Usual checkpoint of the Rostov Helicopter Plant. Thousands of people pass through the wide automatic doors, hurrying to work or hurrying home. They run forward without noticing anything, but they always stop near the threshold and look up.
What catches the eye of these weary, hurried workers? The commemorative plaque, installed on the entrance building, is a memorial bas-relief depicting a kind and active person.
M. V. Nagibin is an honorary aircraft builder of the USSR, a wise active leader and just a good person. During his busy active life, he did a lot of good for ordinary people, and also managed to maintain a high economic level of the whole city.

Who is he - Mikhail Nagibin, whose biography and activities are of interest to many of our contemporaries? Let's take a closer look at this extraordinary, intellectually developed personality and find out how he lived, what he did and what he aspired to.
Early childhood
Mikhail Vasilievich Nagibin was born in a difficult pre-war time - in the autumn of 1935, in the Rostov region, in a simple familyDon Cossack. My father worked as an aircraft assembler at a local aircraft factory. Misha inherited his love for the sky and aircraft from him.
The city of Taganrog, in which the future aircraft industrialist was born, is located on the shores of the Sea of Azov and is included in the list of historical cities of Russia. The city is very large and beautiful, with a well-developed infrastructure. There are many industrial and public buildings in Taganrog.
The Great Patriotic War
The Great Patriotic War little Misha met in the evacuation. And although life in the resettlement was bitter and hard, it still saved the boy from terrible, monstrous memories.

During the Second World War, the city of Taganrog was under brutal fascist occupation, which lasted a little over two years. It was a terrible time for those who remained. The Germans committed savage atrocities, mocking the helpless civilian population. They exterminated all the Jews (about four thousand people), tortured little orphans from the orphanage, using their blood to transfuse their officers…
In 1943, Taganrog was liberated by Soviet troops, the air force, infantry, landing and navy took part in the operation.
Immediately after the liberation of Taganrog, the Nagibins returned to their hometown, where eight-year-old Misha went to the first grade of school number twenty-four. The secondary educational institution was converted by the Germans into a stable, so from the very beginning Nagibin studied in the building of a metallurgical plant, andin his free time, he went along with other children to restore school classrooms, destroyed and spoiled by the fascist invaders. It was then that the child fell in love with airplanes for the first time.
For the next two years, aircraft regularly flew over the city, carefully inspecting and carefully guarding the surrounding area. Little Misha just fell in love with the sonorous and drawn-out motor rumble of aircraft. It excited the imagination, enchanted and captivated.
Therefore, it is not surprising that, after graduating from the middle seven classes, young Mikhail Nagibin entered the local aviation college.
Teaching the boy was easy. From his father, he adopted not only a love for aircraft, but also perseverance, attentiveness, interest and understanding. True, the theory did not delight the young man as much as practice.
Having visited the factory, turning tools and various parts in his hands, Mikhail Nagibin devoted himself with all his heart to mastering his favorite profession.

After graduating from a technical school, he was assigned to one of the oldest aircraft factories in Russia, located in Taganrog, where his father continued to work. At the enterprise, a novice assembler-riveter (yes, that was exactly what Nagibin's first job was) quickly won the respect and trust of both colleagues and managers. In less than a couple of months, a skillful, educated boy was appointed assistant foreman in the workshop. Another promotion would soon follow, but Mikhail Nagibin was drafted into the army.
He served as an aviation mechanic of the Moscow militarycounty.
After completing military service, Mikhail, in love with airplanes, returned to his native factory, where he quickly rose to the rank of foreman. Being in this position, the young man realized that he did not know much. He wanted to acquire more knowledge and skills, to become more qualified and competent.
Therefore, Nagibin entered the Polytechnic Institute, at the correspondence department. The higher educational institution was located in Novocherkassk (Rostov region).
At the age of twenty-six, Mikhail Nagibin received a degree in mechanical engineering, with the opportunity to work in the speci alty “engineering technology”. By this time, the young specialist was already married and held a serious position as a control foreman.
Working as a controller, Mikhail Vasilyevich has established himself as a thorough and demanding professional. Before making any decision, young Nagibin spent enough time to research this issue with the help of the necessary literature, additional documents or research.
Production career
After graduating from the institute, the newly minted engineer was appointed to the position of deputy head, and a year later he was entrusted to lead the machine shop number one. At this place, Mikhail Nagibin gained universal popularity and respect.
Colleagues and subordinates, seeing his extraordinary mind, skilled skills, sincere enthusiasm and dedication to work, did not consider the young specialist an upstart or a sycophant. They highly valued Michael, gladly listened to hisadvice and gladly fulfilled his demands.

The young engineer really liked the position of shop manager. Possessing all the qualities of a talented leader and possessing the necessary store of knowledge and skills, he could be at the center of production events, use creative perception, direct the team to perform the necessary tasks and assignments.
The leadership, watching the young active Nagibin, had high hopes for him. Mikhail Vasilievich was sent to take the Higher Economic Courses held at the Rostov Regional Committee in order to improve his professional qualifications.
At the age of thirty-five, Nagibin received another serious promotion - he became the chief technologist of the airline.
Important task
The transition to a new position was marked by the introduction of a new direction at the plant. The enterprise was given a difficult, unexplored task - it was necessary to start serial construction of the Tu-142M anti-submarine aircraft, designed to detect and destroy missile-submarine cruisers or nuclear submarines.
In order to start building a new aircraft model, it was necessary to carefully study all the data on its construction, make fundamental changes to the production system of the plant, introduce the latest technical achievements and equip production with the latest technical equipment.
Mikhail Vasilyevich Nagibin coped with this difficult and important task,amazing, amazing and professional. The production of the Tu-142M was put on the conveyor in the shortest possible time, without disruptions and misfires.
Was the colossal work done by Mikhail Nagibin appreciated? The awards and prizes that this selfless person was awarded speak for themselves. He was awarded many honorary orders and medals, as well as a new and prestigious, but incredibly difficult, appointment.
The director of the plant where Mikhail Vasilyevich worked saw him as his successor and really wanted to give him the director's chair. However, the top state leadership considered it necessary to transfer Nagibin to Rostov-on-Don, where the helicopter plant was developed and improved.
With what heart did Mikhail Nagibin leave his hometown and favorite place of work? One can only imagine how difficult it was for him to leave his usual way of life, dear open spaces, dear, well-known people.
Be that as it may, in 1976 Mikhail Vasilievich moved to another city, where he took up his immediate duties as a chief engineer.
How long did Mikhail Nagibin get used to a new place? Rostov-on-Don is the largest city in the south of the Russian Federation, on the territory of which huge industrial enterprises are located. Therefore, life in such an industrial working city could not fail to appeal to an enthusiastic engineer.
A year later, he got to know everyone well and was able to move his family.

Work still tookthe main place in the life of Mikhail Vasilyevich, which did not go unnoticed in government circles.
Four years after the move, Mikhail Nagibin was appointed director of the Rostov Helicopter Plant.
Prestigious appointment
Occupying such a high and responsible post, Mikhail Vasilievich did a lot to increase the economy and production not only of this enterprise, but of the entire city. Under the strict guidance of Nagibin, the Rostov Helicopter Plant became the largest machine-building association in Russia. A complete technical re-equipment of production was carried out, specialized workshops were created for the manufacture of light industry products and consumer goods, and living and social working conditions were improved. The best heavy multi-purpose transport helicopters Mi-24 and Mi-26 in the Union were put into mass production, for which the air director received the Order of Lenin and other honorary titles.

While in his position, Mikhail Nagibin was an extremely honest and respectful person. His subordinates do not remember the case when the leader was rude or insulted them. He was famous for his great capacity for work, punctuality, fairness and scrupulousness.
During perestroika, when many enterprises were pulled apart and closed, Mikhail Vasilievich managed to keep the enterprise entrusted to him. When a difficult economic time came in production, he found an additional source of financing for his complex - he built a huge tradingexhibition center, the profit from which was used to preserve the personnel and scientific and technical equipment of the plant.
Workers received a decent salary on time, and this despite the general economic crisis in the state. Nagibin, feeling responsible for the fate of his workers, did everything to improve their financial and social status.
Mikhail Vasilievich made an important contribution to the social life of the city even when he equipped a power plant for a residential village, reconstructed he alth-improving complexes for children and adults, repaired the school and equipped it with computers…
Not to list all the good deeds that General Director Nagibin did for the benefit of his city and his plant. Therefore, it is not surprising that Mikhail Vasilyevich is remembered warmly and with gratitude in Rostov.

A memorial plaque was installed to him (the checkpoint of the Rostvertol plant). One of the schools was named after him. And Oktyabrya Avenue was renamed into Mikhail Nagibin Avenue. Rostov-on-Don is proud and honors its labor hero.
Mikhail Vasilyevich Nagibin died of cardiac arrest on March 31, 2000, after a busy day of work, responsible meetings, business meetings and a press conference. For a long time he worked without breaks and days off, giving himself to his beloved work and beloved city.