Each part of speech in Russian is unique in its own way: some words are declined, others are conjugated. But there are also those who do not want to change in any way, preferring to be unchanged. It is to these parts of speech that the adverb belongs, which tries not to lose its originality in writing: the adverb is written with a hyphen, together and separately. What is an adverb from the point of view of the science of language?

Adverb as part of speech
Any part of speech can be characterized in terms of grammar, morphology and syntax.
- The grammatical meaning of the adverb. Being an independent part of speech, the adverb denotes either a sign of action if it refers to the verb (talk loudly, do well, move slowly), or a sign of another sign, if the adverb is associated with an adjective, as well as with another adverb (too serious, very fast, quite dark). We ask questions to this part of speech depending on which category the adverb belongs to in terms of meaning.
- Morphological features of the adverb. As mentioned above, the adverb never changes, it has no gender, number, case, it does not decline or conjugate.
- The syntactic role of the adverb. In a sentence, an adverb is most often a circumstance. Tatyana answered questions (how?) loudly and confidently. Loudly and confidently - adverbs that are adverbs in this sentence.
Ranks of adverbs by value
Adverbs can indicate:
- on the way of action, then they answer the question: how? how? - loudly, in a whisper, close, friendly;
- measure and degree: to what extent? how much? - a little, very, too much, absolutely;
- to the place: from where? where? where? - from afar, back, ahead, above;
- on time: how long? since when? How long? when? - late, always, in spring, already;
- on the reason: why? from what? for what reason? - blindly, involuntarily;
- on target: for what? why? - in spite, intentionally, on purpose.

Basic ways of forming adverbs
Most often, adverbs are formed in a suffixal or prefix-suffixal way:
- from full or short adjectives: long - debt o, good - good o, new - from new, dry - to dry;
- from nouns with the help of prefixes: for a century, in depth (in addition, some nouns with prepositions have the meaning of adverbs: with a run, in addition, tirelessly);
- adverbs are obtained fromnumerals and pronouns: in two, in two, secondly, according to that, according to it (with the help of prefixes, adverbs are formed from other adverbs: impossible - to impossible, outside - outside).
Hyphen in adverbs
As you can see from the examples, adverbs are written together, separately, through a hyphen. Let's take a closer look at the hyphenated spelling of this part of speech.
So, when is a hyphen written in adverbs? Firstly, if the adverb is formed from possessive pronouns and adjectives by simultaneously adding a prefix in - and suffixes -om, -him, -and. For example, do it your way, in your own way, your way, live in a new way, dressed like summer, act in a friendly, comradely way, whistle like a robber.
Read in Russian, French, Turkish, Bulgarian - by analogy with these adverbs, a word in Latin is also written with a hyphen: speak Latin. Sometimes the adverb is formed from a complex adjective that has a hyphenated spelling: Orekhovo-Zuevsky, non-commissioned officer. In the adverb thus obtained, the hyphen is written only after the prefix: in Orekhovozuevsky, in non-commissioned officers.
Secondly, a hyphen will be written in adverbs formed from numerals with the prefix v- (in-) and the suffix -them (s): the first - first, the seventh - seventh, the third - in -third. Hyphens are also connected with words such as thirty-fifths, one hundred-twenty-eighths.

Thirdly, a hyphen is put between parts in adverbs that have a prefix something and suffixes -either, -anything, -something, -somehow, some-one, some-where, somewhere-or, someday, somewhere, well, after all.
Fourthly, an adverb can be formed by repeating the same word or the same root, as well as synonymous words associated associatively. In such cases, a hyphen is written between adverbs: quietly, a little bit, little by little, crosswise, not today or tomorrow, unexpectedly, at the very least, better or better.
Give it to the mountain - this technical term has historically been hyphenated: to the mountain.
When is a hyphen not written in adverbs?
Adverbs are written together because, therefore, therefore, why, since they are not formed from possessive pronouns and adverbs that have the prefix po- and suffixes -o, y: second - every second, minute - every minute, small - little by little, long - long.

Adverbs formed from repeated nouns are written separately if there is a pretext between them: honor by honor, eye to eye, side by side, one on one. The exception is the word exactly the same.
The adverbs obtained from nouns by repetition will be written separately if there is no preposition between them, and the second word is in the instrumental case: an eccentric by an eccentric, honor by honor, a fool by a fool.
A combination formed by single-root words, one of which is a verb, and the other is an adverb for -my, is also written separately: roaring roar, pouring rain.
If you have any doubts about writing adverbs, then a spelling dictionary will come to your aid.
Homonymous combinations
In some cases, in order toto write an adverb, one must be able to distinguish it from homonymous combinations of prepositions with adjectives and pronouns, which are always written separately. You can distinguish between an adverb and homonymous forms using a question.
- It's nice to go skiing through_ the winter forest. What forest? winter - we have an adjective with a preposition, we write it separately.
- You are dressed in winter today. How did you dress? how? in winter - this is an adverb that has a prefix in - and a suffix -it, which means we write a hyphen in this adverb.
If you still have doubts, you can use one more trick: the adjective and pronoun can be removed from the sentence without violating its meaning, but this cannot be done with the adverb.

- We drove down the old road (We drove down the road). The old word can be removed - we have an adjective with a preposition.
- Everything is the same with us. It is impossible to remove it from the sentence in the old way - we have an adverb formed by the prefix-suffix method, which means that the word is written in the old way with a hyphen.
The role of adverbs in the Russian language is great: they give our speech concreteness and figurativeness. The spelling of many of them does not obey logic, so learning adverbs is a great exercise for developing memory, especially spelling.