Generalization of pedagogical experience and its evaluation

Generalization of pedagogical experience and its evaluation
Generalization of pedagogical experience and its evaluation
generalization of pedagogical experience
generalization of pedagogical experience

Generalization of pedagogical experience requires the development of a single evaluation criterion. First of all, it is necessary to identify signs that show the level of qualification, that is, what is the overcoming of pedagogical problems and tasks by the educator. Of course, the decision of the latter is a category that is less extended in time, capable of bringing quick and often momentary victories. It is much more important and much more difficult to state the overcoming of pedagogical problems, such as: the education of cognitive needs and the formation of motivation for cognition.

Summary of best pedagogical experience: signs

Quantitative and qualitative indicators of the educational process:

  1. Social adaptation, education - complete and solid knowledge, their generalization, the availability of skills and abilities to apply in new conditions.
  2. Curiosity, cognitive activity, the desire for independence in learning.
  3. Good manners.
  4. Optimality and duration of pedagogical experience.
  5. Opportunityuse of experience by colleagues.
  6. Promising and scientific validity.

Generalization of pedagogical experience - search for the criterion of truth

The result of practice either confirms or refutes methodological innovations, where creative search is cultivated on a traditional basis. Innovation is not a guarantee of excellence. The mass application of certain methods is also not a very reliable indicator: too often pseudo-pedagogical methods are presented as advanced.

Generalization of pedagogical experience requires the educator:

generalization of the pedagogical experience of the educator
generalization of the pedagogical experience of the educator

1. Constantly monitor the scientific and methodological literature and compile a bibliography on the main issues.

2. Accumulate materials on work experience: notes, plans, didactic manuals, own observations of the development of pupils.

3. Take into account the successes and failures of those working on the topic, the appropriateness when choosing a topic.

4. The generalization of the pedagogical experience of the educator requires the definition of the form: this is an article, a report or systematized methodological materials.

5. Building a basis for conclusions and practical evaluation of experience. Selection of applications: maps, diagrams, tables, etc.

Generalization of pedagogical experience requires the commission:

1. Studying the activities of the educator, observing his work, attending classes, recreational activities.

2. Analysis of the quality of pupils' knowledge, general development, level of education.

3. Compliance of the generalized experience with the evaluation criteria.

generalization of advanced pedagogical experience
generalization of advanced pedagogical experience

4. Discussion of experience at the pedagogical council, at a meeting of the methodological association, making a decision.

5. Generalization of pedagogical experience and dissemination of it through open classes, seminars, meetings, organization of visual aids for the transfer of experience to colleagues.

6. Design of materials for the methodical office.

7. Documentation: pedagogical description of the educator, last name, first name, patronymic, education (what, where, when), pedagogy, awards, personality traits, briefly about pedagogical successes, the public face of the specialist, recommendations for disseminating experience. Abstracts and lesson plans, photographs, analysis (extracts from the notebook of visits), a self-education plan, a report on a methodological topic.
