Which words end in -ing. Ending in English: rules and examples of use

Which words end in -ing. Ending in English: rules and examples of use
Which words end in -ing. Ending in English: rules and examples of use

There are many cases where you want to convert a word by adding -ing at the end. The ending in English does not carry such a strong semantic load as in Russian. Since English belongs to analytical languages, grammatical relationships are expressed using various functional words, unlike Russian, which belongs to the category of synthetic languages. In the latter, grammatical functions are more clearly expressed using various morphemes: prefixes, endings, suffixes.

The "ing" ending is most often used when using impersonal verb forms (gerund, present participles, infinitive) and when forming long tenses. However, verbs with the ending -ing in English are not an isolated case of such word formation. There are also verbal nouns, as well as adjectives with this ending.

Group of Continuous and Perfect Continuous

When forming long tenses, the auxiliary verb to be is used in combination with the participle of the verb that conveys the essence of the statement. The participle form in this case is in the present tense.

  • I am watering thecamomiles in my garden. - I water the daisies in my garden (Present Contiuous).
  • I had been watering the camomiles for twenty minutes when suddenly it began to rain. - I was watering the daisies for 20 minutes when it suddenly started raining (Past Perfect Continuous).
ing ending in English
ing ending in English

Using a verb with the ending -ing in combination with an infinitive: examples

The infinitive is an impersonal verb form that only indicates an action in progress. In this case, the person, number and pledge are not indicated. It is translated into Russian in an indefinite form (that is, a verb that answers the question: "What to do?"). The infinitive is formed in English by adding the particle to before the verb.

There is such a thing as Continuous Infinitive. There is no analogue of this form in Russian. It is translated mainly by the verb in the personal form. It is formed by means of the infinitive of the verb to be + the semantic verb ending in -ing. (the ending in English is added according to the rules listed in the special section of this article).

  • She was so happy to be playing the grand piano. - She was so happy to play the piano.
  • The water for our tea seems to be boiling. - The water for our tea seems to be boiling.
  • They are sorry to have been coming so late. - They're sorry they were so late.

Present Patriciple

The participle is one of the impersonal verb forms of the English language. The analogues of this concept in Russian are participle and participle. ATIn a sentence, the Present Participle most often performs the function of a circumstance.

  • The talking girl is my friend's sister. - The girl who is talking now (talking girl) is my friend's sister.
  • He must be listening to you. - He's probably listening to you.
  • Having visited my sister, I went home. - After visiting my sister, I went home.
  • Standing near the lake, she admired the picturesque landscape. - Standing by the lake, she admired the scenic view.
ing ending in English rules
ing ending in English rules

Using the gerund

The Gerund is one of the impersonal verb forms. Combines the characteristics of a noun and a verb. Gerund, like a noun, can act as both the subject and secondary members of the sentence: the addition, the nominal part of the predicate.

There are a number of words that require the use of a gerund after them. Verbs that require the gerund:

  • admit - admit;

    She admitted being dishonest. - She admitted to being dishonest.

  • accuse of - accuse;

    They accused her of cheating. - They accused her of cheating.

  • be fond of - love;

    My mother fond of knitting. - My mom loves to knit.

  • be proud of - be proud;

    She was proud of being the best student. - She was proud to be the top student.

  • be interested in - to be interested in;

    I am interested in being here. - I'm interested in being here.

  • be engaged in -

    She was engaged in cooking. - She was busy preparing dinner.

  • complete - finish;

    He will complete teaching soon. - Soon he will stop teaching.

  • mind - object;

    I don't mind waiting there. - I don't mind waiting there.

  • practice - practice, practice;

    I practice playing the piano every day. - I practice piano every day.

  • recommend;

    They recommended buying the purple dress. - They recommended buying a purple dress.

  • recall - to remember;

    I recall visiting the great place - paradise of the Pacific. - I remember visiting a beautiful place - a piece of paradise in the Pacific Ocean.

verbs ending in ing in English
verbs ending in ing in English

Other uses of the "ing ending"

Ing-ending in English is found not only in verbs, but also in adjectives:

  • The end of that book was surprising. - The ending of the book was unexpected.
  • The film was interesting. - The movie was interesting.

Rules for adding endings

There are a number of patterns to consider when adding the -ing ending in English.

Rules for adding "ing" endings:

  • the last letter of a monosyllabic word is doubled:

    sit - sitting, stop - stopping;

  • silent vowel -e at the end of the word is removed and replaced with the ending -ing:

    change - changing, make - making;

  • combination of vowels -ie at the endis replaced by -y, then the ending is simply added:

    tie - tying, lie - lying;

  • in other cases -ing is added without any transformations of the main word:

    start - starting, read - reading, play - playing.

To better master this topic, it is important to spend some time practicing and working out sentences that will include words ending in ing. "Ending in English" is a rather simple topic.
