Education in the 17th century in Russia: briefly about the main aspects

Education in the 17th century in Russia: briefly about the main aspects
Education in the 17th century in Russia: briefly about the main aspects

Education in the 17th century in Russia has undergone major changes. Transformations took place both in the education system, and in the life of ordinary people and literature, painting. If before this knowledge had the opportunity to receive mainly the children of noble people from individual tutors, now education is given in educational institutions. Education becomes available to everyone, regardless of class.

Creation of private schools in Russia


In the modern view, the created institutions could not be fully called a school. Education in the 17th century in Russia can be briefly described as primary. In addition, spiritual people with their own rules worked as teachers. For their work, they were rewarded with food.

Some "alphabets" are interesting to study. These are preserved handwritten and printed books to be read by children who already have basic reading skills.

Besidestexts for reading directly, recommendations for the teacher were given in the alphabet books - how to teach reading, rules of conduct at school, church and even at home.

Education in the 17th century in Russia did not imply permanent residence of children at school. The students, as now, went to classes in the morning and returned home in the afternoon. Knowledge was available to everyone, without exception, the rich, the poor, and the poor.


Printed manuals are a good aid for learning

The emergence of printed books had the best effect on education in the 17th century. The prefects at the school handed out books to students at every lesson.

In Moscow they began to print primers that even the poorest segments of the population could buy. Such books, costing only 1 kopeck, were very popular.

It is noteworthy that the alphabet, written by deacon V. Burtsev, was sold out within one day in the amount of 2400 pieces.

A little later, the alphabet with pictures published by Karion Istomin appears. This book is built on a principle familiar to all of us. Each letter corresponds to a picture whose name begins with this sound.


Schools instead of individual tutors

In the middle of the 17th century, 30 monks-scientists were invited from Kyiv. They were supposed to open an educational institution at the Andreevsky Monastery in Moscow. The school began to teach philosophy, rhetoric, Greek and Latin for young nobles.

But still, many noble people were distrustful ofsuch an education system. They believed that such a technique leads to heresy and avoidance of God.

But, despite sidelong glances, schools at monasteries began to appear everywhere. Ivan Fomin, a priest of the Vvedenskaya Church, opened the school at his own expense. Semyon Polotsky headed the school at the Zaikonospassky Monastery.

In the newly opened educational institutions, in addition to Russian grammar, they taught Latin and Greek.

The prefects were always elected in the classes. They had a lot of weight in the team and could even replace the teacher. Their main duty was to distribute books, appoint attendants and control discipline.

For those educated in the 17th century, strict discipline was at the heart of their education. Particularly appreciated and required careful attitude to the book and in general to all property in the school.

In addition to the mandatory observance of order and perfect cleanliness, it was forbidden to slander a friend and call them offensive words. So a kind of corporate solidarity was born.


Teaching methods in the 17th century

If we consider education in the 17th century, its unified methodology completely coincides with the norms in force in schools in Western Europe and Greece. The main subjects were writing, reading, counting, and singing.

In addition to secular education, lessons on the basics of religion were obligatory. In addition, basic knowledge in the field of free sciences was given. These included: grammar, astronomy, music, dialectics, rhetoric, arithmetic.

The alphabet books contained various verses that children learned and recited by heart. Also, students were taught the basics of versification, taught to write letters to high-ranking officials.

The rules written in the alphabet books were followed in all schools, so it can be said with confidence that education in the 17th century is a single teaching method, which later formed the basis of all education.

Nuances of education in Russia in the 17th century

Despite the development of science, school began and ended with the word of God. Yes, this is understandable, because the teachers were clerics.

But it was the priests who spread the idea of general education, universal literacy. It was believed that people needed knowledge to understand the significance of faith and concepts of morality. It is necessary to be able to read mainly in order to independently study the Holy Scripture and understand the whole secret meaning of what is written.

The main goal pursued by education in the 17th century in Russia was to educate a moral person who knows the basics of Christianity and has the skills to read and write.


Interesting to study the work of ancient thinkers. Many works were translated into Russian, and their own opinion was formed about them. So, the ideas of Aristotle, the "Dialectics" of Damascus were studied in schools. Various notes were often put on the margins, which is proved by a careful study of the books of philosophers.

The new level of education gave impetus to the development of art

With the widespread teaching of literacy, more and more new genres began to appearin literature. Poetry and stylistic stories were especially developed. They wrote many plays that were staged in the court theater.

Painting has also changed. There was such a genre as a secular portrait, completely similar to the original. The most famous artist at that time was Ushakov, who painted many famous people of that time.

With the development of mathematics, physics and chemistry, new technologies in weapons craft appeared, and the knowledge gained contributed to the spread of expeditions. As a result, more and more territories of vast Russia were being explored.

In general, education in the 17th century in Russia satisfied the interests primarily of the church and the state itself. Until the middle of the 18th century, students received knowledge according to approved methods. But in the end, the conditions of historical development required further modifications.
