Gryaznova Alla Georgievna is a real legend! She is the current President of the Financial Academy of the Russian Federation, First Vice-President of the Guild of Financiers, Deputy Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission, Chairman of the Public Council of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science, member of the International Tax Association, co-chairman of the Audit Chamber of Russia, Honorary Professor of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation and the International Business School. This is not a complete list of all the positions held by this great woman. Learn more about her biography, personal life and development as a researcher and administrator in this article.

Gryaznova Alla Georgievna: biography
Alla Georgievna was born in Moscow (1937) in a family of ordinary workers. At thatAt the time, my mother worked as an accountant, and my father worked as a driver. The birth of a daughter was a happy event in the family. Despite the fact that the family lived quite modestly, and even in a small communal apartment, the parents managed to create comfort in it and ensure a happy childhood for their children. After the eldest Alla, three more children appeared in the family (one girl and two boys).

Alla Georgievna's childhood passed during the difficult war years. Father went to the front, and mother, left with small children and a sick mother, was not only able to educate children, instill in them a love for life and people, but also showed by her own example that one should always act in good conscience and help in everything. Together with her daughter, she cooked and sent parcels to the front with her own knitted socks and mittens. Moreover, such parcels were always accompanied by small letters, just a few lines, with kind words of support and gratitude to the soldiers who are now fighting for their lives on the battlefield. Five-year-old Alla always helped her mother and diligently drew letters herself.
School years and studies
School years were the most colorful and beautiful. With what trepidation and gratitude, Alla Georgievna Gryaznova remembers her first teacher, joining the ranks of the pioneers and the Octobrists. She was already a leader and a very active person from school, she was engaged in amateur performances, an art studio and a ballet school.

Unfortunately, this period of the life of the young Alla Georgievna was overshadowed by a serious illness of her mother. The girl helped around the house and with the upbringing of her younger brothers and sisters, she was forced to leave school after the end of the seventh grade and go to study at a technical school. The family felt that Alla should master the profession as early as possible and be able to help put younger children on their feet.
The technical school was chosen not based on the speci alty, but the one that was closest to my father's work (literally opposite it). It was a financial college. I had to study in the evenings, since the technical school did not have its own building at that time, and classes were held in the premises of the existing school, therefore, after the end of the main educational process. But for the family of Alla Georgievna it was even at hand. The girl could help around the house and was always next to her seriously ill mother (while her father was working), and when he came, the girl traveled to school on her own by metro.
Student years
Gryaznova Alla Georgievna calls the next period of her life unforgettable and very successful: student years, excellent teachers, interesting science, active life position, social activities and much more. After graduating (with honors) and acquiring a prestigious economics degree, new opportunities opened up for her. Alla successfully passed the exams and entered graduate school, and scientific life began. The changes concerned not only the professional sphere, but also the personal one. During this period, Alla Gryaznova meets and falls in love with her future husband. She's ahead of scheduleShe graduated from graduate school, a month later her wedding took place, and a year later (in September 1965) a son was born in a young family.
Moving to a new apartment, household chores, intense scientific activities, workdays - all this took a lot of time, therefore, as Alla Georgievna Gryaznova says, the son spent most of his childhood with her parents. Even when the boy was seven years old and had to go to school, grandparents were ready to completely replace his parents so that only their daughter could take advantage of the offer of a scientific internship in the United States of America. But fate intervened.
Work and scientific activity
The Moscow Financial Institute has become for Alla Georgievna not only her native alma mater, but also her second home. Here she met many wonderful people, great scientists and humble workers.

The one who most influenced the fate of the future scientist and leader A. G. Gryaznova was an amazing woman, an excellent teacher and a wise leader M. S. Atlas. Mariam Semyonovna became not only the most beloved teacher, but also a teacher in life. In addition, she was also a supervisor when writing Alla Georgievna's Ph. D. thesis and a scientific consultant in the preparation of her doctoral thesis, which she completed and successfully defended in 1975. Moreover, to head the department, which was headed by M. S. Atlas is almost 30 years old, she entrusted it to her. Thus, Gryaznova herself became the successor to the scientific views and teaching methods of Professor AtlasAlla Georgievna. The family always supported her and helped her not only in word, but also in deed, and, as A. G. herself says. Gryaznova, this is what made it possible for her to achieve everything that she now has.
Rector's position
Climbing the career ladder was quite fast and fast. Soon Alla Georgievna was appointed to the senior post of vice-rector for scientific work and international relations. And when the current rector (Shcherbakov Vladimir Vasilyevich) struggled with a long illness, she had to fulfill his duties for almost two years. Tired of social activities, the burden of responsibility and all administrative work, Alla Georgievna still managed to find the strength in herself to not only courageously survive the death of her leader, but also become a worthy follower of him. Thus, on June 26, 1985, it was Gryaznova Alla Georgievna who became the rector. During the period of her leadership, the Financial Academy has become an advanced educational institution, a large-scale innovation center that produces qualified personnel and talented scientists not only for Russia, but also for other countries.

The position of the rector, scientific and teaching activities require time, effort and desire. All this gives her a reliable rear in the form of a family. As Alla Georgievna Gryaznova herself says, her personal life has turned out to be happy, because when she wakes up in the morning, she wants to go to work, and in the evening with no less desire to return home!
Today, free time is sorely lacking, but she alwaysfinds a moment to spend time with her charming granddaughters, and she has two of them - Mashenka and Nadya. Next to them, the grandmother does not notice the fatigue and feels much younger. Together they can play tennis and read books. Babies themselves can already teach their beloved granny a lot. For example, they even have a special notebook where, together with Alla Georgievna, they write down youth words (slang), which the grandmother then learns.
“I am grateful to fate for my personal life,” says Alla Georgievna Gryaznova herself. “Children, grandchildren, husband, work is my life. They make me feel happy!” she shares.
Gryaznova Alla Georgievna at Pozner
On February 8, 2016, Alla Georgievna became the heroine of Vladimir Pozner's author's program. She shared her views on financial education in the country, paying special attention to the issues of training quality personnel. The guest proposed specific mechanisms that would help to effectively modernize the Russian economy.

The interview also touched on important historical moments. In particular, Gryaznova Alla Georgievna answered such questions: “What would Russia be like if there had been no World War I and revolution?” and "What is the role of Stalin in the history of Russia?". You can read this interview in more detail and hear all the answers to the questions asked on the air on the official website of the program.
In the life of Alla Georgievna, like most of us, there were black and whitestripes. But, thanks to her parents, their upbringing, teachers and mentors, the will of fate and luck, her own human qualities and attitude to life and people, Alla Georgievna was able to overcome all life's obstacles, get out of difficult situations with dignity and become a great role model.

It is difficult to overestimate her contribution to the modern financial world. The Fatherland deservedly appreciated all the efforts of Alla Georgievna, awarding many orders and diplomas from public organizations.