and works of ancient Greek philosophers was given). In the Renaissance there were “lexicography”, “criticism of the text”, “grammar”. The latter included rhetoric and style. And in the era of the Reformation, there was a Protestant exegesis.
But what is interpretation nowadays? Applicable to different contexts, it has slightly different meanings. Here they are:
- In the historical and human sciences, the interpretation of various texts, which is aimed at understanding their meaning.
- In philosophy, logical semantics, mathematical logic – determination of the values of formal language expressions.
- In mathematics, building models for calculus systems.
- In hermeneutics, the activity of thinking, consisting of decoding hidden meanings and alternative levels of meaning.
- In art - individual performance of any literary or musical work, dramatic role, interpretation of the director's script.
- In literature - the disclosure of the meaning of works in special cultural and historical situations of their reading.

As you can see, the Russian language dictionary offers many definitions. And they are applicable to completely different spheres of human intellectual activity. But all of them in the broadest sense of understanding are an explanation, an interpretation, a translation into a simpler and more understandable language. That is, it is a meaning, as well as a set of meanings attached to the elements (individual or all) of a certain theory.
Having understood what interpretation is, we increase our vocabulary. And by skillfully applying this concept in practice, we can learn to look at all things from a different angle, which contributes to a much deeper understanding of the world around us and understanding the events taking place in it.