A person habitually calls the surrounding space nature or habitat. Most of us received fundamental knowledge about this concept in school lessons: natural history (grade 3), geography and biology (4), anatomy and chemistry (6). But few understand how these sciences are combined, except that they all belong to the field of natural science. To summarize all human knowledge about the surrounding world, one capacious name has been created - the biosphere. Despite many years of research and careful study, the planet Earth still gives scientists reason to think about the processes taking place on it.
What is called the biosphere? There are quite a lot of interpretations of this term in the literature, and all of them differ in content, but are almost identical in meaning. Most often, the biosphere is called the global ecosystem of the planet, in which man is included as one of the few species. If we translate the name "biosphere" literally from the ancient Greek language, then it has two roots. "Sphere" means "region, sphere, ball", and the root "bios" is translated as "life". It turns out a rather capacious and precise name, which, in fact, defines a complex and multifaceted science. VI Vernadsky gives an extended answer to the question of what is called the biosphere. He defines this concept as a complex of scientific knowledge about the Earth, which includes geography, geochemistry, biology, geology. The biosphere is a collection of shells of the earth, which are combined according to the principle of the presence of living beings and their habitat. All spheres are different in composition, functions and properties, but each of them plays a significant role in the existence and evolution of the world around us.

Teaching about the biosphere
The philosopher, scientist, geologist and biochemist V. I. Vernadsky created an integral system of knowledge. Until the beginning of the 20th century, there was a lot of research work on the study of the Earth and the processes occurring on it, but the great Russian scientist managed to deepen and generalize this material. At the beginning of the 19th century, the French naturalist Lamarck defined the initial concept of the future science, but did not give it a name. The Austrian paleontologist and geologist Eduard Suess coined the term "biosphere" in 1875, which is still used today. He will define this science as knowledge about all life on our planet. Only after 50 years Vernadsky will prove the relationship between living organisms and inorganic substances, their circulation. What is calledbiosphere at the present stage? This is one of the shells of the planet, in which natural elements of various origins interact, it is their combination that creates a unique, balanced system.

The outer air shell of the planet Earth. Most of its mass is concentrated at the very surface, and in height it extends for three thousand kilometers. The atmosphere is the lightest of all shells, it does not leave the surface only due to the planet's gravity, but with increasing height, its layers are gradually discharged. The ozone layer provides protection against radioactive solar exposure by reducing the level of ultraviolet that hits the earth. The composition of the atmosphere includes gases: carbon dioxide, nitrogen, oxygen, argon, which ensure the existence of living organisms.
The Earth's biosphere includes part of the planet's water shell. Its composition varies according to the state of aggregation of the substance. The hydrosphere unites all the water resources on the planet, which can be in liquid, gaseous and solid form. The surface layers of the World Ocean serve to redistribute the heat coming from the Sun through the atmosphere. Water is of particular importance in the process of the circulation of substances in nature, as it is the most mobile fraction. The organisms of the biosphere have fully mastered the water element, they can be found in the deepest bottom basins of the World Ocean and in the Arctic glaciers. The chemical composition of the hydrosphere includes the following main elements: magnesium, sodium, chlorine,sulfur, carbon, calcium, etc.

In our solar system, not all planets have a solid shell, the Earth in this case is an exception. The lithosphere is a huge mass of rock (hard) rocks that make up part of the land and serve as the bed of the oceans. The thickness of this shell of the Earth is from 70 to 250 kilometers, its composition is the most diverse in terms of the number of chemical elements (silicon, aluminum, iron, oxygen, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc.), which are necessary for the existence of all living organisms. This geosphere is characterized by the smallest width of the life distribution layer. The most developed is the upper layer of the lithosphere, which is several meters. As the depth increases, the temperature and density of the hard shell increase, which, along with the absence of light, make it impossible for living organisms to exist.
This geosphere unites all the shells of the Earth (hydrosphere, atmosphere and lithosphere) by the presence of living matter in them. It is difficult to overestimate the role of the biosphere for all mankind, it is the environment and the source of origin. This is a complex system of interrelations that determine the possibility of the existence of any organism due to the exchange of matter and energy. More than 40 chemical elements are involved in the process of circulation, which constantly occurs between organic and inorganic compounds. The main source of energy is the Sun. The earth is located at the optimal distance from the star and is equipped with a protectiveatmosphere barrier. Therefore, along with living matter, solar energy is the most important biochemical factor in the existence of the biosphere. Due to the influence of a number of factors, the ongoing processes have a complete cyclical form, they ensure the circulation of matter between the atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and living organisms.

Boundaries of the biosphere
When analyzing the length of the shell of the biosphere, one can see its uneven distribution. The lower boundary is located in the layers of the lithosphere; it does not fall below 4 km. The upper layer of the earth's crust - the soil - is the most saturated layer of the biosphere in terms of the density of the content of living matter. The hydrosphere, which includes the expanses of the World Ocean, rivers, lakes, swamps, glaciers, is completely part of the "living shell". The highest concentrations of organisms are observed in the surface and coastal layers of water bodies, but life also exists in deep-sea basins, at a maximum depth of more than 11 km, and in bottom sediments. The upper boundary of the biosphere is located at a distance of 20 km from the surface. The atmosphere limits the "living layer" to an ozone shield, above which organisms will be destroyed by shortwave ultraviolet radiation. Thus, the maximum concentration of living matter is located at the boundaries of the lithosphere and atmosphere.
The doctrine of the biosphere was created by VI Vernadsky, he also determined the key role of organisms in the formation and functioning of the "living shell" of the Earth. Previously, other scientists came to similar conclusions, but Russianthe naturalist was able to prove the need for the presence in the structure of inorganic compounds, which also participate in the general cycle. In his opinion, the biosphere has the following composition:
- Living organisms (biological mass, totality of all species).
- Biogenic substance (created during the life of living organisms, is a product of their processing).
- Inert matter (inorganic compounds that are created without the participation of living organisms).
- Bio-inert substance (formed jointly by living organisms and inert matter).
- A substance of cosmic origin.
- Scattered atoms.

History of occurrence
Billions of years ago, the solid shell of the Earth, the lithosphere, was formed. The next stage in the formation of what is called the biosphere occurred due to geological processes that moved tectonic plates, caused volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc. After the formation of stable geological forms, it was the turn of the emergence of living organisms. They got the opportunity to develop due to the active emissions of various biochemical elements that occurred during the formation of the lithosphere. Living matter has been creating conditions acceptable for life for several million years. Due to its phased evolution, the gas composition of the atmosphere was formed. The constant interaction of organic and inorganic compounds under the influence of the energy of the Sun made it possible for living matter to spread throughout the planet andsignificantly change her appearance.
The first living organisms on Earth appeared in the hydrosphere, their gradual exit to land lasted for quite a long period. The development of another shell of the biosphere - the lithosphere, caused the formation of the ozone layer. Due to the process of photosynthesis, a huge biological mass absorbed carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and released oxygen. In this case, living matter uses an almost inexhaustible source of energy - the Sun. Aerobic organisms, which lacked organic matter in the thickness of the hydrosphere, came to the surface of the land and significantly accelerated the process of evolution due to the energy cycle. At present, the "living shell" of the Earth is in a state of stable equilibrium, but humanity is exerting an increasing negative influence on it. A new sphere of the earth is being created - the noosphere, it implies a more harmonious assistance of man and nature, but this is a separate and very interesting topic for study. The biosphere continues to function, despite a significant decrease in biomass, the "living shell" seeks to compensate for the damage caused by human activities. As history shows, this process can take a significant amount of time.

Biochemical functions
The main component in the structure of the biosphere is biomass. It performs all the biochemical functions of the "living shell", maintains its composition in a state of equilibrium, and ensures the process of circulation of substances and energy. The gas function maintains the optimal composition of the atmosphere. She isIt is carried out by photosynthesis of plants, which release oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide. Living organisms emit CO2 during exhalation and decomposition. Gas exchange occurs constantly, inorganic compounds take part in it during the passage of chemical reactions. The energy function consists in the assimilation and transformation of the biomass (plant) of an external source - sunlight. The concentration function ensures the accumulation of nutrients. All organisms in the process of life accumulate the necessary level of content of biochemical elements, which after their death returns to the biosphere in the form of organic and inorganic compounds. The redox function is a biochemical reaction. It occurs during the life of a living organism and is a necessary link in the circulation of substances.
All living organisms are unevenly distributed over the earth's spheres. The highest concentration of biomass is observed at the junctions of the planet's geospheres. This happens due to the formation of optimal living conditions (temperature, humidity, pressure, the presence of biochemical compounds). The composition of biomass is also not of the same type. On land, plants have the advantage; in the hydrosphere, animals form the basis of living matter. The density of biomass depends on the geographical location, the depth of habitation in the lithosphere and the height in the atmosphere. The number of plant and animal species is very large, but the habitat of all organisms is the biosphere. Biology, as a separate science, is largelyexplains all the processes that take place in it. This is the origin, reproduction, migration of all types of biomass.
Features of the biosphere

The significance and scale of the "living shell" of the Earth will ensure its constant study by new generations of natural scientists. The system is unique in its integrity, dynamic development, balance. As its main and most surprising feature, one can single out resilience and ability to recover. The number of catastrophes during the existence of the biosphere as a living film of the planet is enormous. They led to the extinction of most of the biomass, significantly changed the appearance of the planet, corrected the processes occurring on its surface and in the core. But after each blow, the biosphere was restored in an altered form, adapting to the negative influence or suppressing it. That is why the earth's biosphere is a living organism that can independently regulate all processes occurring in nature.
Prospects for development
Every modern child in elementary school studies such a subject as natural history (Grade 3). At these lessons, a little person is explained what the world around is and according to what rules it exists. Perhaps it is worth changing the program a little and teaching children to respect and love nature, then humanity will be able to create a new geosphere. All the knowledge accumulated over the centuries about the biosphere must be applied for its further development, which will imply the union of nature and man. Before it's too late to fix what's been doneharm to the environment, people should think about the fact that the "living shell" of the Earth can recover on its own, but at the same time it can eliminate an object that causes permanent damage to its integrity and harmony.