There are many controversial issues in Russian grammar. Depending on the approach to the consideration of a particular problem, the views of linguists on the same phenomenon are divided. One of the questions causing debate among scientists is the question of the definition of participle.

Question about the definition of participles
For many years, in the theory of Russian linguistics, the participle was considered an independent part of speech, combining the signs of the morphology of the adjective and the verb. However, in recent decades, more and more linguists are inclined to the version that the participle cannot be considered a full-fledged part of speech due to the lack of unique partial signs.

Therefore, the participle is just a verb form with signs of an adjective. For example, cherry blossoms were fragrant. This participle sentence demonstrates the main feature of the participle - the characteristic of the subject by action. So, for the word cherry, you can ask both the question of the adjective what ?, and the question similar to the question of the verb, what is doing?
Communion Example Sentences
Examples of sentences with participles will show signs of participles as a special form of the verb and their difference from namesadjectives.
Communion | Adjective |
Blossoming (from the verb to bloom) flower pleased the eye. | A beautiful flower pleases the eye (no sign of action). |
The guys, delighted (from the verb to please) with the new game, were noisy. | Cheerful guys were noisy (no sign of action). |
The whole family was engaged in the assembled (from the verb to collect) constructor. | The whole family was engaged in the big constructor (no sign of action). |
Communion: morphological features
The participle as a form of the verb has some permanent grammatical features of the verb: tense, aspect, reflexivity, transitivity, pledge - and non-permanent features of the adjective: number, gender, case, short form option.

Sentence with participle The singing child was cheerful and bright contains two verb forms: was and singing. Singing is a participle with such features of the verb as imperfective, present tense, irrevocable, transitive, real. Features like an adjective: nominative, singular, masculine, full form.
Pledged participles
Participles are divided into two categories: active and passive. This is a constant sign of participles associated with the category of voice. The active voice (real) is inherent in participles, in the semantics of which there is an action by the subject itself: treegrown up - has grown by itself, the playing sea - plays by itself. The passive voice (passive) is found in participles that express dependence on outside influence: a tree cut down - someone cut it down, a painted sea - someone painted it.

Sentences with participles - real and passive - will illustrate the theoretical material:
- The book on the shelf attracted the eyes of visitors (actual participle). - A book bought at an auction was brought to a museum (passive participle).
- A fragrant bouquet stood in a vase (actual participle). - The collected bouquet was held in hands (passive participle).
- The building decorating the square was built ten years ago (actual participle). - The building, built ten years ago, decorated the square (passive participle).
There are 5 more participle sentences below.
- There was an awakening freshness in the field.
- The uncoupled wagon was full of grain.
- The ringing phone woke her up.
- The story told captivated the squad.
- The destructive wind came from the north.
participle turnover
Sentences with participles can be complicated by isolated definitions - participial phrases. If in a sentence the participle becomes the main one for another word, then a participial turnover appears, that is, a participle with dependent words.
Sentence with participles | Participle sentence |
Painting children are passionate. | Painting with (what?) watercolor children are passionate. |
Written novel caused controversy among readers. | Written (when?) in the 19th century, the novel caused controversy. |
The looking bear was dangerous. | Looking (how?) with malice in the eyes of the bear was dangerous. |
The presented yacht did not cause much emotion. | The yacht donated (by whom?) by the father did not cause much emotion. |
The closed store was lit up. | Closed (when?) shortly after the rally, the store was lit up. |
The table above shows 5 participle sentences and 5 participle sentences. The difference is that participles have dependent words in sentences from the second column.
Isolation of turnover
In some cases, participle turnover must be isolated. First, when the main word comes before the turnover: The apple tree planted by the grandfather still gave a great harvest. Secondly, when the main word is a personal pronoun: Alarmed by the news, he hurried to his brother. Thirdly, when the participle turnover also has the meaning of a concession, reasons: Covered in fog, the river still beckoned the fishermen. (=The river still beckoned to itself, despite the fact that it was covered in fog). Stunned, she stood motionless (=She stood motionless because she was stunned). Fourthly, when there are other members of the sentence between the participial turnover and the main word: Leaning towards the water, willows grew along the shore.
The participial turnover is notstands out when it is located before the main word, and in the cases described above. For example, the children liked the game invented by their grandfather. The people meeting the soldiers stood on the platform. The window opened by the nanny let fresh air into the room.
Communion in texts of fiction
Sentences with participles from the literature, given as examples, will help you understand the theoretical material about the separation of participial phrases.

A. S. Pushkin widely used participles in his works.
- "There was a bed covered with a flannel blanket…".
- "His dinner consisted of two or three courses prepared by a retired soldier, but the champagne flowed like a river."
- "But Dunya, accustomed to such scenes, ran out from behind the partition…".
Sentences with participles and gerunds can be found in the works of M. Yu. Lermontov.
- " To the left a deep gorge blackened; behind it and in front of us the dark blue peaks of the mountains, pitted with wrinkles, covered with layers of snow, were drawn against the pale sky, which still retained the last reflection of dawn."
- "Her owner followed her, smoking from a small Kabardian pipe, trimmed in silver."
The participles are so common in the texts of fiction due to their descriptive ability. Unlike other verb forms, the participle is more expressive. The participial turnover differs from the subordinate attributive part in ease andspecial imagery.

The participle and the personal form of the verb
Actually, the verb in linguistics is called the personal form and the infinitive. The verb represents a process, an action. It is designed to show the relation of the action to the moment of speech and to the entire speech situation: when the action takes place, by whom it is performed, how the action and the actor are connected. The participle sentence has a touch of artistry. In literature, the participle is used 60 times more often than in colloquial speech. For example, There is a bouquet on the table and it smells delicious - a sentence typical of colloquial speech. The bouquet lying on the table smells delicious - more of a book proposal. The participle, due to its similarity with the adjective, is more voluminous than the personal form of the verb. It denotes not only an action, but also a quality, a characteristic, and a state.