Return participle. Types of gerunds in Russian

Return participle. Types of gerunds in Russian
Return participle. Types of gerunds in Russian

The Russian language, in addition to independent and service parts of speech, is also rich in so-called special forms. These include the reflexive gerund and all types of gerunds in general. Many linguists still cannot come to a consensus about this part of speech. Some argue that this is an independent part of speech, while others argue that the role of the verb in the formation and use of the gerund is too great to talk about its independence.


First, let's remember what is a gerund? This is an independent part of speech or it is also called a special form of the verb, which means action with the main action. Answers the questions “What are you doing?”, “What are you doing?”

Similar verb forms exist in many languages, except for Russian: in Latin, French and others, they are called gerunds.

reflexive participle
reflexive participle

By origin, the participle belongs toin an unarticulated form, in other words, to a short form of the participle in the nominative case. And it arose due to the loss of the declension form of the inarticulate participle.

Dual Nature

A gerund of any kind is often confused with a verb or an adverb. And all because this part of speech has a dual nature.

Let's consider what features endowed the verb and adverb with the gerund:

Sign of the verb

Sign of adverb
Presence of species
  1. Immutability;
  2. Depends on the verb-predicate;
  3. The type of subordination is adjunction.
Perfect Imperfect
  • It has the meaning of an action that has already happened before the one indicated by the predicate;
  • Answers the question "What did you do?"
  • Suffixes: -в, - lice, -вш.

Example: overcoming, building, smiling.

  • It will have the meaning of a one-time additional action with the one indicated by the predicate;
  • Answers the question "Doing what?";
  • Suffixes: -a


Example: overcoming, building, smiling.

Transitional Intransitive

Has a dependent word in the accusative case without a preposition.

Example: Exploring the area

Does not have an accusative dependent.

Example:walking, enjoying

Returnable Irrevocable
  • The reflexive form of gerunds is formed from the reflexive verb;
  • Suffixes: - ss.

Example: bathing (from swimming), to buy (from having bought)

  • The irrevocable form of gerunds is formed from the irrevocable verb;
  • Suffixes: -i,


Example: opening (from opening), building (from building)

Syntactic role

In a sentence, it is an adverbial modifier.

Example (irrevocable gerund): Listened, without interrupting. Without thinking about anything bad, the travelers moved towards the rocks.

Example (reflexive participle): When I returned, I found only my father at home.

Spelling with "not"

In frequent cases, the participle with the particle “not” is written separately (because everyone remembers the well-known rule: “not” is written separately with verbs).

Example: not reading, not solving.

But, as you know, there are exceptions to the rule. The reflexive participle and other types of this part of speech with the particle “not” will be written together if:

  1. The gerund is formed from verbs that are not used without "not" (indignantly, underestimating, not having seen enough);
  2. The gerund is formed from verbs with the prefix "nedo-" (not enough s alt, not enough sleep).

Besides, any wordand its spelling must be looked at in context. The insidious Russian language can bring surprises, even references to the suffixes of reflexive participles and irrevocable suffixes cannot help.

return form of gerunds
return form of gerunds

Example: undereating and undereating.

Sister leaves for university without finishing breakfast. – Here the word is used in the context of “does not eat whole.”

During the war, people could live without food for months. – Here the word is used in the context of “didn’t eat enough, were almost hungry.”

Syntactic role

The reflexive gerund, as well as other types of gerunds, have the following features:

  • Adjacent to the verb-predicate, being a circumstance.
  • Do not conjugate.
  • Rarely attached to a nominal predicate that is a noun or short adjective.
  • Adjacent to the predicate, denoting an additional action that accompanies the main action expressed by the predicate;
  • It is possible to replace the conjugated form of the verb.
reflexive suffixes
reflexive suffixes

In writing, there are adverbial phrases that are separated by commas.
